Chapter 375 Finale
Chapter 375 Finale
In fact, although Xun Ze's appearance was so cool, those who participated in the New Year's Festival thought it was a god.

But in fact, the capitulators lurking in the Hua Dynasty didn't think it was true at all.

After a short discussion, they came to their own judgment.

That is, the whole country can no longer sustain itself.

No matter how much you mobilize, no matter how much you appeal, you will not be able to persuade those people who have endured the death of their relatives, the separation of friends, and the extremely low quality of life to contribute to this country again.

Therefore, in order to avoid the complete loss of the people's confidence in resistance, several prime ministers decided to use superstition to continue to guide people to persevere.

The so-called envoys sent by Emperor Wa are nothing but tricks to deceive people's hearts.

So these people slapped their heads and felt that this matter should not be allowed to continue to ferment, so that some foolish people had the confidence to resist.

So Ling Fanhan quickly organized this riot, and used bitter tricks to get the civilians who came with him to attack the palace.

Anyway, he has a special status. Even if the guards want to shoot, they must avoid him first. There is a high probability that he will be fine.It doesn't matter whether things succeed or not. Anyway, after this riot occurs, it will definitely be like a flame, igniting all the voices of dissatisfaction with the current government across the country.

But Ling Fanhan really didn't expect that the so-called envoy sent by Emperor Wa actually existed, and it wasn't just made up by a few prime ministers.

Trembling all over, he watched as Xunze walked towards him step by step.He instinctively wanted to scream, but he couldn't utter a word, he could only look at the forehead where Xun Ze put his hand on, and after a while, he stood uncontrollably at the front of the crowd, throwing himself these words Nian colluded with foreign forces and betrayed the country.

"Are you satisfied with this result?" Jiao Xunze turned around and asked the two prime ministers.

"Satisfied." The two prime ministers nodded hurriedly.

In the middle of the night, after Xun Ze sent Xia Ji back to her bedroom, she was going to go back to the room that Zheng Yilun had prepared for him, but Xia Ji entangled Xun Ze and asked Xun Ze to accompany him.

Ming Xunze had to let Xia Ji sleep in the inner bedroom, while he hid in the outer room, thinking about what to do next.

"You can find little loli wherever you go." At this moment, a voice sounded, making Xun Ze turn his head to look, and found that it was Big Meow.

"Big meow." Xunze called out in surprise.

"You haven't answered my question yet, perverted lolicon." Big Meow looked at Xun Ze and said.

"Go away, you are a lolita control. Isn't your apprentice a lolita?" Jing Xunze rolled his eyes at Da Meow.

"Okay, let's talk about serious business." Da Miao jumped onto the table sensitively, and then said to Xun Ze, "I have already checked before I came, this world is the sleeping place of the God of Arms. Now The situation of the Huaxia nation is precisely because of the disruption of the split ideology photographed by the God of Arms, which led to the Huaxia being besieged by major countries."

"Is there a solution?" Ming Xunze asked.

"Yes." Big Meow nodded and said, "Because all the traitors in the upper realm have left, the resistance army is now free. What we are afraid of now is not the attack of the traitors, but the inability to find the traitors Where is it hidden.

Now that the hiding place of the God of Arms is determined, we can naturally deal with the God of Arms with all our strength. "

"But what about Heavenly Tribulation?" Jiao Xunze asked. "If I use all my strength in this world, I will easily be greeted by Heavenly Tribulation and sent back to the upper realm. There are so many people in the Resistance Army, if any of them uses energy beyond the limit of Heavenly Tribulation during a fight, then everyone around Everyone in the circle will follow him and be burned to ashes."

"Then you don't need to call up many resistance troops, just a few." Da Miao said to Xun Ze.

"Besides, the resistance army can't come down easily. Some methods have to be used."

"What method?" Ming Xunze asked.

"Do you still remember your students?" Big Meow said to Xunze, "Take Li Bai as an example. There is Li Bai in your world, and there is also Li Bai in this world. Although the two times Li Bai is not the same person. But there is also a certain connection between them. As long as you can find what Li Bai left behind in this world, you can summon Li Bai. At the same time, Li Bai can also use his connection with this world to return to the world. In the past, summon your disciples to come over."

"I don't understand." Ming Xunze looked at Da Miao and shook his head.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to explain too much, you just have to do what I tell you." Da Miao also didn't explain too much to Xun Ze.

A few days later, at the behest of Ming Xun Ze, Hua Chao used all the resources in the country and finally found Li Bai's tomb, and Ming Xun Ze successfully summoned Li Bai.

After Li Bai came to this world, under the arrangement of Da Miao, he returned to the Tang Dynasty in the world where Xun Ze lived.

That was when Qinglian Sword Sect had just celebrated the ascension of Patriarch Li Bai, and then before a group of Li Bai's disciples and grandsons left, Li Bai appeared again.

A large number of elites from Qinglian Jianmen were brought to Hua Dynasty by Li Bai.

Xianxia Huaxia civilization has a great advantage over general technological civilization.

With the help of Qinglian Jianmen, Huachao quickly defeated the coalition forces of various countries, and then Ming Xunze also successfully found the split consciousness of the God of Arms.

After uniting with Li Bai to kill the split consciousness of the God of Fire, in order to avoid being killed while he was asleep, the God of Fire finally woke up.

This was the first time that Xun Ze and others faced a revived god.

Although the God of Arms could only wake up for a few minutes, his power forced Da Miao to urgently summon Mu Ziyue from the upper world to help Xunze.In this battle, both sides used strength that exceeded the limit of the Heavenly Tribulation, which caused powerful Heavenly Tribulation to continuously bombard everyone.

In this battle, Xun Ze and others succeeded in killing the gods.The God of Arms has completely fallen.

But they also paid a heavy price.

In addition to the death of a large number of disciples of Qinglian Sword Sect, Mu Ziyue, a disciple of Da Miao, is also only one breath away from being completely wiped out.

So under Da Miao's suggestion, Jiao Xunze used his last ability to energize living things to choose to energize Mu Ziyue.

Afterwards, Mu Ziyue was taken away by Da Miao, and Xun Ze also returned to his own world under Da Miao's arrangement, leading the Chinese civilization to conquer other civilizations in the universe, accumulate strength, and wait for the final decisive battle between the Chinese civilization and the traitors one day .




some words:

It's the end.

In other words, it sucks.

Therefore, it is not set as a paid chapter.

From the later stage of my family's guests to my family's students.The whole person does not know why he has been in a state of impatience.

This state has affected the creative thinking of my students, so that the book deviates from the original creative thinking in the later stage.

Of course, I have to admit that I didn't devote [-]% of my energy to writing this book.

After the first great historical change, many readers reacted too quickly to the plot.

When I realized this problem, I couldn't stop, so I thought about starting a new book.


Both my home appliances and my teacher's books were given up by myself because of poor grades.

After thinking about it a lot, I think the idea of ​​my teacher's book is good, but there is a problem with my own writing.

So I plan to rewrite my teacher's book.

Give yourself a few days, make a detailed outline, write slowly, and devote [-]% of your energy, hoping to make your next book like a guest of mine that you can't afford to mess with, and give readers a comfortable reading experience.

The next time I open a new book, no matter what my grades are, I will ask myself to write at least 100 million words, and I will not cut it off in the middle.

I hope you all are patient and willing to wait for me.

(End of this chapter)

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