Chapter 269
Lu Zhende's death has always been a mystery in history.

Because from being captured inexplicably to being burned alive by Donglizong in the end.

During this period, a full three months have passed.

In the past three months, Dongli Sect has not been very murderous towards Lu Zhende, and has hinted several times that Wanfa Sect can save Lu Zhende at a certain price.

However, Wanfazong remained unmoved, demanding Donglizong to release Lu Zhende immediately, but there was no corresponding action.

So after three months of seesaw, Donglizong lost his patience and directly burned Lu Zhende to death.

According to the analysis of later historians, Lu Zhende's death should have been caused by multiple parties. In addition to the Dongli Sect, some people in the Wanfa Sect also secretly worked hard to make Lu Zhende die tragically in the Dongli Sect's territory.

The reason is that some people don't want to see the war end.

The war between Dongli Sect and Wanfa Sect lasted for nearly a hundred years. Although it caused great harm to the two sects, it also allowed some people to profit from the war.

Therefore, the existence of Lu Zhende has become a thorn in the eyes of some people in Wanfazong.

There are even conspiracy theorists who believe that Lu Zhende's death was committed by Wanfa Sect, Dongli Sect, and other sects in Xunzhou who did not want to see a truce between Dongli Sect and Wanfa Sect.

But no matter what, Xunze didn't have time to deal with Lu Zhende's affairs this week.

Because he was in a hurry to bring Chen Liya back to Earth to practice martial arts coercion, Ming Xunze asked Xu Wei to help teach Lu Zhende and Zhang Zhongjing some basic knowledge, and he took Chen Liya on the Earth-Moon spacecraft and rushed back to Earth.

"Welcome to Qinglian Sword Gate."

Standing in front of a huge manor built on the lake, Hong Shiyun introduced the mountain gate of Qinglian Sword Gate to Ming Xunze.

Although, if the sect is built on a mountain, it will look a lot more imposing.But in fact, considering the transportation problem, generally large sects are established on wide plains.

City walls are meaningless to warriors, so cities in Xunzhou seldom build huge city walls.

Therefore, the flatter the plain, the more open the terrain and the more convenient the transportation, the more suitable it is for a large sect.

However, when Li Bai had a foundation for establishing a sect in Xunzhou, his foundation and contacts were not particularly good, and he could not find a suitable plain for establishing a large sect.

So he simply found another way, built a building on a huge lake, and established Qinglian Jianmen.

Living on a lake may cause the problem of excessive water vapor for ordinary people, but it has little effect on warriors.

Therefore, even though Qinglian Sword Sect later became the leading large-scale sect, it did not move the sect's address.

Grandmaster Li Chengfeng and other senior officials of Qinglian Sword Sect stayed on the moon to deal with some matters, so Hong Shiyun led the way as a guide for this trip to Qinglian Sword Sect.

Ming Xunze took Chen Liya and followed Hong Shiyun to walk on a long water promenade, and Qinglian Jianmen disciples wearing Zongmen costumes passed by from time to time on both sides.

"Have you heard that in this year's Warrior Classic, our disciple of Qinglian Jianmen won the top spot." After saluting to Hong Shiyun, a disciple chatted with his partner next to him in a high voice. .

"I watched that match." My friend said, "That Chi Yihan is really shameful. He bears the name of our Qinglian Sword Sect, but uses a long halberd as a weapon in the final. I don't even know what to do with other sects What do you say about it when your friends get together?"

"It's Ye Luzi's background, so it's normal to not know the exquisite swordsmanship of my Qinglian sword sect. After all, what is the Qinglian lineage of Zhongzhou, I have long forgotten how to use the swordsmanship of my Qinglian lineage."

"However, the skill they used in the game that can ignore the opponent's damage seems to be very powerful. This way, you can completely fight the opponent with injury for injury, and the opponent may not dare to hit you."

"It is estimated that this is the exercise that their master and apprentice dug out from the library of our Qinglian Sword Sect and was forgotten by us. Otherwise, how could it be possible to create such a powerful exercise with only a few people from Qinglian's lineage in Zhongzhou."

"Yeah, I heard from Professor Liu. He said that our Qinglian Sword Sect had a similar technique in its history. But later on, it may have been considered not elegant enough, so it was abandoned by the seniors."

