Chapter 242

The front of the energy core of the mech is protected by a special device. Unless it is hit by a precise high-intensity attack, ordinary attacks cannot break through the protection device and damage the energy core.

But in the face of this weird ability of internal force, the protective device didn't work.

The internal force was transmitted through the metal all the way to the energy core, and after the energy core suddenly came into contact with this strange energy, it immediately triggered a violent reaction.

An explosion that even Xun Ze didn't expect happened suddenly. After the strong mech exploded in the energy core, the self-explosion device originally installed in the mech was activated immediately, and the whole mech started to explode like a bomb. Eject energy.

"Protective shield." Yu sensed something was wrong before the explosion happened, and immediately yelled.

An energy shield suddenly appeared in the meeting hall, like an upside-down bowl on the ground, holding the mech and Xun Ze together, preventing the explosion from affecting other people in the hall.

The thick smoke after the explosion of the mech instantly filled the entire protective cover. Except for the four reviewers who were high above, no one could be sure whether Xun Ze was still alive inside the protective cover.

"Your Excellency the Reviewer."

Xiao Hei couldn't see the specific situation inside the protective cover, worried that something might happen to Xun Ze, so he immediately said to the talkative 鹓鶵,
"Now that mecha has been blown up, can you allow us to welcome our hero back?"


Cui agreed to Xiao Hei's request.After a few seconds, the protective cover disappeared, and amidst the billowing smoke, Ming Xunze, who was dressed in ragged clothes, walked out calmly under the gaze of everyone.

"Four reviewers."

A few pieces of skin called Xunze had already ooze blood, but he did not choose to return to the flagship of the Lunar Defense Force for treatment immediately, but looked at the four evaluators.

"Now that I have defeated this mech, may I ask if the physical rating of our Chinese civilized race can be changed to A?"

"But among the entire Huaxia people, maybe you are the only one who can do this."

Yu was obviously a little bit unconvinced.

"Yu, there's no need to delve into this issue."

He opened his mouth and said,

"Civilization has developed to this point, as long as any technology appears, it must be popularized on a large scale with the passage of time.

Therefore, it is meaningless to worry about whether he is the only one among the entire Huaxia people who can do it. "

"Okay." Yu's voice returned to the indifferent state, and he said, "Then after recalculation, the development potential level of Chinese civilization is C level. We will not use any means to limit the development of your civilization. At the same time A civilization exchange machine will also be left on the earth.

This machine is owned by every civilization in the galaxy, and you can carry out deep cooperation or exchanges with other civilizations through this machine.

But I want to remind you that because your civilization development potential level is C-level, there is no protection period.

Once other civilizations know your location, they are likely to launch a war against you. "

"Can any civilization wage war against us?"

A member of the diplomatic corps heard Yu's words and asked immediately.

"Not really."

The one on the side explained,
"In theory, the conference hall prohibits civilizations whose technology exceeds yours by more than 500 years from launching wars against you.

Because the level of science and technology exceeds your civilization too much, even if your civilization is destroyed, it will be difficult to improve your own development level.In order to avoid this kind of meaningless internal friction, only civilizations whose technology does not exceed yours too much can wage war against you for their own development. "


Everyone in the diplomatic corps knew that this was the so-called Gu breeding policy.

Low-level civilizations will not arouse the interest of high-level civilizations in terms of technology or resources, so the conference hall has adopted such a policy to prohibit high-level civilizations from launching wars against low-level civilizations.

However, if a war breaks out between two civilizations with similar levels of development, and one civilization can wipe out the other civilization, it is likely to accelerate the growth of the other civilization, so such wars are encouraged by the conference hall.

I hope that no nearby civilization will target the Chinese civilization.

The members of the diplomatic corps glanced at each other, knowing that the Chinese civilization, as a civilization that just joined the universe, still has a long way to go.Today is just passing the first hurdle, and the rest must not only be strong itself, but also have a peaceful external environment.

"Next, we will enter the earth, meet with your leaders, and tell you about the things that need attention in the big universe and the Milky Way."

He looked at the Huaxia people who were still in the hall and said,
"So you can return to your ships now."

"Thank you." A member of the diplomatic corps said to Yu, "When we go back, we will immediately report to the alliance everything that happened here."

"No need." He said with a smile.
"In order to ensure that the review is fair and just, and let everyone in the reviewed civilization know the result of the review, all the things that happened here in the past two days have been simultaneously broadcast live to the earth.

Your leaders should already know what's going on here. "

What? !

Ming Xunze, who borrowed a coat from Xiao Hei and put it on himself, was stunned when he heard what Yu Xi said.

Doesn't that mean that what I did just now was seen by all the Chinese people? !

This is really too high-profile.

Jiao Xunze originally thought that he was just pretending silently this time.

After all, if what happened here hadn't been broadcast live to the earth simultaneously, the government would never disclose the real story of what happened to the public.

Because it hurts too much.At that time, at most, it will be said that our Chinese civilization has established a friendship relationship with the alien civilization, joined the Galaxy Conference Hall of the Galactic Mutual Aid Organization, and started to communicate with external civilizations.

"Wow, you're going to be famous."

After confirming that Xun Ze was fine, Xiao Hei patted Xun Ze on the shoulder and said,

"It is estimated that all Chinese people now know that you saved Chinese civilization."

"Don't be happy just yet."

Ask Xunze to look at Xiao Hei and say,

"Now that we have come out like this, isn't it that the blame we originally wanted to bear has not been blamed. That is to say, it is impossible for you to return to Earth as you wish."

As soon as Xun Ze finished speaking, Xiao Hei's face turned black instantly.

"No, we have made such a great contribution, can't we be promoted to a more important position, such as Mars is good."

(End of this chapter)

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