My students can change history

Chapter 6 Suppose your student is 4-year-old Li Bai

Chapter 6 Suppose your student is 14-year-old Li Bai

In the evening, after Li Bai and Zhao Ke'er had fallen asleep, he called Xun Ze back to his bedroom and turned on the computer.

The Stanley Forum is a relatively small educational forum.But it is an education forum, because there are only a few active users in the forum, so people usually talk about everything from astronomy and geography to emotional gossip, except education.

Although everyone likes water that is messy, because the users in the jar are all teachers from various schools, the average quality is good and the knowledge level is also high. If you have any questions about Xunze before, you like to come to this forum to ask.

"If your student is 14-year-old Li Bai, how should you educate him?" "

Asked Xunze to type the title, then added some content casually, and published the post.

Although it is already night, some night owl friends are still preparing lessons and grading papers.In addition, there are apps made by big players in the forum, so many forum members have seen the post called Xun Zefa.

"Xunze's question today is very instructive." User Xucang was the first to reply to Xunze's post, "I always think that Li Bai is the kind of genius who was born to stand at the peak of human beings. All the things in him The sense of loneliness exuded is precisely because no one understands because of the transcendence of the times.

For such a genius, I don't think there is a suitable way to teach him in the existing education circle.Because the educational materials and methods we use are written by us mortals, it is not suitable to teach such geniuses.

So, if your student in Xunze is really 14-year-old Li Bai, then it is best to let him study freely and only answer his questions when he asks you.Because any of your classes is actually lowering the upper limit of his future achievements. "

This answer is wonderful.

Asked Xunze to read Xu Cang's answer, and found it very useful for reference.Indeed, for a legendary figure like Li Bai who deserves half of the prosperous Tang Dynasty, even if all the experts in the education field are called together, it may not be possible to formulate the best study plan for him, let alone Xun. Ze, who only dared to teach junior high school and elementary school, didn't know much about high school.

"Yo, as soon as I came in, I saw someone brazenly bragging about Li Bai." At this time, a friend whose id was Brother Yuan replied to Xucang's answer, "A man who has been married to a wealthy family twice It’s just a poet, is it worthy of such praise. I do admit that Li Bai is good at writing poems, but in terms of talent, I don’t think he is necessarily much better than some students in key middle schools. I think his greatness is more caused by the times, not by himself. .

You must know that no one read his poems before, but he was raised by He Zhizhang later, and he got close to the big V, and he became popular because of the traffic.So you really think highly of him. "

"Li Bai's greatness is unquestionable." Xucang obviously couldn't bear to see people slandering Li Bai like this, and immediately replied, "You think Li Bai's greatness is created by the times. But I think Li Bai's greatness is because of himself.

For example, Li Bai once wanted to write a poem on the Yellow Crane Tower, but he saw "Yellow Crane Tower" written by another poet.Li Bai felt that this person's poems were much better than he thought, so he didn't start writing the Yellow Crane Tower. Instead, after a few years, he wrote a poem "Climbing Jinling" along the lines of the original "Yellow Crane Tower". "Phoenix Terrace" has always been considered to be higher than the Yellow Crane Tower in terms of literary evaluation.

Therefore, if there are really time travelers in this world, and they travel to before Li Bai, all Li Bai's poems will be pirated.Then Li Bai is likely to write more magnificent poems in order to surpass this traverser! "

Although Xu Cang said it well, Brother Yuan obviously didn't agree with what he said, so the two argued in the post called Xun Ze, throwing out a bunch of allusions to data.

Although the two had a quarrel, Ming Xunze got inspiration.

Yes, why don't I teach Li Bai his own poems.

Good idea, other novels are full of time traveler copying other people's works, called Xun Ze intends to let Li Bai, a time traveler, copy his own work, bah, to learn from his own work.

The next morning, he got up and made breakfast, asked Xun Ze to knock on Zhao Ke'er's door to wake her up, and then knocked on Li Bai's door.

But I didn't expect Li Bai to get up early to exercise in the room.

"Wake up so early." Asked Xun Ze, looking at Li Bai who was almost 100% the great poet in history.

"I'm used to getting up so early." Li Bai pointed to the lamp in the bedroom and said, "Because we don't have such a bright thing there, so we go to bed very early at night, and we need to get up as soon as the sun shines in the morning."

This is true. Since the invention of lighting, human beings have been going to bed later and later, and gradually evolved into the current situation of night owls everywhere.

Breakfast is buns and soy milk.Li Bai happily ate up his share, while Zhao Keer ate it under the pressure of Ming Xunze.

"Let's go." Because Zhao Ke'er didn't eat her favorite hamburger and drink her favorite Fat House Happy Water Coke in the morning, she was a little angry at Xun Ze, and went to school alone with her schoolbag on her back.

"Teacher, can I go to Zhao Ke'er's school?" Li Bai was curious about the school Zhao Ke'er was going to, and wanted to take a look.

"We can pick up Zhao Ke'er in the evening." Ming Xunze answered Li Bai's words, and then motioned Li Bai to put the finished plate aside and listen to him.

"I thought about it last night. I thought that since you like poetry and swordsmanship, we can start with what you like. In the morning, you can learn poetry and arithmetic, that is, mathematics. In the afternoon, I will take you to learn fencing. How about .”

"I listen to the teacher." Li Bai replied, "The cat fairy who brought me here told me that you have the ability to teach me well."

"Well, this fat cat really believes me." After hearing Li Bai's words, Ming Xunze murmured, then turned and went back to his bedroom to find a collection of Li Bai's poems. Said, "These are all poems written by the great Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai, I hope you can read these poems carefully."

"I heard Li Bai introduced by Zhao Ke'er's sister yesterday." Li Bai took the collection of poems and lowered his head and said, "It is said that he is a great swordsman. He entered Chang'an three times with a sword, and wrote poems with a long sword for the first time. "I want to go up to the blue sky and embrace the bright moon", leaving a sword mark on Suzaku Gate. The second time I took the sword to the Daming Palace, the whole Chang'an was dim under the sword light. The third time accompanied by wine, I attracted Xinghe and sang aloud The sword of the great river comes from the sky."

(End of this chapter)

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