My students can change history

Chapter 138 White Gloves

Chapter 138 White Gloves

This week is the last week for Princess Taiping to study here at Xunze.

Although Princess Taiping, Shangguan Waner, and Yang Yuhuan have caused a lot of troubles and changed a lot of history in the past few weeks.

But according to Xunze's judgment, the influence of these three people on history should be the same as that of Li Bai, Gao Qiu and others.

It belongs to the branch line, not as good as Wang Mang and Liu Xiu.

Sure enough, after the students were sent away and Da Miao came back, the evaluation of Princess Taiping also had a slight impact on history.

"This time, the thank-you ceremony is still a choice between ability, status, and status."

Da Miao stood in front of Xun Ze and said,
"Because Princess Taiping founded the money bank in Datang, and gave it the embryonic form of a modern bank.

So you gain competence, top accountants.Once you have this ability, no matter how difficult the ledger in the world is, it will be similar to elementary school math problems in your eyes. "

This ability is awesome.

After Ming Xunze heard what Big Meow said, he was a little excited.As a person who was not good at mathematics since childhood, Ming Xunze was very envious of the accountant's calculation ability.

Although it is unlikely that he would be able to calculate accounts for others, it would be quite good to use this ability to analyze game data in the future.

"Because Princess Taiping founded the Chamber of Commerce in Datang, which played a certain role in stabilizing prices.

So you can get the ability: top second-hand dealer.Once you have this ability, you will be familiar with the different profits that can be obtained from selling a product to different places, and know which goods to sell to where to maximize profits. "

This ability is not bad.

After hearing what Big Meow said, Jiao Xunze rubbed his chin and thought, "If I have this kind of ability, I don't necessarily need to do it myself to resell the goods."You only need to start a company and command remotely. '

However, doing business in the society depends not only on brains, but also on contacts, so Xun Ze feels that if the rewards of identity and status in the future can be related to reselling goods, then he will choose this ability.

"Identity and status are closely related. Which identity you choose will determine which status you will achieve."

Da Miao didn't know that Xun Ze's inner activities were so rich today.He paused, then continued,
"You can choose between being a princess accountant and being a white glove.

Among them, the princess-level accountant corresponds to the only four princess-level accountants in China, and is also the number one accountant ranked by the Global Accountants Association.

The identity of the white glove corresponds to the status of the top white glove that is most trusted by several mysterious nobles and is responsible for holding hundreds of billions of assets. "


The choice of status this time is a bit messed up.

Although Jiao Xunze doesn't know what this so-called princess-level accountant is, but with the identity of a white glove, whoever chooses it is a fool!
Although Xunze is very famous now, he is just famous.If you rashly act as a white glove for others and get involved in political struggles, you may end up dead on the streets one day.

"The ability of a top accountant, the status of a princess accountant and the corresponding status."

Ask Xunze to make his own choice.


Big Miao saw that Ming Xunze had finished his selection, so he closed the book of time and asked Ming Xunze,
"Are you going to Chang'an tomorrow?"

"It is true that I have something to go to Chang'an tomorrow." Xunze didn't know what Da Miao wanted to do, so he could only nod and admit.

"Then why don't you take me with you?"

Big Meow looked at Ming Xunze and said excitedly,

"It just so happens that I have something to go to Chang'an tomorrow, so take me with you."

"It's not that I don't want to take you out."

Jiao Xunze was extremely resistant to taking the big cat out, he said,
"I'm mainly worried about your safety. Think about it, there are so many cats in the world, but you are the only one who can talk and travel through time and space. If someone discovers your secret, let someone catch it and slice it for research what to do."

"Don't worry."

Big Meow said,

"Tomorrow I will pretend to be no different from an ordinary cat, so that no one will find out."

When Ming Xunze was thinking about what reason to reject Da Miao, Lu Xiuyu suddenly called,

"Brother, our itinerary has changed. We will fly to Chang'an at 07:30 tonight. Can you make it in time? If not, I will ask you to go to Chang'an next time."

"In time."

While talking, Xun Ze glanced at the clock in the classroom, and found that it was only six o'clock, and there was still an hour and a half for Xun Ze to rush to the airport.

"Big meow, I really can't take you with me this time. I'm leaving soon. There is definitely no way to check in your pet in such a short time."

After Jiao Xunze finished speaking, he ran out of the classroom as if flying.

Although Da Miao is now Xun Ze's parents, Ming Xun Ze has no reason not to accompany Da Miao because of Lu Xiuyu.

But Xunze always felt that things were not that simple.After all, Da Miao can travel through time and space, so he needs to set off with him to go to Chang'an, which is less than two hours away by plane, so he simply rejected Da Miao.

Anyway, with a bag of dried fish afterwards, the gluttonous big cat can be settled without making him angry.

"Well, all right. Just left me alone like this."

Big Meow looked at Xunze who was leaving, complained a few words, and then said to himself,
"Forget it, find a human that's easy to deceive, and he happens to be driving to Chang'an tomorrow and let him take me to Jixia University. Anyway, as long as I pretend to be pitiful and cute, there will be countless people willing to take me in."

Asked Xunze to pack up his things, found the belly guide and asked her to help take care of the two little girls who were still staying at the cram school, and then took a taxi to the airport.

"By the way, look up what the princess-level accountant means."

Ming Xunze took out his mobile phone and typed in the princess-level accountant, and found that there were a lot of search results, but most of them were eye-catching three-no articles compiled by self-media.

Fortunately, such things as encyclopedias are still very useful. After Xunze looked it up, he knew what a princess-level accountant meant.

It turned out that after the establishment of the Global Accountants Association, accountants from all over the world established banks to commemorate Princess Taiping, who increased the demand for accountants in human society, and specially set up a title of princess-level accountant.

Accountants who can hold this title are generally better than other accountants in handling accounts. In the era before computers came out, princess-level accountants represented the highest computing power of human beings.

However, after the computer was invented, most of the princess-level accountants were only awarded to members of the association as a supreme honorary title to express the association's recognition of their strength.

But even so, there are less than [-] princess-level accountants in the world, and only four people in China currently hold this title.

Note:. . .While writing, I suddenly fell asleep.Just update a chapter first.Then wait until six o'clock in the afternoon to update and add another five chapters.Sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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