My students can change history

Chapter 111 The confrontation between Shangguan Wan'er and Di Renjie

Chapter 111 The confrontation between Shangguan Wan'er and Di Renjie

Although she was only 15 years old, Shangguan Wan'er at this time was not simple at all, because during this period she had already hooked up with Tang Zhongzong Li Xian who would become the emperor in the future.

The reason why she is called Zhaorong is also because Tang Zhongzong named her Zhaorong after forcing Wu Zetian to abdicate and let her continue to hold power.

That is to say, once Shangguan Wan'er grows up, no one can shake her status before Tang Zhongzong is poisoned by his queen Wei.

And even after the death of Tang Zhongzong, Shangguan Wan'er won the trust of Empress Wei, and even when Empress Wei was killed by Li Longji, she had become a person trusted by Princess Taiping, and Princess Taiping was with Li Longji at that time integrated.

If Li Longji hadn't been too afraid of her and forcibly killed Shangguan Wan'er without telling Princess Taiping, Shangguan Wan'er might have lived until Princess Taiping was killed by Li Longji.

Therefore, Shangguan Wan'er must ensure that she is safe before the age of 15.She can only listen to Di Renjie's words now.

"The struggle for political power in the court is actually very boring. Because it does not benefit the whole country at all, it is just a carnival for a small group of people."

Di Renjie took out an apple from his pocket, gnawed it, looked at Shangguan Wan'er and said,

"So you have to learn a piece of knowledge that is beneficial to the country here. For example, invent something, improve some technology, etc. As long as you can learn a piece of knowledge that is beneficial to the country. I promise not to interfere with your every move, how to ?”

"It's a word."

Shangguan Wan'er thought Di Renjie wanted her to pursue him in the future, but she didn't expect it to be such a simple thing.

Sure enough, there are some people in this world who have nobler thoughts than ordinary people.

Ming Xunze looked at Di Renjie and suddenly thought of Wang Mang.In fact, these two are the same kind of people, but Wang Mang is not afraid of trouble and danger.But Di Renjie is like a salted fish, only doing what he can.

"Teacher, I have already fulfilled the purpose of calling me here, so I will go to my class first."

Di Renjie got Shangguan Wan'er's promise, waved to Xun Ze, and went out.

"This kid is too smart."

Asked Xunze to look at Di Renjie who was leaving, and rubbed his chin thinking.

The reason why he suddenly called Di Renjie over was because he wanted Di Renjie to persuade Shangguan Wan'er not to get involved in the court struggle.Or even if you want to get involved, don't be too greedy for power. Of course it would be best to get out like Di Renjie.

But unexpectedly, after Di Renjie discovered that Shangguan Wan'er's attitude was very determined, he immediately gave up persuading Shangguan Wan'er, and instead made a promise with Shangguan Wan'er to ask Shangguan Wan'er to do something beneficial to the Tang Dynasty.

"Wan'er, since you agreed to Di Renjie, have you thought about what you want to learn?"

Xunze turned around and asked.


To Xunze's surprise, Shangguan Wan'er had already figured out what she wanted to learn.

"what do you want to learn?"

"Newspaper." Shangguan Wan'er replied.

"Newspaper?" Xunze was a little confused, why Shangguan Wan'er would think of learning this.

"Yes." Shangguan Wan'er replied,
"Yesterday when I was checking information on my tablet, I accidentally discovered this thing. So after a detailed search, I found that newspapers can accurately convey the imperial decree to the people without being misinterpreted by local officials. So Wan'er I want to run a newspaper in Datang."

Sure enough, they were two monsters.

As soon as Xun Ze heard Shangguan Wan'er say this, he didn't know that even if there was no agreement with Di Renjie, Shangguan Wan'er would still start a newspaper in Datang and use the newspaper to help Wu Zetian stabilize his power.

That's why she agreed to Di Renjie straightforwardly.It was because the newspaper did meet Di Renjie's requirements.Moreover, the court environment at that time was also suitable for Shangguan Wan'er to propose the idea of ​​running a newspaper to Wu Zetian.

Only Shangguan Wan'er proposed this idea, and Wu Zetian was not suspicious.If Di Renjie had brought it up, Wu Zetian might still be afraid that Di Renjie would use newspapers to spread ideas against her among the people.

These two are dead.

Asked Xun Ze to rub his temples, and then said to Shangguan Wan'er,
"Then start from today. In the morning, you study the relevant historical materials of the Tang Dynasty by yourself, and figure out how to complete the plan to seize power with Princess Taiping. In the afternoon, I will teach you how to start a newspaper and how to format the newspaper."

"The student thanked the teacher." Shangguan Wan'er hurriedly thanked Xun Ze.

In fact, you should also thank Liu Xiu who just left.

Asking Xunze to look at Shangguan Wan'er's back, he thought to himself that if Liu Xiu hadn't promoted movable type printing and transformed papermaking in the Han Dynasty, how could it be possible for you to run a newspaper based on the technology of the Tang Dynasty.

This goes hand in hand.

Ming Xunze began to worry about how history would develop in the future.Maybe one day you wake up and find that China has entered the age of interstellar navigation.

With more students, Xunze's job became much easier.He found that his role is mainly to find the direction of learning for students, rather than teaching students something in person.

After all, the historical figures who can come here are all momentary heroes.Ask Xun Ze to travel back, under the same conditions, these people may not be excellent.Therefore, as long as Jiao Xunze can use his own knowledge to guide these students to the fields they should be exposed to, he will be successful as a teacher.

After all, except for Zhao Keer, all his students are equivalent to geniuses.For geniuses, it is important to guide them, not to force their own ideas into them.

Therefore, Jiao Xunze did not interfere with Shangguan Wan'er's insistence on gaining power.The politics of the Tang Dynasty were all about chaos in the court but not in the world. Even though Wu Zetian killed a lot of people during his reign, the development of the country did not stagnate.

On the contrary, after Li Longji completely stabilized the throne, the Anshi Rebellion broke out in the Tang Dynasty, which lost most of the national fortune at once, causing warlords from all over the country to sit in the central government and be unable to control them. In the end, Huang Chao tore off his shame pants and completely ruined the entire country.

Let's see if Shangguan Wan'er can change her fate against the sky. Asking Xunze to look at Shangguan Wan'er who has already got the tablet and started to check all the historical materials of the Tang Dynasty. Change your life.

Because as Di Renjie said, after experiencing the Wu Zetian period, the ministers no longer want to have another Wu Zetian-style character. This is not only because of discrimination against women, but also because they do not want to go through the Wu Zetian period again. The ministers of the court who were killed dare not go to the court, even Di Renjie, who is as smart as Di Renjie, has several horrible periods where he almost died several times.

(End of this chapter)

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