God of Cookery Live Room

Chapter 281 Seqing Guanghua Part [-]

Chapter 281 Seqing Guanghua Part [-]

What surprised Chen Er even more was that the old man didn't say anything like "You and your great-grandfather really look alike."

He just slowly moved his eyes down, and then landed on the urn held in Chen Er's hand.

The old man was already very old. Although he was not as old as Yu Mo whom he had seen before, Chen Er guessed that the old man in front of him was not in his nineties but in his eighties.

There was a very sad look in the old man's eyes.

Then he nodded to Chen Er, and slowly moved away to make way for Chen Er.

Chen Er also greeted the old man with his eyes.

When he walked past the old man with the urn in his hands, he could even feel the slight sadness wafting from the old man.

The hall is quiet.

The floor is covered with blue carved floor tiles, and a long table made of rosewood is placed on each side.

A small bronze censer the size of a palm was placed on each of the desks, and at the moment they were emitting light smoke.

The aroma is fresh and fragrant, with a hint of spice.

Feeling a little refreshed.

What was burned inside should be benzoin.

Chen Er raised his foot and buried it in, raised his chin slightly, and his eyes fell on the front of the hall.

An old man nearly a hundred years old was sitting there peacefully.

It should be Lu Yumiao's grandfather.

I heard from Lu Yumiao that his grandfather, Xinger, was a generation of Wang. His name was Luzhen, and his style name was Yunshan.

He is eight years older than Chen Er's grandfather.

Chen Er took a step forward and easily saw his grandfather's appearance on his face.

Lu Jing actually looked five points like his grandfather.

Chen Er couldn't help being taken aback.

It took a while to recover, and he put the urn in his hand on the long case in front of Luzhen.

"Uncle, these are the ashes of my great-grandfather."

Lu Xuan was stunned for a moment, and his eyes fell on the pitch-black box.

It took a long time before he stretched out his hand tremblingly, and his palm landed lightly on it.

His fingers were still trembling.

Chen Er looked at the old man and seemed to feel a deep sadness in him all of a sudden.

"I was raised by your great-grandfather and great-grandmother."

Luzhen's fingers lightly stroked the pitch-black box.

There seemed to be bright lights flickering in the eyes, and it seemed that a piece of calm stagnant water suddenly refracted a ray of dazzling sunlight.

"I haven't seen my parents since I was born."

"My uncle and aunt brought me up."

The uncles and aunts mentioned here naturally refer to Chen Er's great-grandfather and great-grandmother.

Luzhen's father was the uncle's uncle.

At that time, Luzhen's parents died of an epidemic.And Luzhen, who was still young and less than two years old, was handed over to Chen Er's great-grandfather.

Has been raised until the age of eight.

When I was eight years old, my great-grandmother gave birth to my grandfather.

It was also that year that the land of Huaxia was raging with war, and the Lu family had to give up some industries in the north and return to their hometown with their families.

At that time, the Lu family had their own fields, tenants and mercenaries in Qinghua.

It is completely self-defense.

However, on the way to retreat, they were attacked by a group of warlord forces.

Lu Zhen shed tears.

"I didn't expect that that time, it turned out to be a farewell."

Lu Xuan's palms trembled violently. He first tightly clenched the box full of ashes, and then slowly let go of his hands.

Tears flowed down the wrinkled lines of his face and dripped on the long table.

Knowing that this kind of thing cannot be comforted by words, Chen Er could only look at him quietly.

Lu Jie seemed to feel this gaze, so he slowly raised his head and looked at Chen Er as well.

Looking at each other at such a close distance, Chen Er discovered that Lu Zhen and grandpa really looked alike.

For a moment, Chen Er even recognized Lu Xuan as his grandfather in a trance.

Lu Zheng stared at Chen Er's face, his eyes changed from sorrow at the beginning to shock, and then to joy.

Then all the emotions suddenly settled down, and his eyes became extremely soft.

Trembling, he stretched out his palm and patted Chen Er's shoulder lightly.

It took a long time to spit out such a sentence.

"Just go home."

Chen Er suddenly felt sour in his heart.

There seemed to be some emotion surging in his veins.

Then he replied almost reflexively, "Everything is fine."

Lu Xuan smiled, his eyes narrowed into slits.

"Come on, I'll take you to the ancestral hall."

Chen Er took a step forward and helped Lu Xuan get up.

Lu Yumiao was holding the urn behind.

The road to the ancestral hall was further away, and the group walked very slowly.

Along the way, Chen Er kept talking to Lu Zhen.

It's all about some interesting things that happened when I lived with my grandparents and parents when I was young.

When passing by a large garden, Lu Zhen pointed to a rockery with a smile.

"One year, your great-grandfather and I came back to worship our ancestors."

"I was playful and sneaked into the rockery. A large group of servants at home looked for me everywhere, but they couldn't find anyone."

Lu Yue's expression was very relaxed and joyful, as if when he spoke, he had returned to his childhood, that carefree childhood.

"Later it was your great-grandfather who came and stood in the garden, holding a folding fan made of green bamboo and snow, and lightly beat it in the palm of his hand. He said to the rockery, since he is gone, let's go to the kitchen to make a new one." Eat all the good eight-treasure ducks! Anyway, he’s not here, so just pretend you didn’t see it.”

Chen Er couldn't help but smile. He already knew the ending of this story when he heard it.

Who in this world can resist the temptation of delicious food?

Lu Jie looked at Chen Erdao, "I got anxious when I heard this, and rushed out without saying a word, while rushing out, shouting, don't eat my duck! Don't eat my duck!"

Having said that, Lu Xuan stopped in his tracks.

Chen Er also stopped, looked up and saw a very solemn building.

There is a plaque hanging under the eaves, with four big characters written on it - Qinghua Lushi.

Before approaching the house, Chen Er could smell a strong smell of incense candles.

Chen Er supported Lu Yue, carefully stepped onto the high white marble steps, and walked up step by step.

Stepping up the steps, there is an open space in front of you.

Similar to an altar, the ground is also covered with white marble.

The two servants who followed went forward and opened the closed door.

The dazzling light from outside shot in at once, illuminating the inside a lot.

Chen Er raised his eyes and saw that there were densely packed tablets inside.

There are also countless portraits hanging on the walls.

Chen Er helped Lu Zhen go in, and Lu Yumiao followed behind.

There is a lot of space in the room, but there are many memorial tablets placed, so it seems narrow.

Most of the windows were closed, so there was no light.

The two servants who followed came in lit the palace lanterns in the house.

The light in the room gradually improved.

The writing on the tablet became clearer.

Lu Yumiao handed the urn to Chen Er.

Lu Jie said to Chen Er, "When you come to kowtow with the urn in your arms, it will be considered as a whole family."

Chen Er nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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