My students can change history

Chapter 249 You Are Giving Reasons (5 Character Chapter)

Chapter 249 You guys should give me reasons ([-] words long chapter)

"You have the right to call me that."

Xiang Yu said something to Liu Bang very seriously, then turned his head and asked the waiter to pour Liu Bang a glass of wine.

"Pei Gong was the first to invade Xianyang, and Xiang Yu toasted him to congratulate him."

"General, don't be joking." Liu Bang thought to himself which script Xiang Yu was singing. According to everyone's general evaluation of Xiang Yu, shouldn't this be a person whose eyes are growing to the top of his head? Why would he be so polite to himself? .

"I'm not joking." Xiang Yu drank the wine in his hand and asked Liu Bang.

"Now that the Tyrant Qin has been destroyed, Pei Gong thinks who will be the master of this world in the future."

"Isn't it Emperor Yi?"

How could Liu Bang dare to answer such a question casually, so he hurriedly carried out Emperor Chu Yi who was just a puppet.

"Just a puppet."

Xiang Yu snorted coldly.

"Except for Emperor Yi, the co-lord of the world today is none other than the general."

Liu Bang then replied.

"Although Tyranny is gone now, it's still uncertain whether the world is in my hands or in Peigong's hands."

Xiang Yu was already angry when he saw Liu Bang not telling the truth.

He knew that Liu Bang already had ideas about the world at this time, but Liu Bang refused to speak out honestly.

Xiang Yu was of noble birth.Even in the last years of the Qin Dynasty, the nobles left over from the various countries still followed the noble spirit of the era of disputes among the countries.

This spirit is somewhat similar to the spirit of ancient Western chivalry, that is, if you are hostile to me, then we will have an upright fight.

Xiang Yu hopes that Liu Bang can admit his inner thoughts on the world and express his ambition to compete with him in the world.

If Liu Bang says this, Xiang Yu promises to immediately withdraw his troops from Hangu Pass, and then let Liu Bang prepare for a period of time before the two of them compete in the world.

But Liu Bang's behavior made Xiang Yu very uncomfortable.

On Liu Bang's side, the moment Xiang Yu said whether the world was in his hands or his own, he was frightened stupid.

"Bang." The copper wine glass slipped from Liu Bang's hand and fell directly to the ground.

"General, although Liu Bang was the first to attack Xianyang, it was because the general attracted the main force of the Qin army away.

Therefore, the world was clearly brought down by the general, and Liu Bang only wanted to be a free and easy prince in his life, so how could he dare to ask for the world extravagantly.

General, please don't be mistaken for rumors, I, Liu Bang, really don't have the idea of ​​being the co-lord of the world. "

"Then you dare to swear to God?"

Xiang Yu looked at Liu Bang coldly and asked.

"Dare!" After listening to Xiang Yu's words, Liu Bang swore to the sky without hesitation that if he, Liu Bang, had the slightest idea about the world, then the whole family would suffer a terrible death.

Why is my opponent such a person.

Xiang Yu has never read the history of the future. He only knows that Liu Bang will become emperor in the future, but he doesn't know what kind of person Liu Bang is.

In his imagination, Liu Bang should be a middle-aged rising hero, although he does not have the vigor of a young man.But there should still be blood in his chest.

So when he said so plainly that there will be Zhuolu with the two of them in this world, the other party should immediately admit his thoughts on the world, and hope to show that he will fight him fairly.

This is the epic story a hero should have.

In this way, even if he dies in the end, he will not feel any regrets.Because it is a great honor for a hero to die at the hand of another hero.

Maybe before he died, Xiang Yu would tell Liu Bang that the Han Dynasty you established would become the most glorious dynasty in Chinese history. I am not unjust when I lose to you.

But now Liu Bang's performance has disappointed Xiang Yu.The stage-like heroic epic he longed for did not appear, only a character who looked like a bastard was there to give up.

Even though Xiang Yu knew that this bastard would defeat him in the future, facing Liu Bang's low profile now, he really didn't have any thoughts of killing him immediately.

"Since Pei Gong really has no thoughts about the world, then there is no need to participate in this banquet. Let's go back now."

Xiang Yu stood up and personally sent Liu Bang out of the tent.

