My students can change history

Chapter 129 Gay Guy, Lolita, Wife

Chapter 129 Gay Guy, Lolita, Wife
On Friday afternoon, after sending the three students back, Da Miao came to settle the thank-you ceremony with Shangguan Waner named Xun Ze.

"Through your teaching to Shangguan Wan'er, the history of the Tang Dynasty and beyond has undergone slight changes. After my identification, this change is beneficial to human civilization. So Shangguan Wan'er passed my exam , and you will also receive a generous gift."

Big Meow glanced at the Book of Time, then raised his head and said to Xun Ze,
"Because Shangguan Wan'er brought the newspaper to China hundreds of years in advance, you will be able to gain the ability: top critic.

Because Shangguan Wan'er not only successfully restrained her desire for power in history, but also persuaded Princess Taiping to restrain her desire as well.So you will gain the ability to restrain desires. "

"What does this ability to restrain desire mean?"

Asking Xunze to raise his own question when Da Miao took a break after finishing a long speech.

"Literally, with this ability, you can perfectly restrain any of your desires. Let yourself become more desireless than the monk of the ancient Buddha with the green lamp every day." Da Miao replied.

What sand sculpture ability.

Asking Xunze to hear Da Miao's words, he really wanted to complain.

"There are two status rewards this time, one is a freelance writer, and the other is the leader of an online troll. The two identities correspond to two different statuses.

If you choose the status of a freelance writer, you will gain the status: the most famous poisonous critic in China.

If you choose the identity of the leader of the cyber troll army, you will gain the status: the chairman of the largest cyber troll company in China. "

The ability to restrain desires is easy to understand, where did the leader of the Internet navy emerge.

Could it be that Shangguan Wan'er came up with the idea of ​​boasting in the newspaper for Yang Yuhuan?

But this time the reward called Xun Ze did not need to think too much, and made a decision almost instantly.

"My ability to select top critics, my status as a freelance writer, and my status as the most famous critic in China."

"Okay." Da Miao said after confirming the choice called Xun Ze,

"By the way, there are three students in the next batch, and they will come together this Sunday. Get ready."

"Remind me who they are?"

"One gay, one lolicon, one wifey."

On Saturday morning, Ming Xunze, who got up early, got two bad news one after another.

The first is that Yang Yuhuan failed again.

Because of the support of Qinglian Sword Hall, Yang Yuhuan got his wish and stayed after Li Longji fled Chang'an in a hurry.

In fact, after Li Bai changed history, the ancient capital of Chang'an would not have been breached by the rebels.

Relying on the rich inheritance left by Shangguan Wan'er and Princess Taiping and her own means of balancing power, Yang Yuhuan quickly took control of Chang'an as a noble concubine.

Internally, Yang Yuhuan used the talents left by Shangguan Wan'er and Princess Taiping to form her own interest group.

Externally, on the one hand, Yang Yuhuan reused Guo Ziyi as a general to resist An Lushan's attack, and on the other hand, he provided support for Li Bai's Qinglian Sword Army, allowing Li Bai to lead the Qinglian Sword Army to kill Anlu Mountain among thousands of troops. As a result, the rebels were leaderless.

With the efforts of Yang Yuhuan, the momentum of the rebels sweeping the world was contained in time, and their internal conflicts began to emerge.

After Guo Ziyi led the army to recover Luoyang, the eastern capital, Shi Siming killed An Qingxu and replaced him as the new leader of the rebel army.

But after Shi Siming took charge of the rebel army, he hadn't figured out how to defeat Guo Ziyi's army. His son Shi Chaoyi was dazzled by the desire for power, and deliberately gave the Qinglian Sword Formation a convenient way to let Li Bai lead the Qinglian Sword Formation. The army seized the opportunity and killed Shi Siming.

Once Shi Siming died, Shi Chaoyi was unable to support the overall situation. In the original history, the Anshi Rebellion, which had occurred for eight years and caused heavy damage to the entire Tang Dynasty and the Chinese nation, ended in just four years.

In 759 Yuan, the Anshi Rebellion ended, and Yang Yuhuan had already mastered hundreds of thousands of troops and controlled a quarter of the country's land.

Before Tang Xuanzong Li Longji and his son Tang Suzong Li Heng returned to Chang'an, rumors spread wildly throughout the Tang Dynasty that Yang Yuhuan wanted to emulate Wu Zetian and become emperor.

But amidst the rumors, Li Longji still took his son Qingche to Chang'an.


Guo Ziyi turned against the water, Li Bai remained neutral, Yang Yuhuan lost all available force, and Li Longji regained control of the regime without any effort.

In March of the following year, Yang Yuhuan was canonized as empress dowager, and in April Yang Yuhuan committed suicide.

Later generations of literati spoke highly of Yang Yuhuan, because when she was in power, she never wanted to kill ministers like Wu Zetian to stabilize her rule.And he didn't learn from Wu Zetian to proclaim himself emperor by force.

Although it was because of Guo Ziyi's betrayal and Li Bai's inaction that she lost her power, so that she became Li Longji's control again.

But after Li Longji sealed her as queen, not only did she not try to regain power again, but she committed suicide directly to show that she was not a canary kept in a cage.

Although some wild history suspects that Li Longji was afraid that Yang Yuhuan would seize power again, so he killed her and declared that he committed suicide.

But this conflicts with Li Longji's move to confer Yang Yuhuan as the Queen Mother, so the credibility is not high.

In fact, Xunze still doesn't know the specific situation, why Guo Ziyi suddenly turned against him, and why Li Bai sat and watched Yang Yuhuan be imprisoned by Li Longji.

So I can only ask after Yang Yuhuan comes back next week.

The second bad news was told by Zhou Yujian.

A staff member of the Fencing Association, who has retired for many years, suddenly tweeted that the Fencing Association has been falsifying the strength ratings of swordsmen for a long time.Especially Xun Ze, who was rated as a fairy-level swordsman, whose actual strength is actually difficult for him to become a saint.

The so-called Seven Sages of Lunzhan and the only contemporary swordsman at immortal level are actually all gimmicks created by the association to promote fencing.

This long Weibo was posted last night. By the time Xunze knew about it, various marketing accounts and trolls had already entered the venue, and began to frantically forward comments and make malicious speculations.

Judging from the current trend of public opinion, there are far more people who doubt the association than those who believe in it.

As the so-called rumors open their mouths, refute the rumors and break their legs.

This retired staff member has fully grasped the biggest weakness of the association at present: it is to promote fencing and gradually become entertainment.

Therefore, in order to make fencing more topical, the association does have the motive of fraud.

Moreover, the cleverness of this person is that he didn't directly say that Xun Ze didn't understand fencing, but just pretended to be the successor of Qinglian swordsmanship.

He directly stated that although Xun Ze's swordsmanship level is superb, it is below the holy level, far from the immortal level.

Now that the Seven Saints are old, even if Ming Xunze wants to prove that he has the strength of a sword fairy, he has no opponent to prove it.

At the same time, even if there are corresponding opponents, people will still suspect that these opponents are fixing matches for the benefit of the association.

(End of this chapter)

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