My students can change history

Chapter 31 Accelerating the Development of Human Civilization

Chapter 31 Accelerating the Development of Human Civilization

After breakfast on Monday morning, he asked Xun Ze to send Zhao Ke'er away, and then signaled Gao Qi and Li Bai to follow him to the classroom.

"Li Bai, have you seen last night what changes you have made when you go back this time?"

"I've seen it, teacher." Li Bai replied, "This time I really killed An Lushan with my own hands."

"Very proud, aren't you?" Ming Xunze asked.

"I don't know." Li Bai replied honestly, "Because I did it in the future."

"Then do you have further plans to go back this time and kill An Lushan before he rebelled?"

"It's impossible for me to have such an idea." Li Bai said, "If I really kill An Lushan before the rebellion, then I will be lucky enough to escape to a wild place to spend the rest of my life. I will not be so lucky, teacher. Probably only my name can be seen in some history books recording mobs."

"It seems that you are not too stupid." Ming Xunze looked at Li Bai and said, "If An Lushan dies, An Lushan's son will rebel. Rebellion. The reason why An Lushan rebelled was because the warlord forces behind him had already controlled nearly one-third of the country's military force. So, if you really dare to kill him before he rebels, maybe it will make these people even worse A legitimate rebel."

"Teacher, I have known this truth for a long time." Li Bai said, "Isn't it because of this truth that the emperor killed An Lushan when he was not in Beijing?"

"That's not certain." Ming Xunze smiled, "It's also possible that he really doesn't believe that An Lushan will rebel. After all, if I were Li Longji, I would definitely kill An Lushan when he entered Beijing. Even if they would still rebel, it would be easier to extinguish the dragons without a leader. At worst, they would bear a little bit of infamy for killing ministers out of jealousy."

"Then why didn't the teacher let the brother kill An Lushan before he rebelled?" Gao Qiu asked in a low voice.

"The reason is very simple." Before Xun Ze could answer, Li Bai said first, "Because I'm not the emperor."

"Uh." Gao Qiu, who was actually quite timid, didn't dare to ask any more questions immediately after hearing Li Bai's words.

Even in the Song Dynasty, where the speech was relatively loose, no one dared to say like Li Bai.

"Then what do you want to learn when you come back this time?" Ming Xunze asked Li Bai, "To continue learning swordsmanship, do you still want to learn how to make simple explosives and send Anlu Mountain directly to the sky with explosives?"

"It's boring to use explosives." Li Bai pouted and said, "Swordsmanship is a man's romance."

"I think you think that it is very correct for you to assassinate An Lushan in the future." Ming Xunze and Li Bai looked at each other for a long time, seeing that this kid refused to give up on assassinating An Lushan, He had no choice but to sigh and say, "Then what knowledge are you going to learn this week?"

"I checked the information last night." Li Bai stretched his waist and said, "Because I created the Qinglian Sword Formation Army in the future, there is now an additional category of swordsmanship in the sword hall, which is Army Formation Swordsmanship. I plan to learn this Kind of swordsmanship."

"This kind of battlefield swordsmanship in the era of cold weapons is still inherited?" Ming Xunze asked.

"There are classes in the sword hall, but it has become a performance of swordsmanship. I plan to buy some ancient military books and books introducing ancient swordsmanship. I believe that although I can't fully learn the army swordsmanship, I can learn some experience. I will learn more about it later. It's so much easier to create."

"That's true." Jiao Xunze was talking to Li Bai, but he was thinking about something else.

He now somewhat understood what Big Meow had said before.

What he holds in his hands is not only the power to change history, but also the right to accelerate the development of the entire human civilization.

After Li Bai returned for the first time, a fencing hall appeared in China, so Li Bai, who came for the second time, could learn the essence of swordsmanship that had been improved over thousands of years.After Li Bai came back for the third time, Chinese swordsmanship not only reached its peak, but also added the category of military formation swordsmanship.

Calling Xunze has reason to believe that after Li Bai returns this time, there may be an additional army with swordsmen in history.

The nascent Sword Array Army will have nearly a thousand years of development experience more than other military types from the very beginning.The strength of swordsmen who have learned the swordsmanship specially used on the battlefield is absolutely terrifying.

Think about it, this is just a cold weapon. If any kind of hot weapon comes to such a hand, it will definitely develop to a level that even Xun Ze can't imagine.

Thinking of this, Ming Xunze looked at Li Bai seriously and said, "If you want to behead An Lushan, relying solely on military swordsmanship is not enough. Teacher will teach you the combat knowledge of modern special forces starting tomorrow."

Xun Ze, who had no awareness of maintaining the normal development of history at all, frantically communicated with Li Bai, and motioned Li Bai to read the materials first. He turned his head to look at Gao Qiu and said, "Okay, now it's your turn."

"The teacher agrees with the idea that you want to gain fame. However, the teacher feels that in an era when imperial power was supreme, reputation in the academy was not that important. Instead, the emperor's favor was the key to promoting football. .”

Ask Xunze to talk to Gao Qiu about buying poems first.

"But." Gao Qiu saw that his name was Xun Ze, and he really wanted to say what if I flattered the emperor too much and was directly written as a lucky minister in the history books, offending many literati.

After all, he lived in the Song Dynasty. If he was slandered one after another after his death, he might not have the good luck to recover his reputation in modern times.

You know, the group of people who wrote the book didn't all look at the problem from the position of the general public like the authors of the Water Margin.If before this, someone used Chunqiu's brushwork to imply that his medical skills were also copied from others, then the accumulation of being hacked in the past dynasties will definitely be labeled as a villain, and his own credit may not be attributed to him. up.

"Don't worry about this." Ming Xunze said to Gao Qiu, "I have a way to improve your reputation among scholars, but let's talk about how you won the emperor's favor first."

"Do you know about bicycles?" Ming Xunze asked Gao Qiu.

"I know." Gao Qiu replied, "I went downstairs a few days ago and saw my junior sister riding by."

"Recently I learned how to make wooden bicycles." Jing Xunze said to Gao Qiu, "This kind of bicycle is purely wooden, so even if the Song Dynasty could not produce it on a large scale, it still could not build a few specifically for the emperor's use. questionable."

"Thank you, teacher." Gao Qiu knew through history that Song Huizong was very playful when he was young, and liked new and interesting things.Sending the wooden bicycle up there is very likely to win Song Huizong's favor.

(End of this chapter)

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