But Xiang Yu's kindness was not appreciated by Liu Bang.Liu Bang thought that Xiang Yu was going to break his neck on the way.

Although he inherited Han Fei's internal strength, Liu Bang's current state is the same as that of Duan Yu in Jin Yong's novels because of lack of practice.

It's okay to bully and bully ordinary internal force masters, but facing a quasi-grandmaster like Xiang Yu, he can't do a few tricks at all.

So it wasn't until he got on his horse that Liu Bang breathed a sigh of relief.

"Pei Gong."

Standing in the cold wind, Xiang Yu looked at Liu Bang who was about to mount his horse and leave, and said,

"After today's farewell, I'm afraid the next time you and I meet will be on the battlefield. No matter who belongs to this world in the future, Xiang Yu is lucky to have an opponent like Pei Gong."

Made, is there something wrong with this man?

Liu Bang looked at Xiang Yu, wanting to cry without tears.

Although I really had some thoughts in my heart, I never told anyone.You belong to Xiang Yu, and you are Xiang Yu, the most prestigious General of the Six Nations!

If you really think that I will compete with you for the world in the future, you can chop me up immediately, who would say no.

Those of my subordinates probably thought of how to escape rather than how to take revenge for the first time.


Liu Bang originally wanted to leave directly on horseback, but even though he was deeply in the city, he couldn't hold it back when faced with Xiang Yu's repeated performance of forcing heroes to cherish heroes today, so he asked.

"Why does the general think that I have the ability to compete with you in the world!"

"Because your name is Liu Bang."

There is something wrong with you all!
Liu Bang was almost in tears.Because Xiang Yu's words reminded him of the scene when he accepted Han Fei's inheritance in the Legalist discipline group.

Han Fei, who was the great elder of the Legalist Discipline Group back then, was the only internal force master in Daqin and the founder of the Legalist Discipline Group, with countless outstanding disciples.

But it was such a person who, when the Legalist Discipline Group was targeted by Ying Zheng, firstly did not want to resist, and secondly did not think about escaping. Instead, he began to be alone.

Moreover, Tuo Gu didn't give Tuo Gu to his disciples who were more famous than the other. Instead, he found himself, a disciple who was almost transparent in the Legalist discipline group.

Just because his name is Liu Bang!
Now that Xiang Yu said the same thing, Liu Bang felt that he was about to collapse.

You guys have to explain your reasons clearly!
One is to force Gu, and the other is to force to compete in the world, just because I am Liu Bang? !
Liu Bang looked at Xiang Yu with an expression of looking forward to a duel with you on the battlefield in the future, and he didn't want to stay here anymore, so he rode away without even saying a polite word.

"Yu'er." At this time, Xiang Yu's father Fan Zeng also came out, and he looked at Xiang Yu and asked.

"Since you think that Liu Bang will fight with you in Zhuolu in the future, why don't you kill him now?"

Because only by defeating Liu Bang upright, can I make Liu Che, a proud guy, bow his head completely.

Xiang Yu said something silently in his heart, then turned around and returned to the tent without saying a word.

After the Hongmen Banquet, Xiang Yu killed Emperor Chu Yi and established eighteen princes.And according to the previous agreement, Guanzhong and the land of Bashu were granted to Liu Bang together.

Afterwards, Xiang Yu's class returned to Pengcheng.After returning to Pengcheng, Xiang Yu did not give up his military equipment. Instead, he aggressively expanded Jiangdong Chuqi, rebuilt the Mohist Brotherhood, and actively prepared for the upcoming war.

But what Xiang Yu didn't expect was that it was not Liu Bang who initiated the rebellion first, but the princes.

Unlike the army under Liu Bang who was always loyal to Liu Bang, the soldiers under Xiang Yu, except for the direct descendants, all came from the nobles of other countries who rebelled together at that time.

Therefore, after Xiang Yu re-divided the world and returned the soldiers of the various countries, conflicts among the various countries broke out.

First, Qi Xiangtian Rong was dissatisfied that he had not been crowned king, so he destroyed the three princes who were enfeoffed in Qi, and made himself the king of Qi.

Then Zhao general Chen Yu borrowed troops to defeat King Changshan, and supported the Dai Wang as Zhao Wang, and was named Dai Wang by Zhao Wang.

