My students can change history

Chapter 232 Wei Guangzheng's Xiao Hei

Chapter 232 Wei Guangzheng's Xiao Hei
If the essence of human beings is a repeater, then the first word typed out by this repeater must be loneliness.

Especially when human beings step into the universe, this sense of loneliness becomes even stronger.

Human beings have imagined more than once what it would be like to encounter intelligent creatures from other planets one day.

war?Peace?Or understand each other in friction.

Is the other party's technology far superior to that of human beings, or is it similar to human beings, or has not yet stepped out of their own planet.

Artists have made more than one movie and more than one game in response to these possible outcomes.

But now, when aliens really come, humans are still in panic.

To be precise, it is the high level of human beings.

Because this news was firmly blocked among a very small number of people, and it was not spread.

So even with the identity of Xun Ze, he didn't receive the notification immediately.

"What exactly is going on?!" Ming Xunze drove all the way to Xiao Hei's home and asked what happened to Xiao Hei.

"Follow me." Xiao Hei snapped his fingers, led Xun Ze to lie down in the two computer cabins, and then entered the oasis world.

"Welcome to the world in the oasis."

Words called Xunze that he had never heard before rang in his ears, followed by a permission scan from Oasis World.

"I have confirmed my identity, Mayor of Chang'e City, Commander-in-Chief of the Lunar Defense Force, hello, welcome to the inner world. All the information here has been encrypted, and you can talk with confidence."

"Here is it?" Ming Xunze looked curiously at this oasis world that was more real than any oasis world he had seen before.

"This is the world in the oasis."

While leading the way, Xiao Hei said to Xun Ze,
"This oasis world is set up with a separate server and does not have any connection with any known oasis world.

And the authority of this oasis world is locked by the intelligent system.In other words, the world in the oasis is completely a real world set up in a virtual world.

Because no one has the authority to change the existence of even a speck of dust in this world. "

"This also means that no one can take any data from this world. No one is qualified to save everything that happens in this world.

Therefore, the top leaders of the Yanhuang Alliance can safely negotiate and communicate on some matters in the world in the oasis without having to worry about being used as a basis for other people's audio and video recordings. "

After listening to Xiao Hei's introduction, Jiao Xunze immediately understood the meaning of the existence of the world in the oasis.

This is used to make those alliance executives who are usually cautious in their words and deeds speak the truth.

Because it is impossible for every word spoken here to spread.Even if someone knows the existence of the other world, they still have no way of knowing what happened in the other world.

Because the server in the other world only saves this really incomparable world, but does not save the list of anyone who came here and what they said.

In short, here is an absolutely safe place to trade py.

"You guys really know how to play."

Asked Xunze to follow Xiao Hei through a long corridor and came to a palace-like building.

Although the area of ​​this building is huge, in order to reduce the computing cost in the oasis world, there is not too much high-tech equipment added, so Ming Xunze and Xiaohei can only enter it on foot.

"Don't forget that you are also a big boss now." Xiao Hei patted Xun Ze on the shoulder and said, "Your appointment has been made, and you could report to the headquarters of the commander next week, and then go to work.

But judging from the current situation, I'm afraid your appointment will be a little later, but your permissions have been updated, so I can take you here. "

"My permissions have just been updated, so should yours. Why are you so familiar with this place?"

"Because when I was young, I often came in with my father and grandfather. Some people can bring their families in."

"So your father and grandfather are the big guys, and people like me can only be considered junior guys."

"You will be a boss when you are old."

While Xiao Hei and Xun Ze were talking, they had already entered the interior of the building. At this time, at least a hundred people had gathered in the lobby of the building.

"The latest information."

A familiar face named Xunzezi who was often seen on TV stood at the front of the hall, turned on the electronic screen behind him, and then started to play a video from the solar system border defense force.

An interstellar spacecraft the size of a city quietly entered the solar system.Before they entered the solar system, the reconnaissance aircraft of the frontier guards did not find any abnormalities.

