My students can change history

Chapter 50 The Teacher Takes You to Seek Justice

Chapter 50 The Teacher Takes You to Seek Justice
But later Chi Yihan found out through his friends that his math test scores had been tampered with, and the tampered person was Wei Ziqian.So she wrote a report letter to report Wei Ziqian to the curator of the sword gym, but Wei Ziqian stopped the report letter halfway.

Wei Ziqian has a lot of energy in the sword gym, but at the critical moment when the curator of Hongya Sword Gym is about to retire, and he has to choose a successor from the deputy curator, he dare not mess around.

So in order to seal Chi Yihan's mouth, he deliberately arranged a weaker opponent for Chi Yihan in the talent competition.

In this way, if Chi Yihan dared to continue to report him, then he would turn the truth upside down and say that his son's removal from Chi Yihan's quota was a deal with Chi Yihan.That is to say, Chi Yihan failed the math test on purpose, and vacated a place for promotion so that Wei Ziqian had the opportunity to work his son into it.Then Wei Ziqian helped Chi Yihan release water in the talent competition, allowing Chi Yihan to successfully pass the talent competition exam.

This is the standard bad guy with a brain.

He does not threaten anyone, does not use force, but binds the victim to himself.If Chi Yihan dared to report him again in the future, what awaited Chi Yihan would be that he would be revoked as a sword gym student for cheating in the talent competition, and would never be accepted by the sword gym for the rest of his life.

This is an absolutely unbearable price for Chi Yihan who is in urgent need of money.

If Xun Ze hadn't happened to overhear the conversation between the two today, Chi Yihan might have been forced to give in today.It's not about justice, it's about survival.After all, there is a brother in the family who is in urgent need of money.

"Crack, crack, crack." Ming Xunze clapped his hands while walking up the stairs.

"Who?!" Jiao Xunze's sudden utterance obviously frightened Wei Ziqian and Chi Yihan.

"I just saw it a few days ago, so I don't know who I am today." Ming Xunze squinted his eyes and stood in front of Wei Ziqian, "Curator Wei, your memory is not good enough."

"Teacher?!" Chi Yihan didn't expect to meet Xun Ze here, and Xun Ze heard the conversation between him and Wei Ziqian.

Maybe the teacher is planning to tell the story.

Chi Yihan thought of his younger brother lying on the hospital bed, and his heart tightened.

"Teacher?" Wei Ziqian glanced suspiciously at Xun Ze and Chi Yihan, and suddenly remembered that Chi Yihan had learned swordsmanship in a small sword hall.So Ming Xun Ze is likely to be the instructor in the small sword gym she studied before, which is in line with his previous judgment on Ming Xun Ze's identity.

"The third floor of the sword hall is forbidden for outsiders to enter." Wei Ziqian didn't care to guess how much he had heard before calling Xunze, he directly shouted, "Who told you to come up, go down!"

"Don't, I have something to ask my students." Ming Xunze pointed to Chi Yihan, then lowered his head and said to Chi Yihan, "The teacher heard what happened just now. If the teacher is protecting your sword hall disciple At the same time, make public the evil deeds of curator Wei, are you willing to cooperate with the teacher?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Wei Ziqian was really anxious now, he wanted to reach out and push Xun Ze down.

"Teacher, I do." Chi Yihan and Ming Xunze looked at each other for three seconds, and suddenly summoned up the courage to say, "The Sword Immortal Patriarch once said that the sword wielder should have clear hands and clear mind, and the sword that pierces will be talented. The meeting is upright. Although Yihan's family is poor, he is not willing to violate his creed of practicing swordsmanship for the sake of temporary accommodation."

"Okay, this is my student." Ming Xunze stroked Chi Yihan's head with one hand, rolled the other hand, and clamped Wei Ziqian's extended hand under his armpit.

"If you don't leave, I'll call security." Wei Ziqian glared at Xun Ze and Chi Yihan angrily.

Although he felt that even if these two people knew what he was doing, they wouldn't be able to make much trouble.But now is the critical moment for the curator to choose a successor. He is unwilling to tarnish his reputation for a trivial matter, and be excluded from the successor by other competitors.

"Don't worry, I'm leaving now." Ming Xunze grabbed Chi Yihan and began to walk down, "But don't be complacent, maybe we can meet again later."

"Don't say it for a while. From today onwards, if I let you enter the Hongya Sword Hall, then I won't believe Wei!" Wei Ziqian said coldly, looking at the leaving figure called Xun Ze.

"Teacher, Sister Chi Yihan." Zhao Ke'er was sitting in her seat watching the game, when she saw Xun Ze and Chi Yihan appearing in the corridor, she hurriedly stood up and asked, "Why did you meet together?"

"Your sister Chi Yihan has been bullied, I plan to seek justice for her." Ming Xunze clapped his hands and said.

"Teacher, please stop making trouble." Zhao Ke'er said, "Sister Chi Yihan has become an official disciple of the sword hall. Who dares to bully her?"

"That's the little girl."

"The one who just opened the back door and passed the genius test?"

"Yes, that's her."

While Zhao Ke'er was talking to Xun Ze Chi Yihan, there were bursts of moderate voices in the audience, all discussing Chi Yihan's game just now.

"Teacher." Chi Yihan looked at the contempt these people looked at her and reached out to grab the corner of Xunze's clothes. "I want to stand in front of the curator and tell this matter now. The identity of this swordsman disciple I do not want it."

"Don't worry, it's up to the teacher." Ming Xunze patted Chi Yihan lightly, signaling her to be calm and calm.

Wei Ziqian's energy in the sword hall is obviously relatively large.So if you don't make a big deal today, this old boy probably won't be punished too severely.

As for how to make things big.

Ming Xunze looked up at the head of the sword gym and his team who were sitting in front watching the competition, and he had already made up his mind.

The Jianguan Talent Competition not only has very strict requirements for the contestants, but also the competition is extremely difficult.Ten contestants often have no way to complete the three complete games and will be eliminated.

In fact, in the talent competition held in previous years, at most one out of ten people can advance, any more would be a windfall.

Asked Xun Ze to stand with Chi Yihan and Zhao Ke'er for less than 5 minutes, and the last contestant also came to the stage to start the competition.

"It's almost time, let's go, the teacher will take you to seek justice." Seeing this scene, Jiao Xunze directly pulled Chi Yihan and Zhao Ke'er to the outside of the sword hall.

(End of this chapter)

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