Chapter 238 Sour
Alice carefully picked up a pepper, looked at it, and then put it back immediately.

Chen Er said to her, "If you think it's too spicy, you don't have to eat this dish."

He never expected that this foreign beauty would be so sensitive to chili peppers.

Alice seemed to be seriously considering this issue.

A pair of blue eyes shone like luminous sapphires.

She nodded very firmly, as if she had made a great decision at this moment.

"Although I can't eat chili...but this dish is really delicious!"

So she directly put the dish in front of her.

The appearance of a strong man going out.

"I decided to finish this dish!"

Shen Yinian quickly poured the water and put it aside.

Alice grabbed the chopsticks, took a deep breath, and turned on the storm mode.

In fact, she didn't eat very fast.

It's just that when she ate, her face turned red and she was sweating profusely, which was quite different from the lady's dignified appearance just now.

Fans booed in the barrage.

"Chen Laoshi, you have to stand up and applaud at this time!"

"Hahaha, it's just a chili, why does it need to be so grand!"

"No, no, according to the statement just now, what this foreign friend eats is not chili peppers, but atomic bombs!"

"I'm losing!"

Chen Er laughed.

"It's fine if you stand up, but you can have applause."

So Chen Er really clapped his hands.

Shen Yinian was still watching Alice's every move in a daze.

Seeing Chen Er applauding, she clapped her hands.

Alice reacted, blushing and waving.

Like an athlete returning in triumph.

Finally finished the last bite of the dish.

He quickly picked up the water on the table and drained it.

It took me a few glasses of water to slow down.


Alice stayed for a long time before holding back such a sentence.

Chen Er thought, this is probably pain and happiness.

After turning off the live broadcast, Chen Er waited for Alice to speak.

If he guessed correctly and Alice was really a staff member from Michelin, then she would reveal her identity soon.

The restaurant experience is over.

According to the process, the next step is to understand the materials and production methods, or look at the kitchen.

The results showed that Chen Er's guess was indeed correct.

After Alice regained her breath, she quickly revealed her identity.

Michelin intends to enter China within the next few years.

It's just that many restaurants that I have paid attention to before are not qualified.

Alice said that she was very puzzled, why the Chinese chefs in mainland China took so much time to cook.

She has been to Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan before, where there are many exquisite and high-end Chinese restaurants?

But their cooking time is not so long.

For example, a top Chinese restaurant in Hong Kong is called Zhenxiu Court.

Their delicacies are very small and exquisite, and they taste delicious.

But the serving speed there is very fast.

Alice raised her hand and pointed to the watch on her wrist.

It's already 10:30 now.

"I remember when I came, it was not eight o'clock."

"That means I've been waiting for over two hours..."

This time is too long.

Chen Er didn't have any extra expressions.

Still that very calm look.

"Every guest who comes to the restaurant will receive an invitation card."

Alice frowned, not knowing what Chen Er was going to say.

Chen Er motioned her to take out the invitation.

Alice took out the invitation.

Chen Er pointed to a line of writing under the cover of the invitation card and said, "There are instructions on the invitation card, and the waiting time for the dishes may be longer."

Alice hurriedly took a closer look, and sure enough, she saw this sentence.

She nodded.

Since the invitations tell the guests in advance, the waiting time for the food will be longer.

So on this point, she really has nothing to be picky about.

But she was still curious, why did it take so long to cook?

This can almost be regarded as a feature of Chinese food.

Chen Er explained patiently: "Not all dishes in Chinese food take so long to prepare."

Alice was obviously not satisfied with this explanation.

So she asked Chen Er, "Haven't you guys thought about improving the menu? In this society, not many people are willing to spend so much time on a meal."

What Alice said does make sense.

Not everyone is willing to spend so much time eating a meal.

But Chen Er believes that there will still be people willing.

"It doesn't matter, someone will come."

Alice subconsciously asked, "Who?"

Chen Er looked at her, "You."

Alice: "..."

She choked on herself, so she decided to change the subject.

Alice said that she likes the decoration and design of the restaurant very much.

"Although the design is lacking, the colors match beautifully."

Chen Er was holding back his laughter, and said to the system in his heart: "Teacher Ji, this foreign beauty said that the place you remodeled has insufficient sense of design..."

At the beginning, the system said it personally.

After the transformation, even top designers will be amazed when they come to see it.

System: "However, she also said that it looks very beautiful here."

Chen Er: "Insufficient sense of design..."

System: "... host, you seem very happy?"

Chen Er was still trying to hold back his laughter, "Am I very happy? Why didn't I feel it?"


Alice didn't notice that Chen Er was distracted, but continued to talk about her feelings.

“I like the fact that there are no air fresheners or perfumes in the restaurant.”

This will not only bring a very natural aesthetic feeling to the guests, but also further enhance the grade of the restaurant.

If the perfume and air freshener are not used properly, the smell in the restaurant can become very strange.

Some restaurants have tables, chairs and other furnishings made of fragrant woods, but they still use strong perfumes.

This can make the restaurant smell embarrassing.

However, Chen Er's restaurant does not have such a feeling at all.

There isn't any unwanted smell in the restaurant.

Can only smell a touch of flowers, and some sandalwood aroma.

They are all very elegant aromas, which will not hinder the senses of the guests at all.

"The smell in the restaurant is also very important..."

"If the restaurant does not have its own unique aroma, it will make people feel that this restaurant has no characteristics..."

“But if the smell is too strong in a restaurant, it can steal the show from the food.”

"The smell of strong perfume covers the aroma of food, which makes people feel very unhappy."

Alice said it with a bit of empathy.

One look at it shows that he has experienced these situations.

Chen Er still agrees with her statement.

No smell in a restaurant can overwhelm the smell of the food itself.

Otherwise, this is a failure of the restaurateur.

 Still in the car⊙ω⊙It feels really sour to use the mobile phone to code...

  There will be an update in the evening (≧3≦)
(End of this chapter)

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