In other words, the reason why this city-sized interstellar spacecraft was discovered by the border guards after entering the solar system is likely to be deliberate.

After discovering the interstellar spacecraft, the border guards immediately sent a reconnaissance ship to the vicinity of the opponent, and then continued to shout to the opponent.

In order to prevent the other party from understanding human language, the border guards also specially sent some patterns expressing meaning.

But just when the border guards thought that the other party would spend a little time analyzing the content they sent, the other party simply and neatly sent two Chinese characters to the scout ship of the border guards.

Step aside
Although the border guards can estimate the opponent's technological level far exceeds their own through the size of the opponent's ship.But they still tried their best to set up a line of defense to prevent the opponent from going deep.

But this is of no use.

The direction composed of hundreds of ships of all kinds lost control the moment the opponent came over, and then formed two teams and erected on both sides of this huge starship.

The army that was supposed to defend the country has now become a guard of honor to welcome the opponent.

During this period, neither the electronic energy artillery nor the most primitive gunpowder weapon could launch any attack.

"Now that the spacecraft has arrived near Jupiter, the other party deliberately slowed down its flight speed, probably to give us time to react."

After the video was played, the big man standing on the stage went on to say,
"We don't know anything about the other party at present, and the other party probably has a lot of our information. This can be seen from the two Chinese characters they sent to the border guards. At least the other party has mastered our language. "

"Can the behaviorist analyze the purpose of the other party's coming?" A middle-aged man who is often seen on TV asked the boss on the stage.

"The Alliance think tank has done a preliminary analysis of this alien spacecraft."

The boss continued,
"The think tank believes that all these behaviors of the other party are to show us their strength. This means that the other party has a certain understanding of us, or thinks that their technological level is too much beyond ours, and we have reached the point where we cannot harm them. the point."

"Judging from the situation encountered by the border guards, the other party does have such capabilities."

A general said,
"Although I have the ambition to sacrifice my life for the past, I still have to remind everyone that reality is not a movie, and our war with them is likely to be farther than the war between Western civilization and us."

Because this is the world in the oasis, the adults don't have the habit of hiding their words, and say whatever they think.

"The opponent does not necessarily come with the mentality of starting a war."

A business tycoon in a suit said,

"I am from Penglai. Think about it, what did our ancestors in Penglai do when they encountered a strange country in the vast sea?"

"First show of force, then friendly contact, and finally dumping goods." One person answered.

"Yes." The tycoon nodded and said, "Do you think the actions of this group of aliens look familiar?"

"It is indeed possible." The big man standing at the front said, "Although the opponent is very strong, he did not hurt anyone. It is very likely that he came from a very developed civilization. The purpose is to In order to make the Huaxia Alliance a place for their products to be dumped."

"Then let's prepare to have a dialogue with this mysterious external force based on this idea."

The general said,
"However, there is one thing to be aware of. The earth is the foundation of our China Alliance. Even if the other party's technology exceeds ours by too much, we need to try our best to prevent the other party from entering the earth.

Because this will cause mass panic among civilians.We need to place the negotiation site on the moon, and we must clearly tell the other party about this. "

"Yes, there is no problem with this idea. Although the other party may cross the defense line of our Moon Defense Force and forcefully enter the earth, at least the other party must first express my attitude and win dignity for us."

"Is the commander of the Moon Defense Force here?"

The general then shouted,

"We need you to organize the Earth-Moon defense line immediately."

"I'm here."

When Jiao Xunze heard someone calling him, he responded, and successfully focused the eyes of everyone present.

"Um, we seem to have forgotten that Mr. Commander of our Moon Defense Force has not officially taken office yet."

"What should we do now? Temporarily appoint someone from the moon defense base as the commander, organize the Earth-Moon defense line or ask him to take up the post immediately."

"Can't the deputy commander and staff members act first?"

A tall, thin man asked.

