My students can change history

Chapter 222 Inheritance Techniques

Chapter 222 Inheritance Techniques
Chapter 223 Inheriting Cultivation Techniques

Little Mo Di, who could not learn scientific knowledge at all, learned very quickly how to use internal force.

By Tuesday, he had already begun to mobilize the energy in his body.

Little Mo Di can start to mobilize his internal strength in the oasis world, so the job of calling Xun Ze will be much easier.

According to the circuit of little Mo Zhai's internal force, Ming Xunze quickly used the oasis world to create a corresponding model, and then let the computing computer of the oasis world carry out the actual deduction.

"The system detects that your deduction task is similar to the deduction of martial arts data in many simulation games. Would you like to add these martial arts game data to the database to assist deduction."

Martial arts data deduction in the game?

Ming Xunze became interested when he heard the system's prompt, and ordered the system to send relevant information to himself.

The Oasis world is modeled after the real world.

But human imagination has always been beyond reality.Therefore, in order to make games that can attract players, game manufacturers are similar to real games, but divorced from real games.Using the data of Oasis World as the basis, and then tampering with some data, successfully transformed the entire world into a martial arts world.

This kind of martial arts world is actually an independent magic-modified oasis world, so the game data cannot be fabricated at will like other games made with game engines, and can only be deduced honestly using the deduction system on the oasis.

In this case, the so-called internal force in martial arts games will of course not be the real internal force, but after the player enters the game world, the exercises and moves used are all based on this created internal force. deduced.

How did I forget this.

Asking Xunze to pat his head, he suddenly had an idea.

Most of the things in the Oasis martial arts world are real, only the internal force, and the true energy is created out of thin air by changing the data.

Therefore, the operation routes of martial arts in the martial arts world are actually created by Oasis World assuming that there are such things as internal force and true energy in the real world, real martial arts skills.

"Use my authority to add the deduction data of all martial arts games currently on the market to my deduction database, and then start the deduction based on the internal force data I just added to the database."

"Understood." Oasis World quickly used Xunze's authority to download all the data stored in the cloud to an independent military-grade Oasis World called Xunze.

In this way, Xun Ze is completely freed from the matter of exercises, and only needs to find out how to pass on the internal force.

Sure enough, technology is the primary productive force.

The reason why internal force has only appeared in Mo Di so far is very simple.

It was Mo Di who carried the 350/[-] diluted bark sap.

Therefore, if you want the second person to have internal strength like Mo Di, then the easiest way is to grab a group of five-year-old children and try them one by one.

But don't call it Xunze, even Lin Yun didn't have the guts to do it when he knew about it.

As for consumables without intelligence, such as artificial humans, even if they withstand the harm caused by bark sap and gain internal strength, they are of little use because they have no intelligence at all.

If you want to inherit internal force, you must first understand what internal force is.

On this point, Oasis World gave Ming Xunze a very clear answer, internal force is a kind of energy.But what makes this energy different from other man-made energies is that it can operate in the human body and bring various benefits to people.

It may sound silly to use science to explain things on the mysterious side, but it is very useful.

Because the most mysterious aspect of these supernatural forces is the source of their power.

So as long as you don't pursue the essence and source of internal force, you can use scientific thinking to use it.

If internal force is understood as electricity, then human beings are machines that need electricity to function.

A machine, no matter how delicate its internal circuits, cannot operate by generating electricity out of thin air, and needs to transmit electricity to it from the outside.

Therefore, if a person wants to use internal force, he must also have external input of internal force.

According to this idea, Jiao Xunze quickly designed a kind of exercise.This kind of exercise requires a person with internal strength to put his hands on the back of a person without internal strength when exercising internal strength.

In this way, people with internal strength can move their inner strength to their hands, and then directly input internal strength into the body of people without internal strength through acupuncture points.

People without internal force have no experience in operating internal force, so even if internal force is input into the body, they cannot control this internal force.

So at this time, it is still necessary for the person with internal force to control the internal force in the body of the person without internal force, perform at least one cycle of internal force operation, and open up a most basic operation route for the person without internal force.

In this way, the person who has no internal force can use this internal force in the body in the future.

According to the old Mo Di's previous description, the internal force in the human body has the ability to grow, so although the old Mo Di's body is becoming more and more unbearable with age, the internal force in the body is getting bigger and bigger.

