My students can change history

Chapter 19 Two plans, you choose

Chapter 19 Two Plans, You Choose

"I know that senior brother's poems are also good." At this time, Gao Qiu, who pretended to read the information and secretly listened to Xun Ze and Li Bai's conversation, interjected between the two conversations, "My lord has commented on senior brother's poems before, saying But if you are not a swordsman, you will be famous in history just by writing poems."

"Who is your lord?" Li Bai looked at Gao Qiu curiously and asked.

"It is written in the materials that the teacher gave me that my family's adults will be called Su Dongpo in later generations." Gao Qiu replied.

"Oh, the one with good lyrics?" Li Bai also read some Song Dynasty poems last week, so he naturally knew who Su Shi was.

Good writing? !
Hearing Li Bai's words, even Gao Qiu felt that Li Bai's use of the word "good" was too inappropriate.

Although the information that Xun Ze gave Gao Qiu was only a brief mention of Su Shi.But just relying on the title of one of the Eight Great Masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties, Su Shi is the top group of people in the Chinese literary world.

If he is only good, who can be good!

"In other aspects, Li Bai may not be qualified to evaluate Su Shi, but in terms of poetry, everyone can only be regarded as good in front of him." Ming Xunze pointed to Li Bai and said, "If Li Bai did not indulge in swordsmanship this time, then in In the history books, he will be called a Poet Immortal by later generations, and even Du Fu admires him very much. There is a saying in later generations that your senior brother's remaining three points scream into sword energy, and when you spit out your mouth, you are half full. Don.'"

"It turns out that I was reckless, junior brother." Hearing what Xun Ze said, Gao Qiu quickly apologized to Li Bai. "I didn't know that senior brother's talent is so amazing."

"It's okay." Li Bai waved his hand and said, "Compared with the name Shixian, I still prefer the name of Sword Immortal. I searched on my mobile phone last night. After I became Sword Immortal, in this era, not only I have been mentioned in many TV series and movies, as well as in many novels and games, and my reputation is greater than before. Now in fencing gyms all over China, who doesn’t respect me as the founder?"

"You are happy." Jing Xunze patted the table and said to Li Bai, "But so many poems have been lost. You can at least copy Jiang Jinjiu!"

"Okay, okay." Li Bai said indifferently, "Teacher, next time I go back, I will definitely remember to write more poems."

"Teacher, don't worry too much." Gao Qiu said, "If I really make a fortune in the future, I will definitely publish all my senior's poems in books and pass them down."

"You're not bad!" Li Bai originally looked down upon himself as a junior with no talent, but Gao Qiu showed his kindness so much, of course Li Bai, who has a lot of loyalty in the world, had to respond.

"This is what junior brother should do." Gao Qiu spoke respectfully, his eyes shining, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Okay, now that I've finished talking about poetry, I want to talk to you about swordsmanship." Jing Xunze said to Li Bai, "Because you learned the modern fencing rules here, there are many more Tang sword fencing halls in China. . The swordsmanship used in these fencing halls has been improved for thousands of years, and there is something worth learning for you. The fencing hall we went to last time has also become the Tang Sword Fencing Hall. In the next three weeks you will be here, Come and study there with me every day."

"That's no problem." Li Bai said, "As the patriarch, I have to see if these descendants have ruined my swordsmanship!"

"The master is the first." Ming Xunze patted Li Bai's arm and said, "The patriarch they respect is the future you, not the current you. The current you are still a younger brother. You must be humble when you study in the past. What kind of patriarch's genealogy, be careful to be regarded as crazy by others."

"I know." Li Bai replied weakly. "However, teacher, I have already proven that I can succeed in swordsmanship in the future, can you not let me learn arithmetic again, that is really difficult!"

"I'm angry when I talk about calculations!" Jiao Xunze originally planned to talk to Li Bai about this matter at the end. "Someone questioned that you can't solve equations!"

"Um, I don't think we will use equations very much in the future. So, teacher, it's normal that this matter is not known to future generations after hundreds of thousands of years have passed."

"This is not normal!" Ming Xunze said to Li Bai seriously, "If others question your ability to solve equations, it is tantamount to questioning my teaching ability. As a teacher, I can't stand this kind of thing!"

"Okay." Although Li Bai wanted to point out that the logic of calling Xun Ze was a strong word, but seeing that calling Xun Ze was short of having the word "unhappy" written on his face, he didn't dare to say it.

"In this matter, the teacher has two solutions, you can see which one you want to use." Ming Xunze said to Li Bai, "First, you build your cemetery in advance, and then put it in the cemetery. A slate engraved with the algorithm for solving equations. When you come back next week, tell me where you buried yourself. I will take someone to dig your grave and dig out this slate to prove to everyone that you really can solve it. equation."

"Old, teacher." After hearing Xun Ze's first plan, Li Bai stared at Xun Ze in a daze and said, "Don't you think it's a bit too cruel for you to do this?"

How can a teacher think about digging students' graves!
"So I also prepared a second plan for you." Ming Xunze said intimately, "That is, you have fully understood the equations in the past few weeks, and then turned around when you established the sword gym, and I collected every Disciples teach how to solve equations. If you can’t solve it, you are not allowed to be a teacher. And engrave this rule on the stone slab, and ask every sword gym to abide by it in the future. If you can’t solve the equation, the sword gym disciples are not qualified to recognize you as the ancestor Master."

"Teacher, I will choose the second one." In order to avoid being called Xun Ze to dig graves in the future, Li Bai hastily agreed to the second plan called Xun Ze.

Gao Qiu, who was listening to the conversation between Xun Ze and Li Bai, although he didn't know what the solution to the equation was, but even the famous sword fairy Li Bai felt a headache, and it must be very difficult to learn.It seems that the disciples of the sword hall will have a hard time in the future.

After confirming the future teaching plan with Li Bai, Xunze handed Li Bai his mathematics book and asked him to learn to solve equations by himself. Then he waved to Gao Qiu and motioned for him to sit over.

"Teacher." Gao Qiu sat opposite Xun Ze, and before Xun Ze could speak, he said, "I thought about it all night last night, and I finally understand where I went wrong."

 Thanks: Shanghai Hip Hop, that's right, I did it all, programmer's cat, who knew that I love you, the sword of the years cuts away the missing, Bai Yexuan breaks the wind, book friend 20180705075720611, book friend 160515153051294, book friend 160515153051294, idiot Crazy 77777777's tip.

  Because it is not easy to add updates during the new book period, so I will return everyone's rewards and updates on the day it is released.Believe me, as long as you donate enough rewards, it will make you doubt your life when it is released.

(End of this chapter)

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