"That's right. After all, our disciples of Qinglian Sword Sect not only want to win, but also win gracefully. We can't fight like savages."

Several disciples spoke extremely fast, and before Hong Shiyun could react, they had already chirped a lot.

And when Hong Shiyun wanted to yell and tell them to shut up, these disciples had already walked away.So Hong Shiyun could only turn around and say to Xunze in embarrassment,
"Many of the disciples under the sect have never been out of the sect, so they have no knowledge and don't know how to speak. Please ask the master to forgive me."

"En." Let Xun Ze know that the disciples of Qinglian Sword Sect dare to discuss these topics like no one else, it must be that many people in the sect do not have Qinglian Sword Sect as their own.

Even though the disciples of Qinglian Sword Sect lost early this year, apart from Chi Yihan, there were three disciples of Baji Sect among the top four.

But for the sake of vanity, Qinglian Jianmen chose to despise Zhongzhou Qinglian's lineage, who seemed to be a poor relative from the countryside.

But this time Xun Ze mainly wanted to use Qinglian Sword Gate's Glory Patriarch Hall, so he didn't want to cause trouble, so he could only ignore these remarks.

After arriving at the core of Qinglian Sword Gate, Hong Shiyun took Xun Ze to apply for the permission to stay in the room near the Glory Patriarch Hall and the permission to enter the Glory Patriarch Hall, and followed Hong Shiyun to the Glory Patriarch Hall.

It was specifically told by Grandmaster Li Chengfeng that Xun Ze could bring a disciple into the Glory Patriarch Hall to practice, so although Xun Ze met many Qinglian Sword Sect disciples who didn't think highly of Zhongzhou Qinglian's lineage along the way, Did not suffer.

"This is the room where the two of you can come and live at any time recently."

Hong Shiyun asked Xun Ze and Chen Liya to look around the room, then went through layers of guards and came to the front of Glory Patriarch Hall.

"Ahead is the Glory Patriarch Hall. In it are not only the swords or other relics left by the great masters and great masters of our Qinglian Sword Sect in the past. There are also other relics that our Qinglian Sword Sect has collected from various places and are famous for their swordsmanship. A relic left behind by the Grandmaster.

Most of these relics are marked with their owners.If the master is interested, you can also visit it.However, it should be noted that after entering the Glory Patriarch Hall, once the internal power in the body begins to operate, it will be tempered by the pressure of martial arts, so be cautious. "


Asked Xun Ze to thank Hong Shiyun, and then took Chen Liya into the Glory Patriarch Hall.

Although most of the buildings in Qinglian Jianmen Sect look very simple on the outside, they have all undergone technological transformation inside, and many high-tech equipment are available.

But Glory Patriarch Hall is different.

After Ming Xunze stepped in, he immediately felt as if he had returned to ancient times.

One after another long swords were either hung on the wall, inserted on the ground, or placed on the table.

These long swords seem extremely quiet, but if the internal force in Xunze's body is moved a little, they will immediately respond.

First, a sword buzzed, and then one infected another, and soon all the long swords made the sound of gold and iron horses, as if they wanted to bring people back to the happy enmity and blood licking on the tip of the sword. The era of faction fighting.

Because there are too many grandmaster relics hidden in the Glory Patriarch Hall of Qinglian Sword Gate, Xun Ze didn't have the leisure to visit them one by one, so he took Chen Liya directly to the front of the cushion in the middle of the Glory Patriarch Hall, and then sat on it.

Close your eyes, adjust your breathing, look inside your body, and then exercise your internal force.

As soon as Ming Xunze and Chen Liya began to use internal force in their bodies, the only sound left in the entire Glory Patriarch Hall was the clank of the long sword.

Although there are many sects in Xunzhou, and although their martial arts are complicated, none of them can break away from the original two roots of Mohism and Legalism.

When Xun Ze was asked to teach Mo Zhai and Han Fei internal strength, he used the oasis system to simulate and deduce a lot of martial arts for the two of them.

These martial arts have been the mainstream martial arts practiced by Xunzhou warriors for a long time.

It wasn't until later that with the increase in the number of warriors, some talented warriors deduced their own martial arts.But the foundation is actually imitating the foundation of the two schools of ink and law.

