Chapter 220 Mo Jing
The history of Mo Di crushing other people's heads with one punch is clearly recorded in the history books.

But anyone who has learned a little medical knowledge knows how hard a human head is. Even with a hammer, it is impossible for a weaker person to smash a human head.

However, according to historical records, after Mo Di left, the soldiers of Chu State could not even piece together the complete head of the general. It can be seen that the head of the general at that time should have been split into several pieces like a watermelon thrown on the ground.

Without the help of technological equipment, I dare say that even Mr. Xunze, the honorary president of the Tang Sword Association, would not be able to split a person's head like this.

Therefore, this is the first evidence that Mo Di is not a normal person.

Later, some scholars believed that Mo Di's retreat from the Chu army was considered exaggerated.It is believed that the Chu army retreated because of lack of food.

As for the general, he also died of illness, and Mo Di was just trying to persuade the Chu army not to engage in this unjust battle before the Chu army retreated.

Later, Mo Di's disciples made up this story in order to exaggerate their teacher's ability.

But what Mengchi wants to say is that if this period of history is false, how can we explain the subsequent deeds of Mo Zhai and the reactions of various countries in the Spring and Autumn Period.

After retreating from the Chu army, Mo Di became famous. At that time, many countries that were invaded asked Mo Di to help them.

As long as Mo Zhai receives a request to stop an unjust war, he will immediately run to the battlefield.

It was rumored that he could run faster than the best BMW in China at that time, and he could go without eating or drinking for several days.

Everywhere Mo Di went, he would directly enter the camp of the invading army and reason with the commander of the opposing army.

If the opponent does not listen to Mo Di's advice to retreat, then Mo Di will smash his head.

At the beginning, the monarchs of the various countries naturally did not believe in Mo Di's strength, but in the next five years, Mo Di killed 37 generals, [-] doctors, and [-] monarchs of the various countries, which completely shocked the world. Understand the power of Mo Di.

Therefore, in the decades before Mo Di's death, there was not a single unjust war in the entire land of China.

And Mo Di also established the Mohism during this period.

Therefore, those scholars who doubt Mo Di must first explain clearly why when Mo Di was alive, the countries at that time did not dare to easily start wars, so that for decades, the world was peaceful.

But after Mo Di passed away, none of his disciples inherited his ability to shock millions of troops.

Therefore, in order to continue to maintain the state of peace in the world, the Mohists established the Mohist Brotherhood.

Simply put, the Mohist Brotherhood is actually an assassin organization, the meaning of existence is to assassinate those monarchs and nobles who dare to wage unjust wars.

At the beginning, Zhu Guo took advantage of the reputation left by Mo Di, and thought that the assassins in the Mohist Brotherhood were as powerful as Mo Di.

But if Mo Di was a berserker, then the members of the Mohist Brotherhood were really just assassins.

They don't have the ability to directly kill the opponent's generals in the army, they can only deter these people by pretending to assassinate them.

As a result, the various countries quickly found out the reality of the Mohist Brotherhood, and began to encircle and suppress the Mohist Brotherhood, and with the help of decades of national strength, they launched wars more frequently.

Although the Mohist Brotherhood was encircled and suppressed by various countries, it was not until the end of the Warring States period that the Mohist Brotherhood gradually ceased its activities.

In order to survive, the Mo family also cut off contact with the Mo family brotherhood early.

This is the origin of the Mohist Brotherhood.Although the Mohist Brotherhood is not as described in the film and television works, it is dressed in white, with a sleeve arrow hidden, and a dagger that traverses the world.

But also very respectable.

In addition, the author finally publishes a guess about Mo Di's life experience.According to historical records, Mo Di suddenly became different from ordinary people after being in a coma for a few days.

So could it be that Mo Di was actually transformed by aliens?Or it was directly taken away by people from another plane.

Although this sounds outrageous, if you remove all the impossible answers, the final answer may be true no matter how outrageous it is.

What the hell.

After reading the introduction of the Mohist Brotherhood, Xun Ze suddenly understood why such an organization suddenly appeared.

The feeling is that Mo Di resisted the damage caused by the bark sap, and then successfully evolved into a superman.

However, this dozen of [-] is really a bit perverted.Ming Xunze looked through the historical materials carefully and found that the so-called thirty thousand people per dozen did not mean that Mo Zi killed thirty thousand people by himself.

The average military quality of the various countries in the Spring and Autumn Period was not high. Most of the soldiers were usually farmers, and they were called up to fight when needed. In an army of 3, professional soldiers may not even have [-].

So after Mo Di killed more than 100 people with his bare hands, the morale of the entire army collapsed rapidly.

Under such circumstances, Mo Di could easily capture the general of this army.

Although powerful, it is still within the comprehensible range.

Even so, it is still a bit awkward for such a fierce man to suddenly appear in Chinese history.