Although these princes did not stand behind the Mohist Brotherhood or the Legalist Discipline Group, there were many low-level disciples of the Mohism and Legalism around them.

Therefore, even if Xiang Yu wanted to send a master of internal strength to kill them, it would not be an easy task.

And when Xiang Yu was too busy because of the conflicts among the countries, Liu Bang, who was hiding in the pass, couldn't help but lead his army out of the pass, increasing the military pressure on Xiang Yu.

As a result, Xiang Yukong had three thousand Jiangdong Chuqi but could not save the overall situation, so that although every battle must be won, the territory became less and less, and the number of soldiers became less and less.

Moreover, with the fleeing and wandering of Mohist and Legalist disciples during the Tyrant Qin era, many people knew that masters of internal strength were not gods.

As long as there are enough people, they can be killed.

Therefore, on the battlefield where Chu and Han were fighting for hegemony, masters of internal strength could not kill a dozen people to frighten the rest of the soldiers from taking a step forward like they did in the era of disputes between nations.

Even Xiang Yu, who is a quasi internal force master, can only retreat temporarily when facing tens of thousands of soldiers by himself.

What's more, in order to reduce the number of Jiangdong Chuqi, Liu Bang also generously announced the legalist mechanism cheats, which made many of Xiang Yu's hostile forces have the ability to threaten Jiangdong Chuqi.

Once encountering an ambush or attacking some strong cities, Jiangdong Chuqi will inevitably lose a lot of manpower.

When Liu Bang and Xiang Yu were temporarily negotiating peace, there were less than 1000 Jiangdong Chuqi left in Xiang Yu's hands.

But the 1000 Jiangdong Chuqi had to face Liu Bang's hundreds of thousands of troops and countless legalist institutions.

Liu Bang's position as the Great Elder of the Legalist Precept Group was indeed denied by many disciples of the Legalist Precept Group.But it is also because of this that Liu Bang, who has no restraints, can spread the internal force and legalist mechanism cheats wantonly, so that the internal force masters under his command will swell in a short time.

However, Xiang Yu's Jiangdong Chuqi, because of the stubborn ideas of the elders inherited by the Mo family and the Xiang family, the internal strength can only be passed on to the noble children of Jiangdong.

Therefore, in the battle of Gaixia, Xiang Yu faced the surging Wujiang River in ambush on all sides, and finally chose to kill himself.

The Mohist Brotherhood has returned to darkness, and Jiangdong Chuqi has only 28 riders left.

Of these two inheritances, one disappeared in the history of the Han Dynasty's hundreds of years of unification, and the other was reduced to a Jianghu gang, and was finally wiped out by the Xiuyiwei.


Ming Xunze watched the new Chu-Han Hegemony, and found that even if Xiang Yu learned how to treat his opponents cautiously, he could not escape the fate of defeat.

Although this ending is what Xunze hoped for, it is unfair to Xiang Yu.

After all, Ming Xunze never allowed Xiang Yu to obtain the details of the history of the struggle for hegemony between Chu and Han.

In other words, Xiang Yu didn't know that Han Xin, a young general under his command, would defect to Liu Bang's side in the future, and made great contributions to Liu Bang's destruction of Chu.

He also didn't know that none of the princes and kings he entrusted could live up to his expectations, so that they were either defeated by Liu Bang one by one, or surrendered to Liu Bang in the end.

The difference between Xiang Yu and Liu Bang is not only the respect for the opponent, but also the strength.

Xiang Yu's character is destined that he can only be a general rather than an emperor.

If they can keep winning, then everyone will gather around Xiang Yu, but as long as there are a few failures, Xiang Yu and his forces will immediately crack from the inside, and then cause the entire dynasty to collapse.

But Xiang Yu's failure might not be a bad thing.

Jiao Xunze thought of the topic about the inheritance of internal force that he had talked with the scientific researchers before, and he already had a plan in his mind on how to arrange Xiang Yu.

After reading Xiang Yu, Xun Ze read the history about Liu Che.

During Liu Che's reign, the military achievements of the Han Dynasty were unmatched by few in the entire history of China.

After all, the reason why the word "hero" was created is because the Han people were so powerful in the time of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

But compared with military achievements, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was really a mess in the direction of people's livelihood.