Therefore, after the inner power of the two masters of Mohism and Legalism in Ming Xunze's body was activated, no matter whether it was the long sword left by the master or other relics of martial arts will, the biggest movement was made.

The house where Qinglian Jianmen Grandmaster and some high-ranking Chuangong elders lived was just behind the Glorious Patriarch Hall, and it was called the Grandmaster Residence.

These houses are small villas with two or three floors.

But when all the long swords and martial arts will relics in the Hall of Glory Patriarchs still gave a huge reaction, the entire Hall of Glory Patriarchs formed a huge pressure of martial arts in an instant.

This force of martial arts penetrated the protective material that was specially used for Zushitang's ultimate move, and was directly transmitted to the ground around Zushitang.

At this time, many masters and elders who taught martial arts in the Grand Master's Curtain immediately felt the pressure of martial arts.

Although the distance is far away, these martial arts coercion can't play any role, but it still makes everyone feel a little bit.

"Who entered the Hall of Glory Patriarchs to be honed." An older grandmaster walked to the balcony on the second floor and asked the other grandmasters standing on the balcony.

"Although you can use your internal power in the Glory Patriarch Hall, you will get a response from the relics of the grandmaster. But ordinary grandmasters can only arouse responses from more than a dozen martial arts relics of the grandmaster. Even Grandmaster Li Chengfeng, when he entered the Hall of Glory Patriarchs, was nothing more than I got a response from half of the martial arts relics of the Patriarch Hall.

Who is it now that has activated all the relics of the grandmaster! "

"I don't know." Another master replied, "But I saw Hong Shiyun from Hong Ya's lineage teach two people into the Hall of Glory Patriarch."

"Could it be that another unworldly genius is about to be born in my Qinglian Sword Sect?" an old Chuangong stroked his beard and said,

"With this kind of reaction, I am optimistic that he will enter the Grand Master realm within ten years."

"If he is over 50 years old, he will definitely enter the Grand Master realm within ten years. If he is a young man under the age of 50, the time to enter the Grand Master realm may be even shorter!"

"What a terrifying talent."

An old master who has stayed in Glory Patriarch Hall for a long time, but never took that step, said,
"I originally thought that after innate, everyone's aptitude is equal. I didn't expect there to be such a monster."

"Call Hong Shiyun over here, let's ask who has entered the Hall of Glory Patriarchs." A master ordered.

When Hong Shiyun arrived at the Grandmaster's residence, half of the people from Qinglian Sword Sect had already come to watch around the Glory Patriarch Hall because of the change in the Glory Patriarch Hall.

"Which genius in the sect entered the Glory Patriarch Hall to sharpen it." The masters asked Hong Shiyun.

After all, the major branches of Qinglian Sword Sect are all over the solar system, and the names of some warriors located in the branches of remote planets may not have been heard of by you.

So for a while, the masters couldn't guess who entered the Glory Patriarch Hall, so they could only ask Hong Shiyun.

"It's Grandmaster Xunze and his disciple Chen Liya from the lineage of Zhongzhou Qinglian." Hong Shiyun answered with cupped hands.

"Zhongzhou Qinglian's lineage?!" Some grandmasters were obsessed with martial arts training and did not pay attention to the recent news, so they did not know the new grandmaster named Xunze. Only after being introduced by others did they know what kind of person he was.

The grandmaster in his 20s has never participated in any martial arts competitions, and he was already a grandmaster when he appeared in front of the world.

Moreover, he beat Grandmaster Xiang Chengtian of the Baji Gate with a wooden sword.

"This kid is so terrifying!"

An old master couldn't help blurting out.

"It's a pity that he is a disciple of Zhongzhou Qinglian's lineage." An old master thought for a while and said, "But there are not many people in Zhongzhou Qinglian's lineage. Why don't you ask this person and ask him to take Zhongzhou Qinglian's lineage as a disciple?" How about merging into Qinglian's lineage?"

"That's okay. After this son comes out of the Glory Patriarch Hall, he can come to the Grand Master's Residence to meet me." Several Grand Masters said.

"Master, it's not good!"

Just when several masters spoke, a disciple ran to the master's residence and said to an elder who was in charge of the internal affairs of the sect,
"There is a change in the ancestor worship hall!"

"Ancestral Worship Hall!"