How to put it, it feels a bit like the recovery of spiritual energy, except that the recovery of spiritual energy in other people's homes started in modern times, and it started in ancient times on my own side.

Of course, it is also possible that Xun Ze was thinking too much. After all, according to historical records, Mo Di did not master the method of passing power to his disciples.

As a result, after Mo Di's death, the Mohist school fell apart immediately.

After checking that Mo Di's accident did not cause too much change to the history of China, Ming Xunze was relieved.

Because he was going to the moon next month, he called Xunze to plan to meet Lu Xiuyu a few more times in reality, so early on Sunday morning, he took a taxi to the museum where Lu Xiuyu worked.

"What are you busy with?" When Ming Xunze found Lu Xiuyu, Lu Xiuyu was staring at a black iron ball in a daze.

"Brother, look at this thing."

Lu Xiuyu pointed to the iron ball in front of her, and then handed Xun Ze a pair of white gloves and a magnifying glass.

"Isn't this just an iron ball?" Ming Xunze observed the iron ball carefully with a magnifying glass, and found that there were many strange patterns engraved on the surface of the iron ball.These patterns are very delicate, but Ming Xunze can't tell which era these patterns belong to.

"It looks like a modern handicraft." Asked Xunze to put on white gloves, tried to touch the iron ball, and found that the surface of the iron ball was very smooth, even where the pattern was carved, there was no feeling of friction .

"I also think it may be a modern handicraft." Lu Xiuyu pouted, "but it happened to be found in a very old tomb. There is no tombstone in this tomb, and there are no burial objects that can reflect the identity of the owner of the tomb. .”

"Is there something that could be a tomb robber? When he robbed the tomb, he took away the funeral objects that could prove the identity of the owner of the tomb, and then left behind his own items."

"According to instrumental testing, there are no fingerprints left on the iron ball."

Lu Xiuyu looked at the iron ball and frowned and said,

"Although the material of the iron ball is iron, its strength is about the same as that of modern special steel. It is not something that ancient technology can do. My instructor thought that it might have been thrown in by a worker as a joke when digging the tomb, because This iron ball has no trace of rust at all."

"The instrument can't detect that the iron ball is a product of that era?"

"It can't be detected." Lu Xiuyu then shook her head, "If you put this iron ball on any instrument, the instrument will fail."

It's a bit mysterious.

Asked Xunze to observe the iron ball carefully, and suddenly realized that this kind of thing might have something to do with Mo Di.

Because before Mo Di went back, with the detection equipment of the interstellar era, there was never any antique that could not detect its age.

If this iron ball was left behind by Mo Di, who had obtained superpowers in history, it might indeed have some incomprehensible technology.

"Qiaoqiu." Calling Xunze called Lu Xiuyu's nickname, and then he looked at the iron ball and said, "You know that I will be the commander-in-chief of the Moon Defense Force soon. So I have the authority to use some high-ranking officers in the army. Cutting-edge equipment.

How about I take this iron ball back and use the equipment in the army to analyze the material for you, what do you think? "

"I'll ask my mentor." Lu Xiuyu heard what Xun Ze said, and immediately ran to ask her mentor.

I don't know if the instructor doesn't want to offend Xun Ze, a rookie in the army who has recently become famous on TV, or he doesn't pay much attention to the iron ball.

After hearing Lu Xiuyu's message, he immediately agreed to ask Xun Ze to take the iron ball away.

Of course, the instructor only gave Xunze two days.Within two days, if nothing can be detected, the iron ball must be returned.

"Here, brother, this is our safe deposit box."

Lu Xiuyu brought a box specially used to hold cultural relics and handed it to Xunze, who asked Xunze to put the iron ball into the box.

"Don't worry." Ming Xunze held the iron ball in both hands, put him in the box, and said to Lu Xiuyu, "After the inspection, I will bring the iron ball back immediately."

"Okay, trust me, brother." Lu Xiuyu said to Xunze with a smile.

"By the way, there are more." Asked Xunze to carry the box in his hand, and while he and Lu Xiuyu went out to find a restaurant for dinner, he asked Lu Xiuyu, "Do you know about the organization of the Mohist Brotherhood?"

"I know." Lu Xiuyu seemed to be quite interested in the Mohist Brotherhood, and told Ming Xunze a lot of unofficial history about the Mohist Brotherhood.

"There is a legend that after Mo Di passed away, he left a treasure to the Mohist Brotherhood, called Mo Jing. Mo Di claimed that whoever can decipher the secrets of Mo Jing can inherit all his skills."

"Later, has this ink scripture been passed down?"

"No." Lu Xiuyu shook her head in disappointment and said, "The Mohist scriptures were lost when the Mohist Brotherhood was besieged by various countries. Later, many novels wrote about the existence of the Mohist scriptures, thinking that he might be a peerless martial arts secret book .”

(End of this chapter)

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