My students can change history

Chapter 124 Name, Money, and Soldiers

Chapter 124 Name, Money, and Soldiers

The words of Xun Ze made the eyes of the three women light up.

Before the Anshi Rebellion, neither Shangguan Wan'er nor Princess Taiping had any chance of overthrowing Li Longji, because the general trend of the world no longer allowed women to be in power in the court.

But if there is a woman who can stand up and lead the court to suppress the rebellion during the Anshi Rebellion, then the general situation represented by Li Longji will no longer exist.

After asking Xunze to express this idea, Li Lingyue asked Yang Yuhuan personally.I found that although Yang Yuhuan is not old, he is very alert.

However, unlike Shangguan Wan'er and Princess Taiping, two women who have been obsessed with power since childhood, Yang Yuhuan has been interested in music and dance since elementary school.

Therefore, although Yang Yuhuan agreed with Xun Ze's statement just now, he was at a loss as to how to implement this plan.


After Princess Taiping found out the details about Yang Yuhuan, she said to Xunze,
"Although Yang Yuhuan is indeed the most qualified person to carry out this plan in terms of status, but she lacks too much in terms of ability."

"No one is born capable of everything."

Jiao Xunze has some confidence in this plan.Of course he didn't trust Yang Yuhuan himself, but trusted Shangguan Wan'er and Princess Taiping.

Although both Shangguan Wan'er and Princess Taiping should have passed away when the Anshi Rebellion broke out, they had enough time to leave a rich legacy for Yang Yuhuan.

After thinking for a moment, Xun Ze opened the blackboard on the wall and said to the three women.

"Let me first talk about the general process of this plan.

First of all, Shangguan Wan'er wants to use the power of newspapers and media to prove that she is not with Queen Wei when Li Longji kills Queen Wei, and forces Li Longji to give up his plan to kill you.

Now that Li Longji's general trend has been achieved, Princess Taiping and Shangguan Wan'er need to learn to give up some power and try to avoid conflicts with Li Longji.In this case, by virtue of your own status and status, you will definitely be able to live until Yang Yuhuan is 17 years old.

Yang Yuhuan was chosen by the King of Shou at the age of 17 and became the concubine of Shou Wang.But this link is unnecessary for our plan.So Li Lingyue, you need to contact Yang Yuhuan when Yang Yuhuan was 17 years old, and then recommend Yang Yuhuan to Li Longji in advance.

In this way, Yang Yuhuan has enough time to use Li Longji's trust to expand his strength.It can be guaranteed that during the Anshi Rebellion, he can stand up, stay in Chang'an, and lead part of the court's power to quell the rebellion. "

"The teacher's plan is really too far-fetched."

Although Li Lingyue agreed with Ming Xunze's idea, he did not agree with the details of Ming Xunze's plan.she questioned,
"There is no problem with this plan in the early stage. But even if Yang Yuhuan can become Li Longji's imperial concubine in advance, Li Longji will not let Yang Yuhuan participate in political affairs.

If Yang Yuhuan did not participate in political affairs, then she would not have enough strength to stay in Chang'an after the outbreak of the Anshi Rebellion and face An Lushan's army alone. "

"I also agree with His Highness's words."

Shangguan Wan'er also frowned and said,

"Besides, even if things go as smoothly as the teacher planned, Yang Yuhuan doesn't have enough military command experience to quell the rebellion."

"Yang Yuhuan doesn't need to know the soldiers."

Asked Xunze to put his hands on the podium, looked at Shangguan Waner and Yang Yuhuan and said,

"My request for Yang Yuhuan is to learn political fighting and the emperor's mind in a short period of time."

"If you don't participate in politics, you don't have your own power. If you don't know soldiers, you can't command the army. It's too far-fetched to quell the rebellion just by manipulating power."

"Do you know, before you, I had a student named Liu Xiu. He didn't know anything about soldiers, and he didn't have any power of his own at the beginning. But he could become the emperor."

Xunze was asked to take out the chalk and write Shangguan Wan'er's name on the blackboard, and then followed Shangguan Wan'er's name with another name.

"Shangguan Wan'er learns how to produce and promote newspapers, then she can control part of the mouthpiece of Datang. After Yang Yuhuan becomes a favorite concubine, Shangguan Wan'er can donate the newspaper industry she created to Yang Yuhuan.

As long as Shangguan Wan'er can train enough talents in the newspaper industry for Yang Yuhuan, Yang Yuhuan will be able to take over the newspaper industry smoothly and promote her reputation. "

After asking Xunze to finish speaking, he wrote down the name of Princess Taiping on the blackboard, and then followed the name of Princess Taiping with the word money.

"As long as Li Lingyue does not take the initiative to hand over most of his rights after Li Longji takes power and avoid conflicts with Li Longji, then Li Longji will definitely compensate Li Lingyue in other ways.

Therefore, I need Li Lingyue to learn how to start a bank and how to set up a chamber of commerce this week.As long as the chamber of commerce and the bank are established, then Li Lingyue will be able to grasp enough financial resources.

Then after Yang Yuhuan became a noble concubine, Li Lingyue would be able to transfer the bank and chamber of commerce in Yang Yuhuan's hands.

Similarly, Li Lingyue, you also need to train some reliable talents for Yang Yuhuan to manage such a huge industry for Yang Yuhuan.

In this way, relying on Shangguan Wan'er and Princess Taiping, Yang Yuhuan can have a part of her own power out of thin air, and have the confidence to stay in Chang'an alone. "

"But the most important issues remain unresolved."

Li Lingyue said,
"Even if you have fame and money, if you don't know how to fight, you won't be able to command the army and quell the Anshi Rebellion."

"Then let me ask you. Since you have read the historical materials, please tell me who is the biggest contributor to quelling the Anshi Rebellion?"

"Guo Ziyi and Li Bai."

Shangguan Wan'er replied,

"Without Guo Ziyi, Tang's army would not be able to defeat Anlushan's army. Without Li Bai, Anlushan's rebel army would not be leaderless."

"Then do you know where Guo Ziyi was before the Anshi Rebellion broke out?"

He asked Xunze to open the computer in front of the podium, and then pulled up Guo Ziyi's information for the three of them to see: Guo Ziyi was promoted to a high rank in the early years and joined the army, and accumulated merit to be the governor of Jiuyuan, but he has never been reused.

Haven't been reused? !

The three women instantly understood what it meant to be called Xunze.

After the outbreak of the Anshi Rebellion, Guo Ziyi was the most important general in the imperial court, and no one could bribe him.

But before the outbreak of the Anshi Rebellion, Guo Ziyi was just a young general who was not reused, and Yang Yuhuan was the most honorable woman in the entire Tang Dynasty!

Yang Yuhuan made friends with Guo Ziyi in private and persuaded Li Longji to transfer Guo Ziyi to Chang'an.

Then after the Anshi Rebellion broke out, Yang Yuhuan had great confidence to keep Guo Ziyi in Chang'an and control the army for himself.

 The second part has started to be updated, and a chapter will be updated every hour.

(End of this chapter)

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