God of Cookery Live Room

Chapter 260 Should be a very conscientious person

Chapter 260 Should be a very frugal person

"I'm sure I didn't do anything wrong!"

Zhao Chengping just stretched out four fingers and swore to the sky.

Chen Er looked at the wine bottles on the stage, "There is absolutely nothing wrong with your brewing process, but you forgot to bring something very important..."

Zhao Chengping opened his eyes wide, and his eyes flickered, as if he remembered something...

The momentum weakened a lot, but it still felt a little bit stiff.

He said weakly, "What can I forget to bring..."

Chen Er knew that Zhao Chengping had already remembered what he said.

So, he said lightly, "The snow water on the plum blossoms is used to increase the aroma of Yinsu wine. If it is present, the aroma will be better. If not, the aroma of Yinsu wine will not be too bad."

This time, Zhao Chengping puffed up his chest silently.

The host also poured all the wine into the glass.

Then everyone quickly divided up the wine.

Chen Er also got a cup.

The color of the wine in the glass is very beautiful, extremely clear, and has a crystal clear feeling.

Reflected by the lights in the hall, the wine glass swayed slightly, and there was really an illusion of silver light shining.

Zhao Chengping was so excited that he almost didn't jump up.

"Mr. Chen! Mr. Chen!"

He yelled excitedly, and couldn't say anything except to call Mr. Chen.

Chen Er also thought the wine was good, and it gave Chen Er a lot of sensory enjoyment.

Before drinking it, you can intuitively feel that this is a good wine.

The reaction from a group of foreign friends around me was huge.

"So beautiful!"

"There really is wine of this color!"

"Shine like silver!"

"This is simply a gift from God!"

Zhao Chengping was very happy after hearing these words.

Chen Er picked up his glass and took a sip.

The aroma of the wine is quiet, with a touch of plum blossom aroma.

The floral fragrance is very elegant, not in the wine, but lightly covering the surface of the wine.

Gas and tasteless.

Wine tasters can drink the purest Gujing tribute wine and smell the aroma of plum blossoms while drinking.

But there is no taste of plum blossom in the wine.

This feeling is like opening a pot of wine alone in the plum blossom grove. The wine is fragrant and the fragrance of flowers is clear.

The feeling of this wine has surpassed the cognition of all foreigners present.

Because of their different cultural and food backgrounds, they have never had such wine.

This wine is nothing like theirs.

The aroma of this wine is restrained and reserved, with a hazy sense of mystery.

Seems like nothing, sometimes thick and sometimes light.

People can't figure it out, they can't guess, and they are extraordinarily beautiful.

After drinking it in the mouth, the feeling is even more wonderful.

The taste is sweet and mellow, with a long aftertaste.

It feels a little spicy and brings a little stimulation to the tip of the tongue.

Before you know it, a glass of wine is finished.

William walked over to Zhao Chengping and the others with a glass of wine in hand.

"This wine is really wonderful..."

After speaking, he took out his business card and handed it to Zhao Chengping, "My name is William, I hope we can have a chance to cooperate."

Following William's action of taking out his business card, almost everyone present turned their gazes over in unison.

Although they didn't whisper to each other, they didn't cry out.

But Chen Er could still tell from their strange expressions that this young man named William seemed to have some background.

Zhao Chengping seemed to know him. From his point of view, this was obviously an opportunity to attract partners for the Zhao family.

Therefore, he did not refuse, and accepted the business card with a smile.

The display of Yinshun wine brought by Zhao Chengping is over, and the next wine to be introduced is the wine brought by Chen Er.

The wine brought by Chen Er was even more difficult to translate.

Therefore, Chen Er simply called it lotus wine.

The words lotus wine can be easily translated into English.

When the host said the words "Lotus wine" on stage.

The people in the audience were all stunned.

That expression seemed to say, "Why do Chinese people have to be so fancy when they name wine?"

And it's wine made from flowers.

Using flowers to make wine is not a unique tradition in China. In other countries and regions, there are also wines made from flowers.

However, only the Chinese people have brought the idea of ​​making wine from flowers to the extreme.

And extended a variety of flower wine.

And in China, many flower wines have health-preserving effects.

Huaxia has a long history of brewing flower wine, and the variety is also very rich.

The most common ones are chrysanthemum wine, peach blossom wine and sweet-scented osmanthus wine.

Among these three wines, chrysanthemum wine has the longest history.

The habit of brewing chrysanthemum wine was prevalent as early as the Han and Wei dynasties.

A collection of historical notes and novels in the Jin Dynasty - "Xijing Miscellaneous Notes" stated that "when the chrysanthemums are relaxing, the stems and leaves are picked, and the millet is mixed for brewing. It will be ripe on September [-] of the next year, and you will drink it, so it is called chrysanthemum wine."

However, overseas, the most famous Huaxia Huajiu is not one of these three.

It's rose wine.

Rose wine has won the gold medal and certificate of Leipzig International Fair in Germany, and the silver medal and certificate of Panama International Fair.

Therefore, the reputation spread far and wide.

Moreover, the smell of roses is more in line with overseas aesthetic habits.

Those present, if they know more about flower wine, may know rose flower wine.

But lotus wine, this is very strange to them.

Lotus is not popular in Europe and is rarely planted.

Not many people have seen lotus.

People who have never seen lotus flowers may be curious, what does lotus flower wine taste like?
But those who have seen the lotus have interesting expressions.

In their opinion, the smell of lotus is very weak, and using lotus to make wine is simply superfluous.

Such a light aroma can't cover the smell of the wine itself, so what's the point of brewing it like this?
Then the host took out a small wine jar containing lotus wine.

The moment it was taken out, the host was very surprised.

In his eyes, the lotus has a noble posture, and the bottle containing the lotus wine should also use some materials that can match it.

But what is this in front of you?
The rustic color and shape are like old tile pots in the country.

Is it made of soil?

Or ceramic?

The host touched the surface of the wine jar. The tentacles felt rough and not smooth at all, so the possibility of ceramic materials was ruled out.

Then there is only one possibility left...

Made of mud.

The scene was suddenly a little cold.

Everyone didn't understand why such a nice name should be paired with such an ugly wine bottle?
The host thought for a long time before choking out a sentence.

"This... the brewing master... should be a very frugal person..."

Zhao Chengping turned his head and looked at Chen Er.

He had never seen any frugality in Chen Er.

Zhao Chengping turned his attention to the host on stage.

He said silently in his heart, this host is definitely a person who judges wine by appearance!

(End of this chapter)

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