"No. Because although the commander doesn't need any military talent, he has a lot of authority over the moon defense base. Without his consent, the deputy commander and the staff group can't act."

"We can rush to the moon immediately, our family has a private small land-to-moon spacecraft, and we can launch it today!"

Ming Xunze hadn't thought about how to answer, but Xiao Hei took the first step and said,
"I am the mayor of Chang'e City, and my friend is the commander-in-chief of the Lunar Defense Force. We can rush to the moon today to deploy the Earth-Moon defense line."

"Two interesting young people." After seeing Xiao Hei and Xun Ze behind the crowd, many bigwigs immediately discussed in whispers.

"Hey, nephew, are you really stupid or fake." A middle-aged man came over and pulled Xiao Hei and said,
"In case the alien fleet forcibly lands on the earth, even if they are really here to discuss business, the commander who organized the Earth-Moon defense line will have to bear the responsibility.

Those people just couldn't bear to let the newly appointed commander of the Moon Defense Force take the blame, so they said they would temporarily appoint other commanders.

Why are you still rushing to take over the pot. "

"If we, the second generation who are in high positions by virtue of our family background, don't stand up and take responsibility at this time, but let those who really do practical things take the blame, then the Huaxia Alliance will come to an end."

No, Xiao Hei can lower his voice and say in a voice that everyone present can hear clearly,
"I remember that when the three overseas countries were fighting for supremacy at sea, there was a tradition that the nobles charged at the front and retreated at the back. It is precisely because of this tradition that ordinary soldiers dare to charge forward and not be stingy with their own efforts. life.

Now the Huaxia Alliance has reached such a time again.Those of us who don't go up to share the responsibility and take the initiative to take the people's accusations onto ourselves, how can we expect the soldiers under our hands to sacrifice their lives for the alliance. "

"well said."

Just after Xiao Hei finished speaking, a wall on the second floor of the hall suddenly cracked. The leader of the alliance who controls the alliance and the chairman of our party personally applauded Xiao Hei.

"At this time, if you still care about who will take responsibility. I'm afraid that after these aliens really arrive on the earth, there will be many people who are disappointed with the alliance and will be gangsters."

After the leader of the alliance spoke, many bigwigs in the hall became quieter, listening to the various tasks arranged by the people above.

"Let's go."

The meeting was over, so Xiao Hei called Xun Ze to signal for Xun Ze to follow him to the place where they came in and leave the world in the oasis.

"I didn't expect you to be very enlightened." Xing Xunze patted Xiao Hei's shoulder on the road and said, "This is the first time I've noticed that you are so great and upright."

"Fart's high consciousness is a lie." Xiao Heihou patted her chest in fear and said, "If I had such a high consciousness, I would have been an official a long time ago. Why would I need to hang out with you in the second factory? for many years."

"Then why did you stand up just now?"

Asking Xunze to see Xiao Hei's current appearance, he was stunned.

"Of course it's to take the blame." Xiao Hei elbowed Xun Ze and said, "You don't really want to stay in that place on the moon for more than ten years, right?

The two of us went to the moon this time purely to pick up the pot.When the aliens really land on the earth and conduct business negotiations with the alliance, the two of us will probably be dismissed.In this way, you can return to the earth from the moon.

Moreover, by doing this, we not only showed our faces in front of so many big shots, but also made them owe us favors.

In the future, we will be able to survive just by brushing our faces in front of these big shots. "


Ming Xunze looked at Xiao Hei with a bewildered face, and instantly felt that he was too naive.

If he is a self-motivated salted fish, then Xiao Hei is a salted fish who just wants to lie still and lie still.

Ever since he was forced by his father to become the mayor of Chang'e City, this guy must have been thinking about how to get out decently.

This is all right, I will take the blame for the high-level members of the alliance. Although the position of mayor is gone, and he will not be able to enter the officialdom in the future, but the word-of-mouth earned this time will definitely make Xiao Hei's father have nothing to say about Xiao Hei fault.

(End of this chapter)

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