God of Cookery Live Room

Chapter 290 is a big deal

Chapter 290 is a big deal

Jin Daquan was still very concerned about escaping for his life.

He only took a small lockbox, locked some cash, some expensive watches, various universal bank cards, and put on his passport, and hurriedly called the driver and rushed to the airport.

Jin Youfu was really worried about his only son, so he followed him to the airport.

I was told many times on the road to keep a low profile even when abroad.

Don't be too ostentatious, if someone finds out, then everything will be over.

Maybe it's because it's approaching the airport, or maybe Jin Daquan really doesn't care about it.

At this moment, Jin Daquan was not as nervous as before.

He couldn't understand why Jin Youfu was so worried.

Afterwards, Jin Daquan specifically investigated the person who was killed by him.

That person is just an ordinary person with no education, no ability, no background and connections.

He had been working as a waiter since he dropped out of high school, and the man was off the night shift the day the incident happened.

Therefore, Jin Daquan always believed that he was not wrong.

I didn't feel any guilt at all, and I even felt that this matter was nothing.

So he didn't understand what his father meant by being nervous at the moment.

"It's just a waiter, you think highly of him."

"I'm thinking of going abroad to travel now."

Jin Youfu looked at Jin Daquan and spat at him hard.

"I bother!"

"What do you think I'm afraid of!"

Jin Youfu sighed deeply, "They came here."

Jin Daquan hadn't realized at this moment who Jin Youfu was talking about.

I only heard Jin Youfu talking to himself, "They are here for revenge."

"It's all your grandparents' fault!"

Jin Youfu couldn't help complaining, "You actually went to provoke people from the Lu family!"

Although Jin Chengchuan and others did not know that Chen Er's great-grandfather was from the Lu family.

However, Jin Youfu thought, if it wasn't for that incident back then, why would they be in such a mess now?

Jin Daquan didn't know much about the Lu family, but only heard about it from Jin Youfu's mouth.

So he didn't have much fear in his heart.

But he still opened his mouth to refute Jin Youfu.

"It's up to you, laugh at fifty steps and laugh at hundred steps."

"You haven't used the trick of buying people to kill, so what qualifications do you have to criticize grandpa and the others?"

"Besides, if it wasn't for grandpa and the others who took away the money, would our family be prosperous now?"

In Jin Daquan's eyes, money is everything.

Jin Youfu sneered, "Hmph, you have money..."

"Things that can be solved with money are nothing."

"The most terrifying thing in the world is that no matter how much money you spend, you can't solve it..."

Jin Daquan didn't understand this sentence very much.

“What can’t be solved with money?”

As soon as the voice fell, the car arrived at the airport.

Jin Daquan quickly got out of the car with the suitcase, and then waved to Jin Youfu.

"I'm leaving!"

Jin Daquan carried the suitcase and walked towards the airport with a swagger, like a wealthy man traveling, without feeling any nervousness at all.

Jin Youfu withdrew his gaze and stared at the front in a daze.

Jin Daquan successfully got the ticket and was about to go to the security check.

A tall man nearly two meters tall hurriedly walked towards him.

While Jin Daquan was taking out his mobile phone to watch, the big man bumped into him.

Jin Daquan was knocked to the ground in an instant.

The big man also shook his body a few times, and the boxes in their hands fell to the ground at the same time.

Make a loud noise.

"Hold the grass!" Jin Daquan yelled, "You bastard..."

Before he could speak, he raised his eyes and saw this big man like a big meat pile.

Just as he was about to blurt out the swear words, he immediately swallowed them back.

The big man picked up two identical suitcases from the ground and handed one to him.

Jin Daquan quickly took it without daring to say anything and walked directly towards the security checkpoint.

The big man shook the box in his hand, showed a joking smile, twisted his neck, and quickly left the airport hall.

At this moment, Jin Youfu was sitting in the car, opened the window to breathe fresh air, and was about to tell the driver to take him back.

A very beautiful white Chevrolet parked quietly beside him, and rolled down the windows.

A very familiar young man was sitting in the car and smiled at Jin Youfu.

The moment Jin Youfu saw the other party's smile, he couldn't help shivering.

"Why are you here!"

Jin Youfu could no longer think about why Chen Er showed such a strange expression to him.

At this moment, his heart was beating faster, and the blood in his whole body was chilling. A strong sense of crisis was as terrifying and huge as a tsunami rushing towards his face.

Chen Er leaned on the back of the chair very leisurely, with a gentle and friendly smile.

"Are you here to see your son off?"

When Jin Youfu heard these words, his body froze immediately.

Chen Er continued to talk, "Why don't you go in and see him off?"

"Maybe I can say a few more words, so as not to miss each other too much in the future."

"What do you say?"

Chen Er's expression was innocent and his tone was calm.

Jin Youfu seemed to have heard something terrible.

He pointed a trembling finger at Chen Er and said, "You...what on earth have you done!"

Chen Er spread his hands, "What did I do?"

"Let me think about it."

Chen Er entered a thinking state.

"I think I just informed the police that your son is here."

Chen Er said very innocently.

Jin Youfu felt that a bomb exploded near his ear.


Jin Youfu pointed at Chen Er, with a thousand words coming out of his heart, and hit Chen Er hard.

At this moment, he couldn't speak a word.

Because he had already seen a group of American police officers with guns rushing into the airport, and there were piercing sirens in his ears!
Jin Youfu immediately opened the car door and rushed towards the airport.

He felt that he had never run so fast in his life.

The person in front of him was like a sapling that would automatically retreat, sliding past his eyes quickly.

While dressing rough, Jin Youfu looked for his son in the crowd.

After searching over and over for a long time, I finally found him at the security checkpoint.

He was talking to his friend on the phone.

"Oh, you still don't know who my old man is?"

"It's as if the sky is falling even if it's a big deal!"

While talking on the phone, Jin Youfu looked forward, seeming very impatient. Today's security check line is extremely long.

"But you told me that there are many beauties in Brazil! If I don't have a good time there, just wait!"

"Come on, don't worry about my old man, whoever dies, he won't die, and you have to take care of it when you are old!"

"When I die, I will be liberated. Needless to say about inheritance, the key is that no one will keep nagging in my ears!"

Jin Daquan realized that it was finally his turn to go through the security check, so he quickly hung up the phone and put his suitcase on the conveyor belt.

The moment the silver box passed, the siren next to it suddenly sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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