My students can change history

Chapter 107 Large-scale lottery scene

Chapter 107 Large-scale lottery scene
Of course Xunze knew that his behavior just now looked like a self-destruction to a normal person.

Because this is no longer a lie, but an insult to the intelligence of the audience present.

But Xunze has been forced to this step.

Song Yue was probably sent by Song Tian, ​​Zhang Ran's manager, to ask Xun Ze these questions.

Even if the TV station cut this paragraph, they will definitely hire a large number of trolls and marketing accounts to stir up the popularity of this matter.

Calling Xun Ze doesn't care about his reputation.However, Zhou Yujian arranged for the TV station to interview this time, and after the incident, the public will definitely question the organizer of the game.

You can't trick both sides by calling Xunze.

But fortunately, there is really a hole card that no one else can think of: he is really a European emperor.

"Well, how should I say it?"

Asked Xunze to see that Stan didn't speak, so he started talking on his own,
"Actually, I have been very lucky since I was a child. As long as it is something that can be obtained by lottery, I can get it. But how low the probability is, as long as I am sure that I can draw it out, so many times, I will definitely get it."

Xunze looked at Song Yue, who was sitting in the audience in the distance and staring at him, and said with a smile,

"If you often surf the Internet, you must know that people who are lucky will be called Ouhuang on the Internet. And I happen to be such a person."

"Can you prove it?"

Stan was completely dumbfounded.Could it be that Taili communicated with Xunze in advance and arranged for Xunze to show how lucky he is?
Why don't you know? !
If there is no arrangement in the stage, then how can Xunze prove that he is an Ouhuang? Could it be an on-site lottery?

The chances of being slapped in the face are too high.

What the hell am I interviewing today!

After some ideological struggle, Stan completely gave up thinking, handed over the stage to Xunze, and motioned for Xunze to play by himself.

"Okay." He asked Xunze to stand up, then looked at the big screen and said,
"Can the backstage staff choose another audience member? I need his cooperation."

Not long after Xunze finished speaking, a number appeared on the big screen, and a girl who looked only 20 years old stood up.

"Excuse me, what's your name."

Xunze picked up the phone and asked.

"My name is Hope." The girl did not say her real name.

"Do you usually play any mobile games?"

"Yes, I have."

The girl replied,
"There are many, such as Onmyoji, Hearthstone and so on."

"Do you spend a lot of money on mobile games? Is there any item you want that you can't get?"

"It doesn't cost much, only a few hundred yuan a month. But you know that these games have lottery draws. So I don't have some rare props."

"I can get it for you." He asked Xunze to reach out to the girl, "Give me your phone and tell me what you want."

What is he doing? !

Stan looked at Xunze and felt that his program should be finished.

No matter how you look at it, that girl doesn't look like the supporter of her TV station.Besides, even if it is a trust, their TV station doesn't have that much face to let the goose factory and the pig farm help them cheat.

To draw precious items in the game on the spot, I am afraid that you have to spend tens of thousands of dollars to get what you want.

While Stan was thinking wildly, Jiao Xunze had asked the photographer to point the camera at the phone, and then he opened the girl's Onmyoji account.

"Whatever you want, I can help you get it out now."

Asked Xunze to take out his mobile phone to help the girl get some coupons, and then asked the girl.

"As long as it is an ssr, I want it."

The girl replied, "I'm very upset, so far, there is only one ssr."


Jing Xunze saw that the girl's mobile phone screen had appeared on the screen behind him, so he began to draw the talisman to draw the lottery.

The first lottery draw: Congratulations on getting the ssr Tamazamae.

Hey, you're lucky.

Xunze didn't expect that he would draw the famous SSR Tamamo Mae in his first lottery draw.

I had better luck than last time.

Xunze started drawing the second order with joy,
Congratulations on getting the ssr flower and bird roll.

Well, she can attack when she advances, and she can be milked when she retreats. The needle girl who can do whatever she wants is drawn out by Xun Ze.

But anyone who knows the game of Onmyoji is dumbfounded.

Isn't this really a lottery draw after adjusting the odds of the lottery draw?
When did ssr get so good? !
Is this girl a trustee of the TV station?In fact, the mobile phone is not Onmyoji at all, but a simulator disguised as Onmyoji. You can draw SSR as long as you draw a lottery.

Everyone saw that Xunze drew twenty orders, and a total of seven unique SSRs were drawn, and they began to doubt life.

"I think there is something wrong with this phone."

Song Yue finally couldn't sit still at this time, he stood up and said to Xun Ze,
"No one's luck can be so good, you must be in collusion."

"Hold on."

Ask Xunze to draw a few golden legends for the girl's hearthstone after drawing Onmyoji, and then said to Song Yue,

"You say this girl is Toh. So do you consider yourself to be Toh?"

"How could I be a trustee?" Song Yue didn't understand what Jiao Xunze wanted to say.

"Then do you play games?"

"Play." Song Yue said, "I play King of Glory."


Ming Xunze looked at Song Yue and stretched out his hand and said, "Then can you give me your mobile phone, and I can draw a lottery for you?"


Song Yue unbelievingly took out her mobile phone, opened the game, charged 200 yuan in the game, and then said while handing the phone to Xun Ze.

"I really want the golden A Midsummer Night's Dream, can you pull it out for me?"

"What the hell is this?" Called Xun Ze knew the skin of Midsummer Night's Dream, but this was the first time he had heard of the golden Midsummer Night's Dream.

After opening Song Yue's phone and calling Xunze, he discovered that this mobile game has recently released a more expensive dress-up system that allows you to change skins.And it's still a component-by-component replacement.

And the golden Midsummer Night's Dream skin is the most precious skin, basically you won't be able to get it unless you spend tens of thousands.

However, who is called Xunze.

After obtaining the same luck as Liu Xiu, although this luck can only be used in the game, he can really bankrupt the old horse now.

So, after only spending less than 200 yuan out of 150 yuan, I got the golden Midsummer Night's Dream.

"Here, now please tell all the audience at the scene whether you are Tor."

 59:[-], perfect

(End of this chapter)

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