My students can change history

Chapter 117 Princess Taiping

Chapter 117 Princess Taiping
When Wang Mang said these words, all the people at the banquet, including his heirs and cronies, were dumbfounded.

Poisoned wine? !
Even if you poisoned, you should poison Liu Xiu and his subordinates. What's wrong with you poisoning your own people? !
Just when everyone thought Wang Mang was joking, Wang Mang said calmly that he had known for a long time that his faction and Liu Xiu's faction could not coexist.

In order to prevent the reform from stagnating, Wang Mang decided to sacrifice himself and hand over the power of the entire court to Liu Xiu, just hoping that Liu Xiu could continue the reform.

Because Wang Mang's bottle of poisoned wine poisoned the backbone of his entire faction, the remaining ministers in charge of reform had no strength or reason to rebel even if they wanted to.

So Liu Xiu can continue to use these people with confidence.

After Chen Qing's pros and cons, Wang Mang knelt down to Liu Xiu's cronies amidst the curses of his heirs and some cronies, hoping that these people would not crowd out the reform ministers left by him after his death, and let the cause of reform continue.

Under such circumstances, even those who have doubts about Wang Mang feel that Wang Mang has no desire for power at all from his death-seeking behavior, and all he wants is the success of reform.

After Wang Mang finished his wish, he vomited blood and died in Liu Xiu's arms not long after.

With Wang Mang's death, the ministers who had been toasted by Wang Mang also died one by one, and the core forces of the entire Wang Mang faction were completely killed in this banquet.

The remaining cronies of Wang Mang are either aloof from the world in character, or they are the backbone of the reform.After Wang Mang's death, these people were immediately regarded as cronies by Liu Xiuyi, and Liu Xiu's behavior was not only not opposed by the original cronies, but also supported by most people.

At that time, the literati in both the government and the public no longer mentioned the old story of Wang Mang usurping the Han Dynasty.On the contrary, I always thought that Wang Mang could be compared with the saints of ancient times.

So far, the factional disputes that had plagued Wang Mang and Liu Xiu were completely eliminated with Wang Mang's death.

In order to commemorate Wang Mang, the Yuanshi chronology invented by Wang Mang has also been preserved and used by successive dynasties.

(Emperor Ai of Han died in the second year of Yuanshou, and Wang Mang supported Emperor Ping of Han, and the first year he designed for Emperor Ping of Han was the first year of Yuanshi, and that year was also the first year of AD.)
Unexpectedly, Wang Mang even came up with the chronology.

Asking Xunze to look at the Yuanshi chronology used in historical materials, he was a little delighted.

Since modern times, China has begun to use the Western Gregorian calendar, and the first year of AD is also the year when Jesus was born.

The main reason for this is that Western culture has become the mainstream internationally, so the country has to use the name AD for the sake of convenience.

But in the original historical records before Wang Mang came to Xunze for the first time, the year of the first year of the AD also happened to be the year when Wang Mang supported Emperor Ping of Han.At that time, Emperor Han Ping was only nine years old, so Wang Mang made decisions on all major affairs of the government and the opposition.

So Wang Mang, like a time traveler, set this year as the first year of Yuanshi, which is the same year as the first year of AD.

Later, Wang Mang came to Xunze, and after learning about the Gregorian calendar, he went back and improved the Yuanshi chronology, making it a very complete chronology just like the AD chronology.

Because Wang Mang committed suicide, the government and the public were shocked by Wang Mang's character like an ancient sage, and continued to use the Yuanshi chronology he invented as a chronology different from the year name.

After entering modern times, people discovered that Wang Mang's Yuanshi chronology was almost exactly the same as the AD chronology, so they abandoned the year name and officially used the Yuanshi chronology.

Wang Mang really chose this step.

After reading all the records about Wang Mang, Jiao Xunze could not help but sigh.

This is indeed the best way to resolve conflicts.

He brought some of his cronies to die, which not only allowed Liu Xiu to take full control of power, but also made Liu Xiu's subordinates stop embarrassing Wang Mang's old department.

After all, everyone committed suicide to avoid political struggles. In that era when everyone was shameless, who would dare to continue fighting for their own selfish desires at the expense of the world.

At the banquet, Wang Mang deliberately poisoned all his cronies in charge of military power, so even if Wang Mang's old troops wanted to rebel, they did not have the corresponding strength.

What's more, Wang Mang's death is equivalent to giving all of them a gold medal for avoiding death. As long as they don't make the mistake of conspiracy, no one will punish them.

In order to commemorate Wang Mang, Liu Xiu also conferred titles on Wang Mang's daughters, and changed the surname of one of the daughter's children to Wang, inheriting the Wang family.

This is why Wang Yiyi's ancestors dared to impersonate Wang Mang's descendants.

After watching Wang Mang, Xun Zelue felt a little sad.But he still entered Shangguan Wan'er's name in the search column, wanting to see if Shangguan Wan'er had changed her fate this time.

The answer is, of course, no.

Even Shangguan Wan'er's personal charm is huge.But Li Longji was also a hero when he was young.How could this woman who manipulated power survive the coup and join forces with Princess Taiping to deal with herself.

So even though Shangguan Wan'er responded in a timely manner this time, she separated her relationship with Empress Wei before the start of the coup, and went to find Princess Taiping's asylum on the day the coup started, but the determined Li Longji still sent people to ambush Shangguan Wan. son, and then executed Shangguan Waner on the spot.

So Shangguan Wan'er did not succeed this time.I just don’t know if these two women can join forces to overthrow Li Longji when Princess Taiping comes next week.

On Sunday afternoon, Da Miao arrived on time with the students.

"Teacher, this is Her Royal Highness Princess Taiping."

After Shangguan Wan'er found out that Princess Taiping was also here this time, she introduced Princess Taiping to Xunze with a little excitement.

"Student Li Lingyue met the teacher."

Although Princess Taiping is only one year younger than Shangguan Wan'er, and she is also 15 years old when she comes to Xunze this time.But because Princess Taiping hasn't read her own life, she doesn't know what kind of revolutionary friendship she and Shangguan Wan'er will have in the future.

So she didn't let Shangguan Wan'er continue to introduce her identity on her behalf, but passed Shangguan Wan'er and introduced herself to Xun Ze salute.

This breast is not right for A, why is it called Princess Taiping.

Ming Xunze glanced at Princess Taiping's chest subconsciously, and then adjusted his gaze to a normal state when others didn't notice.

"Yeah. This is the first time I have a student who is a princess."

Ask Xunze to jokingly say to Princess Taiping,
"It's really a bit of a surprise."

"It is also my honor to be able to study here with the teacher."

Note: The princesses of the Tang Dynasty generally would not call themselves the princess or the palace.But it's called that here for convenience.

(End of this chapter)

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