Several masters were stunned.

Glory Patriarch Hall is not the only place where Qinglian Jianmen worships ancestors.In fact, every major festival, Qinglian Jianmen will choose to worship the ancestors in the ancestor worship hall first, and then go to the glory ancestor hall.

There are also some relics of martial arts masters in the ancestor worship hall, but they are all relics left by famous figures in the history of Qinglian Jianmen, and there are only five or six relics in total.

Among these five or six relics are the sword left by Li Bai, the swordsman who established the Qinglian Sword Sect, and the sword of the saint, Chen Liya, the first female master in history.

Strictly speaking, Grandmaster Chen Liya is not from Qinglian Sword Sect.After all, in her era, Qinglian Sword Gate had not yet been established.

The reason why the Sword of the Saint was placed in the Ancestral Worship Hall was because after the establishment of Dongli Sect, the Dongli Sword Sect, which was originally the largest sect on Dongli Island, gradually declined.

Moreover, although Grandmaster Chen Liya did not leave any descendants, her lineage has always been distinguished in the East Outlying Islands.

Following the several reforms of the Dongli Sect, the position of Master Chen Liya's master in the Dongli Sect became embarrassing. Not only did they lose their rights, but they might also be annihilated at any time.

Under such circumstances, more than a dozen disciples from Chen Liya's line simply stole the Saint Sword left by Grandmaster Chen Liya, fled to the middle of Xunzhou, and joined the newly established Qinglian Sword Sect.

At that time, Li Bai, the sword fairy of Qinglian Jianmen, was still alive.After he got the room of the saints, he studied it for several years, and then created a sword technique called the Three Swords in the Stone.

Since then, Qinglian Sword Sect has added a branch called Dongli Sword Vessel.

In order to unite the Dongli Sword Meridian, the Saint's Sword was also placed in the most important ancestor worship hall of the sect.

The position of this sword in the ancestor worship hall is only lower than the Qinglian sword left by the swordsman Li Bai.

"What happened to the ancestor worship hall!"

A master hurriedly asked.

The Ancestral Worship Hall is the symbol of Qinglian Sword Sect's inheritance. If something goes wrong with the Ancestor Worship Hall, Grandmaster Li Chengfeng might break all of their legs when he comes back.

"The Green Lotus Sword and the Saint Sword have been buzzing since just now, and they have a tendency to fly."

The disciple quickly replied.

"Nonsense!" one of the masters yelled angrily.
"Although the Qinglian Sword and the Saint Sword have the will of martial arts left by the two masters back then, after so many years, no one has ever received a response from the two swords.

Even the great master can't do it, why did he suddenly make a noise today! "

"Is it related to the Glory Patriarch Hall?" Another master raised a possibility. "The change from all the relics of the masters in the Glory Patriarch Hall has affected the Qinglian Sword and the Saint Sword."

"Although it makes sense, there are several swords besides these two swords in the ancestor worship hall. Why did these two swords have a change?!"

When several masters were guessing, suddenly two rainbow lights flew from a distance.

"It's the Green Lotus Sword and the Saint Sword!" A grandmaster pointed at Hongguang and shouted, "These two master relics are flying by themselves!"

"Really are!"

Several masters are people with extremely high vision.They could see that the two flying long swords were completely supported by the martial arts will left by the master in the sword body.Rather than someone using martial arts such as capturing dragons and controlling cranes to control their flight.

"These two swords are flying in the direction of the Glory Patriarch Hall!"

Several masters saw the destination of the two swords, and hurriedly shouted,
"Let's go into the Glory Patriarch Hall and have a look!"

"Okay, I'll go take a look too."

Several disciples also followed the masters in the direction of the Glory Ancestor Hall.

But apart from the grand master, even the most powerful imparting skills cannot enter the gate of the Glory Patriarch Hall.

Because all the martial arts will relics inside the Glory Patriarch Hall were activated, the martial arts pressure reached a very terrifying level for a while.

You can't enter the Hall of Honored Patriarchs if you pass on the skills, and the masters who can enter it don't feel too good!

Because the pressure of martial arts is too strong, the body has to bear huge pressure every step of the way.Moreover, the further you go inside the Glory Patriarch Hall, the stronger the coercion will be!
(End of this chapter)

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