My students can change history

Chapter 119 The Almost Unsolvable Bureau

Chapter 119 The Almost Unsolvable Bureau
Chapter 117 The Almost Unsolvable Bureau
Di Renjie's attitude drove Shangguan Wan'er crazy.

But so far, Di Renjie was the only one she could ask.

After all, among the people in the cram school, Xun Ze was blind to ancient political struggles. Although Princess Taiping had some tricks, she was not as good as Shangguan Wan'er without her status blessing.

Only Di Renjie, a cunning salted fish, seems to have been lying there without any ambition, but he is actually a steady one.

"Don't you forget."

Shangguan Wan'er had no choice but to use the most stupid threat method to get Di Renjie to speak,
"His Royal Highness is very popular with His Majesty. If you don't help me, I will tell Your Highness that you have a better idea but don't say it.

Guess whether His Highness will ask His Majesty to put you in prison as soon as he returns. "

"Come on, I was dying when you two were 15."

Di Renjie said like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water,

"As long as Empress Wu didn't lose consciousness, she wouldn't be able to throw me into prison. Besides, if I hadn't said good things in front of Empress Wu, she would let Empress Wu recall Li Xian. Li Xian would have no chance of forcing Empress Wu to abdicate himself as emperor.

Unless the two majesties are crazy, how could they put me in prison. "

"How dare you call Zhongzong by his name!"

Shangguan Wan'er was shocked when Di Renjie called Li Xian by his name.


Di Renjie snorted, and left without looking back.

Anyway, modern things can't be brought back, so he is not afraid of being recorded.

Besides, as long as Shangguan Wan'er is not crazy, she will not make a fuss about this matter.

Without Di Renjie's help, Shangguan Wan'er had to find a way to persuade Princess Taiping not to kill Li Longji when he was just born.

After all, there is still a way to deal with a familiar Li Longji.If after killing Li Longji, a Li Longya that no one is familiar with really emerges, they should fail or fail.

"Teacher." Shangguan Wan'er really had no choice but to come back to Xunze again, hoping that Xunze could come up with an idea.

"I don't understand your ancient political struggle."

Ming Xunze said helplessly,

"I think all the problems have to be attributed to Empress Wei's tyranny and poisoned Li Xian. This gave Li Longji a chance to take over. Why don't you try to trip Empress Wei first?"

"But His Majesty Zhongzong really dotes on Empress Wei too much."

Shangguan Wan'er said helplessly.

I don't know if it is genetic inheritance, whether it is Li Zhi or Li Xian, once they like a woman, they will like it to the end, and they will also let them participate in politics.

You must know that the reason why women in ancient times were attached to men was because men had power.

And once women have the opportunity to master power, why should they submit to men.

People like Wu Zetian are considered good. Although they want to monopolize the power, they are not crazy enough to attack their husband.

But Li Xian's favorite Empress Wei was different.

Because Empress Wei Li Xian was demoted from prince to king of Luling by Wu Zetian.

Because of Queen Wei, Li Xian disregarded the objections of the ministers, and made Wei Shi the empress dowager immediately after taking office, even though the matter of his mother proclaiming the emperor came first, even though the court ministers objected one after another.

Li Xian still insisted on letting Empress Wei enter the court to take power.Because he was worried that Webster would not pay attention to dealing with the ministers of the court, Li Xian specially asked Shangguan Wan'er to help Empress Wei.

Even after Empress Wei gave Li Xian a cuckold, Li Xian loved her without any hesitation.

It stands to reason that no matter how hard-hearted a man is, he can do this for you, and he can have feelings without love.

But Empress Wei is not.

This stupid woman did not have Wu Zetian's methods but had Wu Zetian's ambitions. She even teamed up with others to directly poison Li Xian and then monopolize the power of the court. It seems that she still has plans to become emperor in the future.

But she forgot that power grows out of the barrel of a gun.

The reason why Wu Zetian dared to proclaim the emperor was because she had mastered part of the military power when she was facing the court as a queen, and she dared to proclaim the emperor when her wings were full.

But even so, Wu Zetian had to kill a lot of heads to keep the throne.

After Wu Zetian abdicated, the literati in the whole world did not want to see the second Wu Zetian again.

So after Queen Wei poisoned Li Xian, the tense nerves of the ministers were touched.Their first instinct was to kill Empress Wei before she was fully fledged.

That's why Li Longji was able to say that the imperial army killed Wei Hou smoothly.

In other words, if Li Xian is not dead, Empress Wei will not be able to move.After Li Xian died, Li Longji would definitely take advantage of the situation to kill Empress Wei, and then push his father Li Dan to the throne.

And even if Li Dan loved Princess Taiping again, the hearts of the court were on Li Longji's side. Even if Li Longji was fatuous, the ministers would no longer want a woman to take power.

It's not that I look down on women, I'm really afraid.

From Wu Zetian to Shangguan Wan'er, Empress Wei, Princess Taiping.These women made the ministers almost collapse.

"So there is no other way."

Ask Xunze to spread his hands and say to Shangguan Wan'er,

"Unless you can persuade Princess Taiping not to try to abolish Li Longji and take control of the court, things will be irreparable from the moment Empress Wu abdicates."

"Wan'er doesn't believe it."

Shangguan Wan'er said to Xunze in disbelief,

"After going back this time, I will follow His Highness's method and kill Li Longji when he was born. See if I can change the fate of my Highness and me."

"Anyway, there are still two weeks, don't worry."

The reason why Xunze allowed Princess Taiping and Shangguan Wan'er to waste time fooling around this time was because there was really no good way.

Until Shangguan Wan'er and Princess Taiping learn to restrain their desires, their fate cannot be changed.

On the other hand, Jiao Xunze always thought that Da Miao would send over a female student from the Tang Dynasty.After all, it is impossible for Princess Taiping and Shangguan Waner alone to defeat Li Longji.

Because of Li Longji's identity, he is destined to grasp the general trend, which is what Princess Taiping and Shangguan Wan'er lack most.

However, before Xun Ze could wait for the new students to arrive next week, a sudden guest made his leisure time disappear.

"Hi, my name is director. I'm Ning Tao, assistant principal of Jixia University."

In the living room of Xunze's room, a rather young-looking man enthusiastically introduced his identity.

"You probably don't remember me. But when the former director Wang Long took you to meet the principal, I stood behind you."

"Oh, I have a little impression of you saying that. It seems that I have indeed seen you."

Ask Xun Ze to signal Ning Tao to sit down first, of course he won't have an impression of Ning Tao, but polite words still have to be said after all.

(End of this chapter)

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