So that after the Huns were completely driven out, the population of the Han Dynasty did not rise but fell.

Of course, during the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the reason why the Han Dynasty did not have a large-scale peasant uprising like the end of the Qin Dynasty was not because of good luck.

One is because Liu Che had already completed the system reform of the Han Dynasty before his conquests, so that the turmoil at the bottom could not shake the foundation of the country.

The second reason is that Liu Che was not a tyrant. When he discovered that domestic conflicts began to intensify, he immediately changed his ways and gradually switched from martial arts to civil affairs, thus stabilizing the situation.

Of course, these are all things that Liu Che can do without knowing the future history.

After studying history, Liu Che became more comfortable in handling domestic affairs.

First of all, it gave Wei Qing more trust, and then let Huo Qubing not die prematurely, so that the big man has always maintained a strong military.

On the domestic front, Liu Che actively introduced many advanced governance concepts to encourage private business development.

And in order to prevent years of foreign wars from oppressing the people too much, internally Liu Che allowed the people to set up slave hunting groups to capture foreign slaves for labor.

Externally, Liu Che assigned troops to plunder the surrounding small countries to replenish the treasury.

Although this did not fundamentally solve the impact of the war on the people, it reduced the oppression of the lower classes, and also spawned some industries, making some nobles and civilians rich because of the war.

Therefore, even after Liu Che's death, the big Han's conquest of the surrounding alien races never stopped, so that during the reign of the Shuanghuang, there were few countries around the big Han that dared to fight against the big Han.

Nomads, a nation that originally meant plunder and war, have completely become a term recorded in historical materials after the three kings' constitutional period and Wei Wu Wang Cao Cao's purge again.

"Liu Che's consciousness is still very high."

After reading the introduction to Liu Che, Ming Xunze was very satisfied that Liu Che did not obsess and believe in internal force like Xiang Yu, but paid more attention to science.

So on Sunday night, after the students came back again, Ming Xunze gave Liu Che the authority to enter the oasis world, and let Liu Che enter the oasis world to learn independently what he was interested in.

Seeing that Liu Che was able to study freely and check his future destiny by himself, Xiang Yu was a little unconvinced.

"Teacher, did I fail again this time?"


Xun Ze nodded,
"Although you have learned how to value your opponent, you still lost to Liu Che's great-grandfather."

"Why did I fail?"

Xiang Yu asked puzzledly,
"Teacher, didn't you say that I am stronger than Liu Bang?"

"You are stronger than Liu Bang, but your men and allies are not as strong as Liu Bang's men and allies."

Ask Xunze to look at Xiang Yu and ask,

"Tell me, do you prefer to use the Xiang family or outsiders."

"Of course it's the hero of our Xiang family."

Xiang Yu said,

"My family is more reliable on the battlefield."

"Then do you prefer to lead the army to penetrate the enemy's formation in person on the battlefield, or do you like to hide behind the scenes and plan strategies?"

"Of course I personally led the army to penetrate the enemy's formation."

"Look, this is the gap between you and Liu Bang."

Asked Xunze to say to Xiang Yu,

"When Liu Bang is defeated, his subordinates can stand up and defeat your subordinates, so that Liu Bang can get the next chance to fight against you.

But if once, you are defeated, then your army and your men will be defeated in a short time.

In other words, although Liu Bang is not stronger than you, he does not need to defeat you every time. It would be good if he can defeat you once out of ten times.

However, although you can defeat Liu Bang nine times, you will always fail once.But that one failure will make you lose all wars directly. "

"Then what should I do."

Xiang Yu raised his head and asked Xun Zedao.

"Have you ever thought about developing in another place?"

Ask Xunze to look at Xiang Yu and say.

"All the glory of our nobles in the Chu Kingdom is on the land where we live, how can we develop in other places."

Xiang Yu said very seriously,
"The members of our Xiang family, the nobles of Chu, and the children of Jiangdong have all lived in their hometown for generations.

Therefore, if I succeed, I will return to my hometown to show off, and if I fail, I will return to my hometown to apologize.If I choose never to return to my hometown when I am successful or have nothing, then I am not worthy of being a Chu person. "

"Why is this kid so awkward?"

Asking Xunze to look at Xiang Yu, he didn't know what to say for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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