My students can change history

Chapter 142 The woman's revenge

Chapter 142 The woman's revenge

Li Longji was imprisoned, Yang Yuhuan reinstated Li Heng, and the situation in the Tang Dynasty, which had just experienced war, finally stabilized.

Guo Ziyi was originally Li Heng's person in history, so he must have had some contact with Li Heng before.

Therefore, Li Heng still reused Guo Ziyi and asked him to be responsible for eliminating the remnants of An Lushan and Shi Siming who had fled everywhere.

After Li Bai declined Li Heng's reward and took his disciples and the Qinglian Sword Army to Shuzhong, Yang Yuhuan's power in the court disappeared.

And Li Heng can rest assured that Yang Yuhuan can deal with Li Longji at will.

Ming Xunze originally thought that Yang Yuhuan would kill Li Longji, but who knows, Yang Yuhuan did not do so this time.

She first wrote to Li Heng to make Shangguan Wan'er a princess, and then rebuilt a mausoleum for Shangguan Wan'er and Princess Taiping, and moved their coffins into this mausoleum.

Then, she took Li Longji to this mausoleum to live in seclusion. After Li Longji died of illness, she spent the rest of her life here alone.

Later generations did not have much controversy over Yang Yuhuan's approach.

Historians believe that although Yang Yuhuan is called a holy concubine, she does not have much ambition.

Whether he hid in the sword hall and refused to escape with Li Longji, defended Chang'an to face An Lushan's army alone, or appointed Guo Ziyi to command the army to quell the rebellion, he was forced to take on important tasks just because he did not want to see the world in ruins.

So when the world is at peace, she will simply return power to Li Heng.

The reason why she posthumously named Shangguan Wan'er the princess and repaired the mausoleum was because these two people loved her very much and brought her into the palace so that she had the opportunity to know Li Longji.

The reason for imprisoning Li Longji and staying in the princess mausoleum with Li Longji is actually very simple. It is to tie Li Longji by his side, and the husband and wife will ignore the battles in the court outside and spend the rest of their lives peacefully.

For this reason, many people in later generations wrote poems, articles, and made TV series and movies to eulogize the love between Yang Yuhuan and Li Longji.

Regarding this, Jing Xunze just wanted to say that history is indeed a little girl who can be dressed up by others!The person who dressed up the little girl thought that he had a glimpse of the whole history, but in fact, only the person involved can know the true heart of the little girl.

Yang Yuhuan did this to stay with Li Longji for the rest of his life.She is giving Li Longji the cruelest punishment!
Even Xunze can imagine that Yang Yuhuan told Li Longji in front of the tombs of Shangguan Wan'er and Princess Taiping that their love from beginning to end was the revenge of three women who foresaw the future. To what extent will Li Longji, who lost all his rights, collapse.

What's more ruthless is that even though Li Longji knew that he was retaliated by these three women, he still had to face the tombs of Shangguan Wan'er and Princess Taiping and Yang Yuhuan's disdain and irony towards him every day.

This kind of torture to the soul is a hundred times more severe than physical torture.

Thinking that Li Longji spent eight years in this environment before dying of illness, Ming Xunze felt a little sympathetic to him.

It was so miserable.

After the memory related to Yang Yuhuan was transmitted, the changes in the history of the Three Kingdoms also entered Xunze's brain.

Because Xunze didn't teach Cao Cao, Liu Bei, and Sun Ce much knowledge last week, the three of them didn't change much about history.

However, in terms of details, there are quite a few changes.

First of all, Liu Bei, because he learned modern hand-knitting, after graduating from Jixia University, he asked Cao Cao to borrow a sum of money to open a hand-knitting shop in his hometown.

Although the income is not much, it is better than selling straw sandals in history.

Moreover, because Cao Cao and Liu Bei hooked up together at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the process of where Liu Bei went and where Cao Cao was destroyed always made Ming Xunze feel that these two people actually had some shady business behind the scenes.

Of course, the better relationship between Liu Bei and Cao Cao will not prevent the Battle of Chibi from happening. After all, this is Cao Cao's best chance to unify the world.

Facing Cao Cao's army, Sun Ce and Liu Bei joined forces at the beginning. Later, Cao Cao was defeated and wanted to escape from Huarong Road in a hurry, but met Liu Bei who had been waiting for a long time.

According to historical records, Cao Cao and Liu Bei had a heroic reminiscing here. They agreed to visit Zhuolu again in the future, and then they took their people away without any conflict between the two parties.

Some people in later generations thought that Liu Bei's approach was very stupid, but others believed that Liu Bei started his career with benevolence.Cao Cao was kind to him, and he had to repay it.

Moreover, once Cao Cao died, the Cao Wei Group would inevitably retaliate against Liu Bei crazily, which was something Liu Bei, who was still young at the time, could not bear.

As for Sun Ce, because he was born late and has been active in the Jiangnan area, he didn't have much interaction with Cao Cao, Liu Bei and others in the early stage.

However, in the first 200 years of the Yuan Dynasty, Sun Ce, who would have died when he was attacked by an assassin while out hunting, passed the year in peace.

So Sun Ce has been in charge of the power of Soochow until Yuanshi 218 before he died of illness, 18 years longer than in history.

After Sun Ce's death, Sun Quan succeeded to the throne, completely destroying Sun Ce's original policy of attacking Wei together with the Shu Han.

In the first 219 years of the Yuan Dynasty, Guan Yu made the Northern Expedition. For the immediate benefit, Sun Quan chose to join forces with Cao Cao and sent Lu Meng westward to attack Guan Yu's rear Jingzhou, causing Guan Yu to be killed.

After Liu Bei learned of Guan Yu's death, he immediately cut off all contact with Soochow, and later led his troops to crusade against Sun Quan.

As a result, Liu Bei's final outcome was still that he died after being cared for in Baidi City.Cao Cao finally passed the throne to Cao Pi, and was finally forced to become emperor.

After Sun Quan proclaimed himself emperor, he still pursued Sun Ce as King Huan of Changsha, but did not pursue Sun Ce as emperor.

Since then, history has returned to the familiar track called Xunze.

It seemed that his method was somewhat effective, which made Xunze a little happy.

The so-called three irons in life, they have carried guns together, spent time in jail together, and been harmonious together.

It is said that when people are suffering, the people they meet often become good friends.

Although these friends may not necessarily share wealth and wealth, they are at least closer than other ordinary friends.
Therefore, after the efforts of Xunze, Sun Ce, Liu Bei, and Cao Cao became good friends, which led to some minor changes in history.

Of course, the most important thing is that Sun Ce was originally attacked by assassins in history, which was indeed arranged by Cao Cao.

At that time, Cao Cao and Yuan Shao were preparing for the battle of Guandu. If Sun Ce really had a plan to attack Xuchang as Xu Gong said in the above table, then Cao Cao might lose the battle if the rear was lost, so Cao Cao Had to send an assassin to kill Sun Ce to prevent problems in his rear.

But this time Sun Ce and Cao Cao had a friendship. Rather than letting Yuan Shao grow bigger and move south after unifying the north, Sun Ce felt it was better to let Cao Cao do this.

After all, if Yuan Shao defeats Sun Ce, then Sun Ce's family may not be protected.But if it was a friendly Cao Cao, Sun Ce felt that although he would definitely die after the defeat, his family might be able to survive.

So, after the two analyzed the pros and cons, one did not go north, the other did not send assassins, and things returned to their original path.

(End of this chapter)

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