Chapter 269
Chen Er also looked at the old man.

He clearly felt that although the old man's eyes fell on him, he was not looking at him.

Chen Er could feel that he was looking at another person through himself.

Chen Er held his breath and sat down opposite the old man.

The middle-aged man next to the old man has already reacted at this time.

"Who are you!"

Chen Er raised his eyes and glanced at him casually.

The middle-aged man was taken aback for a moment, forgetting what he was going to say next.

The old man curled up in the wheelchair looked radiant and radiant at this moment.

He stretched out his hand with difficulty, opened his mouth without many teeth and spoke, "It's like...really, so, so like..."

The middle-aged man was ripped off by others, and then he shut up obediently.

It's just that his eyes are still very unfriendly.

There was a half-smile on the corner of Chen Er's mouth.

Looking at the old man in the wheelchair, he asked, "Of course I look like my grandpa..."

Chen Er's tone was very gentle, but without much emotion and warmth.

"Derived from the same blood, my great-grandfather and I naturally look alike."

When the old man in the wheelchair heard this, his expression suddenly changed.

It seemed remorse, pain, and even a hint of fear.

Chen Er always likes to get straight to the subject, and doesn't like to go around in circles.

So he cut to the chase and said, "Tell me, who the hell are you, that you actually ran up the mountain to pay homage to my great-grandpa?"

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone was taken aback except for the old man lying in the wheelchair.

Probably wondering why Chen Er would know.

The person who just came to deliver the documents, seeing that the situation was not good, quickly gestured to the middle-aged man, rubbed the soles of his feet with oil, and slipped away.

The old man in the wheelchair showed a smile that seemed very relieved.

"You really...too much, grandpa..."

Chen Er raised his eyebrows, "You haven't answered my question yet."

He didn't like the way the old man spoke.

This old man is not his elder, yet he wants to speak in an elder's manner.

Moreover, Chen Er has roughly guessed who he is.

The old man gave an odd laugh.

It came out intermittently from the throat.

Like rotten wood being cut with a saw.

But the laughter didn't last long.

The old man coughed a few times, and his eyes suddenly became very soft.

He looked at Chen Er, but his gaze lightly passed over Chen Er's shoulder, and landed in an unknown distance.

Chen Er guessed right, this old man was indeed a servant of my great-grandfather back then.

The old man said that he was a servant in the great-grandfather's family.

Because he is a domestic servant, he does not have a surname, only a first name.

The old man said that his name was Yu Mo back then.

When great-grandfather and great-grandmother separated from their family members, there were originally two servants by their side.

Another named Qin Shu died on the way to escape.

Grandpa and Grandma walked southwest all the way. At that time, only the affluent areas in the south of the Yangtze River were fighting, and the north was ruled by warlords, and it was not stable, so they could only walk southwest.

Needless to say, the mountains and mountains along the way, although there are not many wars in the southwest direction, there are bandits everywhere, and it is very unsafe.

In order to protect themselves, great-grandpa and great-grandmother had to keep their identities incognito to avoid more incidents.

When the past was told here, the old man named Yu Mo was completely immersed in his memories.

"We finally stopped in a small village, where the flames of war have not yet spread, it is very quiet and peaceful..."

"People in the village are called Young Master and Young Mistress, Mr. Chen, Mrs. Chen..."

Yu Mo suddenly laughed.

"The young master said that the surname Chen is the surname of one of his students, and I just borrowed it for use."

"Although life in the village is relatively difficult and I can't buy anything good even if I have money, I still live a happy life."

"The young master is not happy. He said he wants to go back and join his family..."

Yu Mo said that back then, wars were raging and the land of China was in chaos.

Rich and powerful families either choose to emigrate overseas, or choose to cooperate with warlords to resist foreign enemies, or choose a power to help with all their strength.

Grandpa didn't want to leave Huaxia, this was the land where he was born and raised.

Even though it is full of desolation and precarity, this is his home.

It's a pity that great-grandpa didn't wait until the day when he could reunite with the family.

The flames of war spread much faster than they imagined.

Before long, the village was no longer peaceful.

There seemed to be tears in Yu Mo's eyes.

"All the children, old people and women were hidden in the cellar that day."

"Those people took guns and rushed into the village all of a sudden, almost killing everyone they saw."

Yu Mo raised his hand, "The villagers don't have guns, only sickles and sticks..."

"But the villagers can also fight a few times!"

"Then they found someone in the cellar..."

Yu Mo's eyes stared suddenly.

"How to do how to do?"

"In the end how to do!"

Maybe it's because of excitement, maybe it's something else.

Yu Mo spoke more and more fluently.

"It's Young Mistress, she rushed out!"

"The young master and the young mistress ran out of the village together..."

"I heard someone shouting outside, 'Look at the rich people they're wearing! Take them alive for money!'"

"Then there was a large group of footsteps rushing towards the outside of the village!"

Yu Mo trembled all over.

"Followed by that, there were two gunshots!"

Chen Er unconsciously clenched his fists when he heard this.

Yu Mo shook his head and said, "We waited in the cellar until it was dark and didn't dare to go out. The next day it was dawn... There was no sound outside..."

"When we went out, the village was almost completely burned... I hugged the young master, walked and walked... finally saw them."

"The body is already stiff, and the valuable jewelry is gone."

Yu Mo stretched out his palm with difficulty.

"The only thing left is the jade bracelet that the young mistress stuffed into the young master's hand before she rushed out..."

"The young mistress said that the young master likes to play with this thing the most. If he cries, use this bracelet to coax him..."

"But that day, no matter how much I coaxed him, the young master was still crying."

Chen Er's tightly clenched hand slowly loosened, and it took a long time before he let out a breath.

When Yu Mo said this, he paused for a long time, and then his eyes suddenly became fierce.

The tone of voice also became sharper.

"It's them! It's all the couple's fault!"

Chen Er set his eyes on the old man.

Yu Mo's shoulders trembled suddenly.

Intermittently, "It's all their fault!"

"They deliberately attracted the devil!"

"They want to kill the young master and young mistress!"

"What they want are the treasures and ancient books brought by the young master!"

While talking, Yu Mo suddenly coughed violently.

Chen Er quickly poured a glass of water into his hand, then patted him on the back to comfort him.

(End of this chapter)

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