God of Cookery Live Room

Chapter 171 Crystal Goose Meat

Chapter 171 Crystal Goose Meat
Chen Er came to the restaurant very early, almost early in the morning.

The restaurant was very quiet. Shen Yinian hadn't come yet, so Chen Er was the only one.

Carrying a jar of jasmine wine and a handful of lotus leaves, he walked across the dining room to the kitchen.

Then go live.

Although there is an advance notice of today's live broadcast time, but after all, the time is relatively early, and there are not many people watching the live broadcast.

It is less than one-fifth of the usual level, but it has gradually increased.

Chen Er clapped the wine jar in his hand.

"This is jasmine wine. Since there is wine today, the anchor has to make some appetizers."

As he spoke, he put the wine jar on the table.

"The appetizers must have meat."

Most people were watching the live broadcast with sleepy faces.

Hearing that there was meat, his eyes became brighter.

Chen Er took out the ingredients one by one.

"Today's first dish, crystal goose."

"The main ingredient, crystal..."

The fans pricked up their ears curiously, and then heard Chen Er pull the ending.

They couldn't help but mutter, is it really necessary to put the crystal?Will it be poisoned to death?
Chen Er changed the topic, "Of course crystals are not ingredients..."

Fans: "..."

"Drowsiness was scared away by Chen Laoshi!"

Chen Laoshi, you and I will stay together, if you continue to tease us like this, we will..."

Chen Er raised his eyebrows and asked, "How about you?"

The tea eggs invaded the earth, "What else can we do, of course wash it clean, wait obediently for molesting!"

Chen Er: "..."

Chen Er introduced the ingredients.

"The best effect of this crystal goose dish is to make it feel like jelly. The tender goose meat is wrapped in soup and frozen into jelly. It creates a transparent visual effect, like crystal."

As he spoke, he picked up a bowl of pigskin in his hand.

"So pig skin is an essential ingredient."

"After boiling the pigskin, a transparent jelly-like liquid can be boiled, and after solidification, it can achieve a jelly-like effect."

Some fans asked Chen Er if it tasted similar to pig skin jelly.

Chen Er nodded, "Yes."

"Other ingredients: goose meat, onion and ginger."

Chen Er took the goose out of the bowl, put it on the cutting board and cut it into four squares evenly.

"When choosing goose meat, generally choose the fat and thin part, so that it tastes better."

"The host likes the goose breast part."

Qingtian: "Goose breast? What is goose breast?"

Pork stewed vermicelli: "It's the breast of the goose, Chen Laoshi likes to eat the breast of the goose!"

Riding a snail to achieve prosperity: "Goose has breasts?"

Watermelon is not an east melon: "Goose: MMP, you have no breasts!"

Chen Er is used to these teasing words from them.

Pick up the onion and ginger and cut it by hand.

Cut green onion into sections and slice ginger.

Then take out the steamer basket.

Now put a layer of sliced ​​ginger and green onion on the steamer, and put four pieces of goose on it.

Spread a layer of sliced ​​ginger and scallions on top of the goose.

"In order to ensure the rich taste of the goose meat, it is recommended to steam the goose meat in a steamer instead of cooking in a pot or directly contacting water."

After Chen Er finished speaking, he put the steamer on the pot, lit the fire and started steaming.

Next deal with the pork skin.

"The smell of pigskin is strong, so we have to find a way to get rid of the smell of pigskin."

Chen Er boiled a pot of water in the pot, and put some ginger pieces in the water in advance.

When the water boils, put the pork skin in and cook.

"Ginger can dilute the fishy smell of the pigskin, but we can't let the pigskin cook for too long, just cook for a few minutes."

Chen Er calculated the time and saw that the pig skin in the pot was rolled together and slowly turned white.

He turned off the fire and fished out the pigskin.

Strain the water and set aside.

Chen Er washed the pot and replaced it with clean water.

This time the water is less, only half of what it was just now.

Chen Er cut the pig skin into pieces and threw it in, then picked up a handful of lotus leaves from the table.

"Although the smell of the pigskin has faded, if you want to make the smell of the gelatinous liquid from the pigskin smell better, you have to use something else."

"The host recommends putting something with a fresh smell. It is not recommended to put something with a strong aroma. Otherwise, it will steal the limelight of the goose meat."

"But this thing cannot be put directly into the pot and cooked with the pig skin, otherwise it will change the appearance of the entire crystal goose meat."

"Today the anchor will use lotus leaves."

Chen Er spread the lotus leaves densely on the mouth of the pot. Because the lotus leaves are big enough, he is not worried that the lotus leaves will fall into the pot.

Looking at it this way, the lotus leaf is like a "pot lid", tightly covering the mouth of the pot.

"When the water boils, the hot air will come up and cannot escape through the mouth of the pot, and it will condense into water droplets on the lotus leaves. The smell of the lotus leaves will be brought into the pot. But it will not be too strong."

Chen Er looked at the clock on the wall.

"Just wait an hour and a half."

Shen Yinian rang the doorbell, then poked his head in.

"Mr. Jin is here."

Chen Er nodded, turned around and picked up the teapot, filled it with water, and brought it to a boil.

Then he skillfully brewed a cup of jasmine tea and asked Shen Yinian to bring it over.

"The first course is still being prepared, let him wait, and you can't drink too much tea."

Shen Yinian nodded in response, but couldn't help but pouted in his heart.

It seems that she will have to listen to Jin Changsong for a long time.

When the time came, Chen Er took the steamer off the stove first.

After waiting for a few seconds, the steamer was opened.

A large puff of white mist first emerged from the steamer, carrying a strong aroma of onion and ginger.

Chen Er took the chopsticks, pierced through the layers of white mist, and reached into the steamer to remove the scallions and ginger slices from the surface of the goose.

Carefully take out the four pieces of goose meat and put them in a large porcelain bowl.

The steamed goose meat has a very beautiful snow white color, just like the snow that has just been piled up in the snow.

There is a hint of hot steam coming out of the goose meat, accompanied by the delicious aroma of the goose meat.

"The current goose meat has not added any condiments, only pure meat flavor."

There's nothing quite like the sheer aroma of meat.

Inhale the aroma forcefully, as if biting a large piece of goose in your mouth.

The meat is fragrant, smells fine, and even has a touch of sweetness.

Pure and delicious.

Chen Er turned to look at the pigskin in the pot.

Turn off the fire first, and then carefully remove the lotus leaves from the mouth of the pot.

The steaming hot air rushed out of the pot, carrying scorching water vapor and a faint aroma of lotus leaves.

Chen Er stretched out his hands to cover his face, and all the heat rushed into his palms.

After the heat dissipated, I turned my palms over and saw that there were many crystal drops of water in my palms.

Exudes a fresh scent of lotus leaves.

It is like a lotus pond where the mist has just dissipated in the morning, refreshing and pleasant.

Chen Er picked up the spoon and gently stirred the bottom of the pot.

The pork rinds had been boiled, turning into a viscous, translucent jelly-like liquid.

Chen Er scooped up a spoon and sniffed the smell.

"Yes, the smell has become very fresh, without much fishy smell."

Chen Er sprinkled an appropriate amount of salt and stirred evenly.

The liquid was then served in bowls and served.

Take out a knife and divide the four pieces of goose into even small cubes.

Arrange it in a large porcelain bowl, and inject the steaming gelatinous liquid into it.

Submerge all the goose meat.

"Seal the mouth of the bowl, let it cool first, then pile up ice cubes around it, and wrap it with lotus leaves to delay the melting of the ice cubes and speed up the forming."

(End of this chapter)

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