Of course, this does not mean that the old Mo Di will be stronger, because once a person starts to age, the balance of internal energy and physique will be broken. Every time the old Mo Di uses internal energy, it will cause harm to the body.

After Oasis World deduced the inheritance technique, Ming Xunze couldn't wait to let little Mo Zhai learn this technique, and then use it on himself.

"Teacher, you can't." Mo Di performed a circle of exercises, and then said to Xun Ze, "I can't force the internal force out of my body."

Deduction failed?
After hearing Xiao Mo Di's words, Jiao Xunze entered the oasis world to check the data, and found out that the inheritance is also limited.

That is to say, the internal force in the body of the inheritor must exceed an order of magnitude, and the inheritor must also have a strong enough body to accept the inheritance.

That is to say, whether this method is useful or not can only be tested after Xiao Mo Di's inner strength grows to a strong enough level after he returns home.

Anyway, according to the deduction situation, this inheritance technique can be used.

It made Xunze feel that he had done his best, and in the remaining few days, he asked little Mo Zhai to memorize all kinds of exercises that were confirmed by the Oasis system.

As for whether Mo Di can successfully start the era of martial arts in China, it can only depend on the destiny.

On Sunday afternoon, Mo Di went back with other students.

Among them, Yu Boya and Zhong Ziqi are students who have graduated.They have created a very systematic Huaxia Guile system, contributing to Huaxia's entertainment industry.

However, since Huaxia has already dominated the entire solar system, this matter did not have a particularly large impact. Even Xun Ze was a little worried about whether Yu Boya and Zhong Ziqi would be able to graduate successfully.

Fortunately, Da Miao still let Yu Boya and Zhong Ziqi pass the exam.

"Through your teachings to Yu Boya and Zhong Ziqi, you have slightly changed the history of the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods and the history after the Passing Ball Warring States Period. According to my identification, this change is beneficial to human beings, so Yu Boya and Zhong Ziqi Passed the test of meow, and you will also get a teacher thank you gift."

"The teacher appreciation ceremony is divided into three types: ability, status and status. Among them, status is linked to status. Whichever status you choose, you will also get the corresponding status.

Because you taught Zhong Ziqi the knowledge of music and allowed Zhong Ziqi to reform ancient Chinese music, you can get a capable music tutor.

The ability of music tutor allows you to teach a person with no music foundation to become a professional singer within one year.

Because you taught Yu Boya the knowledge of composing music, and Yu Boya made many famous songs, so you can get the ability to inherit music.

The ability of music inheritor allows you to master all music from ancient times to the present, and play them easily.

Because you accelerated the development of Chinese music by teaching Yu Boya and Zhong Ziqi, you can obtain capable singers.

The ability of the singer allows you to have a singing ability at the level of a singer, and to switch between all vocal lines skillfully. "

These three abilities sound similar, and they are all in the field of music.But in terms of practicality, it must be that the singer has a good ability, at least he can act aggressive in front of others.

"Next, let's talk about status and status rewards."

The big meow let out a cry, and then continued to say to Xunze,

“There are three options for identity, namely:

A professor at the Huaxia Central Conservatory of Music, and the corresponding position is the vice president of the Huaxia Central Conservatory of Music.

A member of the Ancient Music Association, and the corresponding status is the honorary president of the Ancient Music Association.

Internet singers, corresponding to the status of the most popular singers on the Internet. "

"I choose the ability of a singer, the identity of an online singer and the status of the most popular singer on the Internet."

Asking Xunze to hesitate for a while, then made his own choice.

I really don’t dare to take the honorary president status. Now I have a lot of them in my hand. If there is another one, others will have a chance to wonder if Xun Ze is the illegitimate son of the Huaxia Alliance president. The identities of so many honorary presidents are actually It was given to him by others to curry favor with him.

"Okay." Da Miao closed the book of time, and then said to Xunze, "By the way, there is another student coming next week, a celebrity from the Warring States Period."

"Don't tell me about celebrities from the Warring States Period."

Asked Xunze to look at Big Meow and asked,

"Tell me first, did you deliberately arrange Mo Di's acquisition of internal strength?"

"If I can arrange this kind of thing, how could I ask you to teach these students." Big Miao said, licking his paw,

"It was all an accident."

"Why am I so unbelievable?"

"You have to believe me, I'm so cute, how could I lie to you."

Big Meow blinked at Ming Xunze, then turned around and jumped, and disappeared in front of Ming Xunze.

(End of this chapter)

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