God of Cookery Live Room

Chapter 32 Just right if you haven't heard of it

Chapter 32 Just right if you haven't heard of it

The two iron pots on the stove gave off a sweet and rich smell.

Chen Er reached out and turned off the fire, nodded and said, "It's cooked."

Then put the contents of the iron pot into two white porcelain bowls.

He pointed to the brownish-red semi-pasty and semi-solid thing like unformed Ciba, "This is a main ingredient in fried rice, powder Ciba. It is the prototype of Ciba. It is equivalent to ancient Ciba."

"It is made by boiling rice, millet and soybeans. Rice and millet have a sweet taste of starch, and the soybeans will have a thick aroma after being boiled. It is just like soy milk, but not as sweet as soy milk."

Fans have asked why sticky and sweet things like glutinous rice cakes are put in fried rice?

Chen Er said that he didn't know either. Since it was the first time to make this delicacy today, he would strictly follow the recipe to ensure the pure taste.

Perhaps only after eating, can we know what it is like to put all these different styles of food together.

He was looking forward to it.

Then he pointed to the white paste in a bowl and said, "This is another main ingredient, 粔籹. It is made with honey and rice flour. The honey I chose is peach blossom honey, because this honey has With the aroma and sweetness of peach blossom, it will be more flavorful when used in fried rice.”

Chen Er put the two bowls aside for later use, clapped his hands and said, "Next, I will prepare other side dishes."

Wash a steamer basket made of fresh bamboo, then carefully place the preserved vegetables on it and put it into the pot to steam until cooked.

Preserved vegetables are preserved radish, which is what people call dried radish now.

The production of preserved radish is generally carried out around the winter solstice, and it needs to go through three processes of "drying, pickling, and storing".In modern Chinese society, the most famous preserved radish is Chaozhou preserved radish.

Chaozhou preserved vegetables, Chaozhou pickles and fish sauce are also known as the "Three Treasures of Chaoshan".

Chaozhou preserved radish has a sweet flavor, a crisp taste, a mellow aftertaste, and a bright yellow amber color.

What Chen Er bought this time was Chaozhou preserved vegetables.

While waiting for the preserved radish to be steamed, he turned around and fetched a small charcoal grill.

So everyone was puzzled again.

Isn't it good to make fried rice?Why do you want to start grilling again.

Pork stewed vermicelli: "This is a 'weird' fried rice dish. The anchor first made glutinous rice cake, then steamed and pickled radish, and now started grilling..."

Eat a catty: "so, what about the fried rice..."

Chen Er removed the shrimp lines from the cleaned prawns and grilled them one by one until they were bright red. He simply grilled them over charcoal fire without adding any seasoning or oil.

Next he roasted a carp, chicken breast and goose fat in the same way.

Meat food does not need any seasoning, and after being directly grilled over charcoal fire, it exudes a very pure meat fragrance, without other unnecessary smells, only the fragrant meat fragrance.

On the contrary, it makes people move their index fingers.

Fans who watched had to admit that Chen Er not only had top-notch noodle-kneading skills, but also top-notch knives, and even top-notch grilling skills.

Every piece of meat was roasted until it was sizzling and oily, golden brown and tender. Even though charcoal fire was used, there was not a trace of oily smoke coming out.

Barbecued meat that has not been touched by the ashes of the charcoal fire will taste delicious.

"Riding a snail to a well-off society" in a foreign manor looked at the pieces of roasted fat goose in front of the camera that were bubbling with oil, charred on the outside and tender on the inside, and couldn't help swallowing.

It seems that you can smell the tempting smell of meat through the computer screen.

A well-dressed foreign butler came in and asked him what he would like for dinner.

He stared at the computer screen for a while, and then said without looking back, "Barbecue!"

The foreign housekeeper was stunned for a moment, then walked out on the shiny solid wood floor, reached out to beckon a maid, ordered the menu, and turned to look suspiciously at the room he had just walked out of.

And Chen Er has neatly spread the baked ingredients on the porcelain plate.

Then he took out a small knife and carefully cut off the flesh of the carp, avoiding the bones.Set aside for later use.

He glanced at the ingredients on the long marble table with satisfaction, and the side dishes needed for the fried rice were almost ready.

"Half of the ingredients needed for fried rice have been prepared."

Pork stewed vermicelli: "I'm already fascinated by this complicated process, Chen Laoshi, do you know how long you have been doing it, two full hours..."

Watermelon is not east melon: "But this is only half prepared..."

Sunny: "May I ask if this fried rice was served to the emperor in the Tang Dynasty?"

Otherwise, they really can't think of a reason to explain it.

There is actually such a complicated fried rice.

Chen Er shook his head, "This fried rice is not exclusive to the emperor, but I have a fried rice for the emperor here. If you are interested, you can make it next time."

After speaking, he took out the sliced ​​pork and mutton and steamed them in another steamer.

In order to get rid of the fishy smell of pork and mutton, it is necessary to spread sliced ​​ginger on the sliced ​​meat.

Both pork and lamb are thinly sliced ​​and steamed very quickly.

Chen Er took advantage of this short time to prepare the ingredients.

The ingredients needed for fried rice are ginger, cinnamon, salt, tempeh and banana.

Shred the ginger, chop the cinnamon, take out the fermented soybeans and salt and put them in a small porcelain dish for the seasoning. Peel the banana and cut it into small pieces.

The steamer on the stovetop exudes a wonderful aroma.

After the pork and mutton are steamed, they give off a light white-pink color, and the white is slightly pink, which is very cute.

The steamed preserved radish has a unique sweet smell.

The evaporated water took away the strong smell of pickles in the preserved radish, leaving only the sweetness and crispness of the radish.

All the side dishes are neatly arranged on the long marble table.

Chen Er took out the cooked white rice and loosened it with chopsticks to make it easier to eat.

He also had some expectations in his heart, how the taste of this fried rice would be.

"Okay, comrades! The next step is to witness the birth of fried rice!"

Riding a snail to a well-off life: "This king is already hungry and thirsty!!"

Watermelon is not east melon: "Chicken jelly!"

Stewed Pork Vermicelli: "After waiting for more than two hours, the fried rice is finally here!"

With a tiger in your heart: "Come on! Pick up your spatula!"

Chen Er smiled, shook the spatula in his hand, looked at the camera and said, "Before frying the rice, the host wants to say one thing."

Everyone's attention was drawn back by the fried rice, and they asked what was going on.

Chen Er said, "I have to introduce this delicacy first, you don't seem to know its name yet."

So he said in the eyes of millions of people, "The name of this fried rice is Tuanyoufan."

"It is a delicacy specially prepared during the Tang Dynasty to celebrate happy events or new lives."

"The specific method is recorded in the "Siku Quanshu"."

"Fried fish, broiled chicken and goose, boiled pig and sheep, chicken meat, cakes, steamed preserved vegetables, noodles, rice dumplings, bananas, ginger, osmanthus, salt and soy sauce, and they are eaten as food. .”

After listening to it for a long time, everyone turned out to be even more dizzy when it was still written in classical Chinese.

They all expressed that they had never heard of the name 'tuanyoufan'.

Chen Er rolled up his sleeves and grinned at the camera, "It's okay if you haven't heard of it, that's what makes it interesting."

PS: Ahem, the author is going to have a minor operation on Monday, and it is estimated that he will be hospitalized for three days.During the period, the manuscript will be posted, and it may be too late to read your comments or interactions, please forgive me. (*^__^*)
Thank you for the reward of Runaway Novels!
(End of this chapter)

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