My students can change history

Chapter 100 Rebuilding Jixia Academy

Chapter 100 Rebuilding Jixia Academy
This week, Di Renjie and Li Yuanfang continued to study law and criminal investigation step by step, so there was no need for Xun Ze to worry.

But Liu Xiu and Wang Mang are more troublesome.

How to solve the conflict between the old and new nobles after Liu Xiu ascended the throne and prevent the counterattack of the aristocratic family became the problems that the two must solve.

"I think it's normal for the two factions to have conflicts. After all, there are factional struggles in many modern countries. As long as Liu Xiu and I don't fight each other, the people below may not be incompatible."

After thinking for a while, Wang Mang spoke first.

"But isn't the history after this change very clear? In order to kill each other, the two factions even wanted to re-elect leaders. Although you finally killed your son out of righteousness, but my eldest brother gave me usurped."

Liu Xiu somewhat disagreed with Wang Mang's words.

"You can't just see things on the surface."

Wang Mang signaled Liu Xiu to look at him:
"There are two main reasons why this happened in the end. First, the two of us didn't realize the seriousness of this matter at the time, and let the situation develop, which eventually led to things getting out of control.

If at the beginning, the struggle between the two factions is consciously controlled within the scope of normal political struggles.It will never happen that things will develop like this.

Second, I think that apart from the desire for power, the struggle between the old and the new aristocracy is also inseparable from the provocations of the aristocratic families.

Therefore, the focus of our work this time is still how to suppress or even completely disintegrate the aristocratic family. "

"If the cultural monopoly is not broken, the aristocratic family will not be eliminated."

Ask Xunze to interject at this time,

"Although you have opened the imperial examination, the number of literati among the people is still too small. The imperial examination is more like preparing for the disciples who are not valued by the aristocratic families.

Although these concubine disciples are not valued in the family, they are still members of the aristocratic family after all, so it is impossible to think about eliminating the aristocratic family for a while. "

"Teacher, do you still remember that you taught me the united front?"

Wang Mang looked at Xun Ze and said.

"If you need to deal with a powerful enemy, then you need to unite all forces that can be united. The aristocratic family is the powerful enemy that Liu Xiu and I need to face."

"I taught you this method before. I want you to win over one faction and suppress the other. However, the actual effect is not ideal. Although this method will eliminate the old aristocratic families, it will also lead to the emergence of new aristocratic families. .”

"So, we got the wrong group of people to unite from the beginning."

Wang Mang smiled,
"We shouldn't unite some great families. No matter how willing these great families are to kill other great families. They are essentially no different from other great families."

"Then what other forces can unite?"


Wang Mang said,

"Since Han Wu only respected Confucianism and ousted hundreds of schools, Confucianism has represented Chinese culture to a certain extent. As long as one masters Confucianism, it is equivalent to mastering Chinese culture."

"But the people behind Confucianism, aren't they the aristocratic families?"

At this time, Xun Ze already understood what Wang Mang meant.But Liu Xiu was still confused.

"If you want to support Confucianism, you must support people who understand Confucian culture. And aren't people who understand Confucian culture the same as those from aristocratic families?"

"Do not."

Ask Xun Ze to answer Liu Xiu for Wang Mang.

"People from aristocratic families are Confucianists, but Confucianism is not from aristocratic families."

Ask Xunze to turn on the computer and bring up the historical data for Liu Xiu to read.

"Since the Sui and Tang Dynasties, why have the great families gradually declined, and their influence has been reduced to negligible.

On the one hand, it is because there are more cultural people in the world.On the other hand, these newly born Confucians are no longer united by family, but by school.

Although the family blood is reliable, it is too limited.And teachers and students, fellow countrymen, and a series of relationships born with the imperial examination system during the same period gradually replaced aristocratic families and became the first choice for Confucian scholars to unite with each other.

In other words, these new-age literati produced under the imperial examination system no longer needed to run a huge family with great local power to obtain power. They could achieve the same effect by relying on their own network of relationships. "

"The bureaucracy."

Liu Xiu finally understood what Xun Ze and Wang Mang were talking about.

The reason why the power of the family is huge is that they monopolize the local governance power.

But once the bureaucratic system is formed, officials no longer need to rely on the power of the local aristocratic family, but use the network they formed during their studies to obtain help and govern the place.

At that time, the aristocratic family will be disintegrated into countless scholarly families.Although they would still get their hands on local rights, for the imperial court, these families were too small to cause much harm even if they united, and they were much easier to manage than the big families.

Of course, under the imperfect system of ancient times, this kind of bureaucratic system will gradually erode the foundation of the country.But as long as the mistakes of the Ming Dynasty are not made, this erosion can be controlled.

"However, there were so many literati in the Sui and Tang Dynasties that they were able to form a group with each other and get rid of the control of the family. We big men don't have so many active children from poor families."

Liu Xiu asked her biggest question.

"It's simple."

Wang Mang snapped his fingers and said,
"We can open a school. I have already thought about it. Once you enter Chang'an and the forces of the rebel army are wiped out, we will re-establish the Jixia Academy, and then hire talented people from all over to teach in the Jixia Academy.

In this way, in the good atmosphere of the academy and the living environment where feelings are easy to develop, a large number of Confucian disciples will spontaneously form a school and help each other.

Once these people find that they don't need to rely on the family to get the power and money they want.Then they will immediately abandon the backward family-style way of life.Backed by the school, with the relationship between teachers, students and classmates as the leading factor, a more open power group is established. "

"Just right."

After listening to Wang Mang's words, Liu Xiu happily clapped her hands and shouted,
"I learned papermaking technology and movable type printing technology from my teacher. We can quickly expand the scale of the school with these two technologies."

"We will succeed this time."

When Wang Mang suddenly heard that Liu Xiu had learned papermaking technology and movable type printing behind his back, he was a little dazed at first.But I quickly figured out the joints.

At this moment, he put aside all prejudice against Liu Xiu, held Liu Xiu's hand tightly and said,

"We will be successful."

Note: Jixia Academy was an academic sanctuary founded by King Qi Wei during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. It once accommodated almost all schools of thought at that time.Moreover, all literati and scholars who came to Jixia Academy, regardless of their academic sects, ideological views, political inclinations, country, age, seniority, etc., could freely express their academic opinions, thus making Jixia Academy an important place among all kinds of scholars at that time. The center of schools of thought.

 Happy Tanabata everyone.I am referring to the happiness of those who have a partner. As for the majority of single dogs and single cats like me, please automatically ignore the word Qixi Festival.

(End of this chapter)

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