Chapter 335

Chen Er never expected that he could hear the names of two members of the Shui clan in one day.

Moreover, the point is that Chen Er actually knows one of these two names... To be precise, Chen Er should have seen this name in the family tree of the Shui family.

That was when he was still in Qinghua, Chen Er specially read the family tree of the Shui family, he only read it once, and wrote down all the names on the family tree.

The name Shui Jikun was very familiar, and Chen Er was very sure that he had seen this name in the Shui family tree.

If you want to speak strictly in terms of seniority, should Chen Er call him cousin?
Wait, why does Chen Er remember that this Shui Jikun is 20 years older than him...

Calling a cousin at this age seems a bit weird...

Leaving aside this issue for now, Chen Er remembered another, even more curious thing.

Since that Shui Chenze's surname is Shui, and judging from Xie Chunhua's tone just now, Shui Chenze should have something to do with Shui Jikun.

That being the case, why didn't Chen Er see this name in Shui's genealogy?

Could it be...he didn't enter the genealogy?
Not included in the genealogy, but being able to have the surname Shui, and being able to be under the shadow of the Shui family, Chen Er only thought of one possibility, that this Shui Chenze should be born of Xiaosan...

Chen Er coughed lightly, he never thought that his cousin, whom he had never met before, would be so kind...

Liu Yunya didn't think as much as Chen Er, she was simply curious, why did Xie Chunhua and the others go to another person instead of Shui Chenze?
Even if there is some relationship between the two, it may not be useful.

Xie Chunhua seemed to be tired of talking at this time, so she stopped, and Zhuo Yishu said the next words.

Zhuo Yishu said, "We have approached Shui Chenze countless times in the past year, but it didn't work at all..."

At first, Shui Chenze didn't admit that the incident back then had anything to do with him.

Later, perhaps a little annoyed by being questioned by Xie Chunhua and Zhuo Yishu, he said that the matter was indeed planned by him alone, and that the two students who testified against Zhuo Yishu were also bribed by him.

Even afterwards, Shui Chenze gave the two of them a lot of money, just to send them away.

Although this matter is not a big deal to him, but because of his special status, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, he is still willing to spend money to eliminate the disaster.

As for Xie Chunhua and his wife, Shui Chenze didn't pay attention at all.

He believed that Xie Chunhua and Zhuo Yishu had no evidence to prove that the incident had anything to do with him.

He even laughed at Xie Chunhua.

"Since you were able to find that woman and asked the truth from her, but you are so stupid that you don't even know how to record, and you still want me to pay for it?"

"Don't you think this is ridiculous?"

That's right, Xie Chunhua and Zhuo Yishu didn't have evidence, and what they said was not evidence at all.

And with Shui Chenze's ability, even if he has evidence, he is not afraid.

So far, this matter seems to have no turning point.

Until, they knew someone, Shui Chenze's father, Shui Jikun.

Strictly speaking, that was the only person Shui Chenze was afraid of.

So Xie Chunhua and Zhuo Yishu asked around for this person, hoping to meet him.

After spending a long time, I finally found out that Shui Jikun doesn't have many hobbies at ordinary times. What he likes to do most is raising flowers, playing with birds, eating, drinking and having fun.

Moreover, in the past one or two months, he has repeatedly traveled to and from Suzhou, and he seems to have a soft spot for the food here.

Then, Xie Chunhua and Zhuo Yishu came.

Xie Chunhua was a little tired, "Perhaps, if you are lucky, maybe you will actually meet me."

Having said that, Xie Chunhua knew that this kind of luck might be hard to come by.

It has been more than half a month since she and Zhuo Yishu came to Suzhou.

The two wandered around, shuttling through the famous food streets in Suzhou, their soles were almost callused, but they never met Shui Jikun.

Maybe, that's it.

Liu Yunya heard the words, thought carefully, and then said to Xie Chunhua and Zhuo Yi, "There is a place, have you been there?"

Xie Chunhua was stunned, she really couldn't think of any places here that the husband and wife hadn't been to.

She almost rummaged through food guides and travel guides.


Liu Yunya laughed, revealing two dimples on her cheeks.

But she didn't speak, but pointed to her own restaurant.

Xie Chunhua and Zhuo Yishu were stunned at the same time, as if they hadn't reacted yet.

Liu Yunya said confidently, "Since this Shui Jikun is a gourmet lover, he will never miss our restaurant!"

Liu Jiming watched his daughter promote so hard, and suddenly felt like a princess selling melons and boasting.

He couldn't help smiling.

Chen Er thought it was very reasonable, and he nodded vigorously.

"That's the reason... Besides, I'm here too. It's a good deal anyway. Buy one get one free. If you don't come, it's a loss for him."

As soon as these words came out, Liu Yunya and Xie Chunhua almost turned their attention to Chen Er at the same time.

There was a magical light in his eyes.

Chen Er accepted this gaze generously.

"Why, you've never seen someone so confident as me, have you?"

Liu Yunya and the others added this sentence in their hearts almost at the same time, yes, I have never seen such a narcissistic person.

The restaurant in Liu Yunya's family is considered a time-honored restaurant in the local area.

This restaurant has been here since Liu Yunya's grandfather.

The restaurant passed to Liu Yunya's grandfather, then to Liu Jiming, and then to Liu Yunya.

It has a history of 80 to [-] years without a hundred years of history.Absolutely time-honored.

If Shui Jikun is really a gourmet expert, he will come to this restaurant no matter what.

Therefore, Chen Er thinks that they don't need to do anything to attract Shui Jikun, they just wait for him to come to the door with peace of mind.

Sure enough, Shui Jikun came two days after the restaurant reopened.

Because Chen Er didn't intend to cook, so he pretended to be a diner, sat down by the window, ordered some signature Su Dian, and drank tea while eating dim sum.

Occasionally, I took the time to look at the door.

Shui Jikun was very thoughtful. He deliberately came early to avoid the crowds during the lunch rush hour. When he came, the restaurant was very quiet and there were few customers.

He also seemed to like the seat by the window very much, so he walked over and sat down at the table next to Chen Er.

And Chen Er just looked up at him, and immediately recognized him as Shui Jikun.

Chen Er had never met Shui Jikun before, but his intuition told him that this was him.

And more importantly, Shui Jikun's appearance still has some genetics in it.

(End of this chapter)

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