Chapter 22
Each contestant stood in the corresponding position, with the tea he had just brewed in front of him.

Chen Er was waiting for the referee to walk in front of him, when he noticed a gaze fell on him.

When he looked up, he saw that it was Park Junsu who had just provoked him.

The word "confidence" is written all over his body.

Seeing Chen Er looking over, he quickly raised his chin, and then turned his gaze to the referee at the side.

Park Junsu was the last runner-up, so he will naturally attract the attention of the referees.

A referee in his fifties strode up to his side and picked up the teacup in front of him.

The referee first glanced at the teacup in his hand, then smelled the tea, then nodded with satisfaction and took a sip.

The fundus of his eyes suddenly lit up, and he kept nodding his head, "Good tea, good tea!"

Listening to the accent, he is actually a native of Bang.

That's right, for such a large-scale event, naturally there won't be only one countryman serving as referee.Tea ceremony masters from various countries are selected as referees to ensure fairness.

Pu Junxiu was even more proud, and exchanged a few words with the referee, his eyes wandering towards Chen Er from time to time.

Gou Xuefang was next to Chen Er. He deliberately poked his head and said, "The referees in the baseball country are very biased. If you look at the players from your own country, the scores will be higher."

Chen Er turned to look at him, but didn't speak.

But I thought in my heart, even if they can take care of their own people, it will be difficult to stay if they don't have the strength in the finals.

So there is no need to think about these issues.

Unexpectedly, the referee from the country just now took the initiative to walk in front of him.

First, he looked Chen Er up and down, and then he slowly picked up the tea in front of him.

He looked at it, sniffed it again, his eyes changed slightly, and then showed a disdainful expression.

Then he put down the teacup, picked up the pen and wrote down the score at will.

Chen Er glanced at it and saw 6.5 points.

So he called out to the referee.

"Sorry, I think your score is too low."

Chen Er knew his own level, definitely more than this score.

With a score of 6.5, it is estimated that he can only get a mid-range ranking, and it may be difficult to enter the semi-finals.

The baseball referee sneered and said in awkward Chinese, "This is a competition, and the referee has the right to decide the contestants' scores."

Chen Er's tone was calm, but resounding, "I know, but I think the score you gave is too low."

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately attracted the attention of many referees and contestants.

It is the first time that everyone has seen such a thing that some contestants openly questioned the referee's score during the competition.

Immediately, some people began to discuss in a low voice.

When they saw that the person who made the sound was Chen Er, they thought about it even more.

Several baseball players even said so.

"He thinks that if he can score 8 points in the qualifying round, he can keep scoring high points in the next game? He thinks too highly of himself!"

"Perhaps in the previous qualifying competition, Huaxia deliberately gave more points because they wanted to promote newcomers."


Chen Er ignored those people, but his eyes fell firmly on the referee.

The other party showed a half-smile expression, "In this kind of competition, everyone is naturally at their best, but what about you? What kind of tea are you making?"

He pointed at the tea cup in front of Chen Er, with a bit of impatience and disdain in his eyes, "Jasmine tea?"

Several referees who originally wanted to come up to check the situation couldn't lift their feet after hearing this.

Scented tea is the best to brew among all types of tea, and the jasmine flowers haven’t bloomed yet.

The jasmine tea brewed at this time is mostly the old tea left over from last year.

In such a big competition, some contestants actually brought out old tea from the previous year.It is indeed a bit perfunctory.

Sure enough, some contestants reacted and immediately laughed.

"If it's jasmine tea, isn't it old tea? How could he have the nerve to take it out for a competition?"

"I don't know, maybe it's because the family is too poor?"

"It's better to make chrysanthemum tea."

These words naturally fell into the ears of fans in the live broadcast room.

Everyone immediately became indignant.

I can't wait to get out of the screen and tear the mouths of those people.

Chen Er spoke slowly and leisurely, "Who said this tea of ​​mine is jasmine tea."

The baseball referee was taken aback for a moment, then sternly said, "I have been studying tea ceremony for more than 30 years, how could I not be able to tell the difference between a cup of tea?"

Chen Er showed a smile that looked very underwhelming in the other party's eyes.

"It is precisely because you have studied tea ceremony for more than 30 years that you can't tell what kind of tea I have."

The other party wanted to speak again, and Chen Er preemptively said, "Because you are studying the tea ceremony in your country, and the Chinese tea ceremony is extensive and profound, how can you, an outsider, study it thoroughly in just 30 years?"

The other party got angry for a while.

At this time, a referee wearing glasses came out from the crowd.

It was a referee I had seen in the qualifying match before.

"Hello, I am the referee you met before, Zhao Donglai."

Zhao Donglai didn't talk nonsense, he directly picked up Chen Er's tea, looked at it first, and then poured out some to taste.

He smacked his lips, showing an afterthought expression.

"This is not jasmine tea."

The baseball referee's expression changed drastically, and he shook his head, "The jasmine in this tea has such a strong fragrance, how could it not be jasmine tea!"

Zhao Donglai didn't speak but poured out some for him to taste.

"Tea should be tasted, but if you don't taste it, how can you know what kind of tea it is? Many teas have similar smells and shapes, and it is inevitable that there will be wrong judgments."

These words imply that the baseball referee made a wrong judgment and score.

After the referee drank the tea, his complexion suddenly became ugly.

Zhao Donglai looked at Chen Erdao, "The tea leaves you use for this cup of tea are the best Dongting Lake Biluochun."

"The tea leaves are curled like snails, with white hair exposed, silvery green, and tender leaf buds. After brewing, the tea flavor slowly spreads and flies up and down. The tea water is silvery green and green, with a refreshing fragrance. The taste is cool and sweet, fresh and refreshing."

"After being brewed by your hands, it really lives up to Biluochun's reputation. Good craftsmanship, good craftsmanship!"

Zhao Donglai praised again and again.

The people around will naturally not be dissatisfied.

Suddenly looking at Chen Er's gaze is different again.

It's just that the referee's face is not very good.

It took him a while to hold back a sentence, "It takes a while to make Biluochun tea smell like jasmine. What a good craft!"

Several onlookers nodded in agreement.

The taste of the tea itself is the most important. If it is covered by other flavors, the meaning of the tea will be lost.

Zhao Donglai was also curious, but he didn't think it was Chen Er's negligence, after all, he could even make Fenglu tea before.

"The jasmine in this tea has a strong fragrance and lasts for a long time, but the taste of Biluochun has not lost. Why?"

He thought for a while, "Could it be the same as making maple dew tea before, you specially took the dew from jasmine flowers?"

But even if the dew on the jasmine is used to make tea, it will not have such a fragrance.

Zhao Donglai thought about it, and at this moment, a white-haired referee came over.

Several referees around saw him, and immediately showed extremely respectful expressions.

Even the referee who had been clamoring before was quiet.

He walked up to Chen Er, glanced at the cup of tea, and said, "This is Jasmine's tongue."

PS: How fat? ? ?The automatic update set yesterday has not been updated, I am sorry everyone ≧﹏≦... New tea haunts, the author here is asking for tickets~~
(End of this chapter)

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