Live broadcast: My leisurely life in the mountain village

Chapter 92 What if it doesn't make sense?

Chapter 92 What if it doesn't make sense?
The green-haired young man nodded to the host Nier, and looked at Xu Xia who knew that they had so many brothers, but he was so arrogant that he didn't turn his head back, still sat with his back to them, and licked the skewers in a relaxed and comfortable manner.

Made!Don't take him seriously, Brother Hua!

"Boy, I'll count to three now, you'd better stand at attention immediately! Then apologize to Nier, or you will bear the consequences!"

Brother Hua, a young man with a green hat, snapped coldly.

When Qu Teng heard this, he immediately became angry. The young man now is so arrogant. When he was in the world, he was not so arrogant. He even said the words "stand at attention" and would stand up and scold him on the spot. go back.

Seeing that Xu Xia pressed his hand, gave him a look of nothing, and then said lightly without looking back:

"What kind of a thing are you, just because you are worthy of following yourself?
I will give you three seconds to get out of here immediately, or you will bear the consequences! "

In the same words, he returned it even more arrogantly, and the scene immediately became quiet, and even the diners who were eating barbecue next to them stopped their skewers and looked at Xu Xia.

It's really too arrogant, even if a group of green-haired youths come towards Xu Xia alone, they probably won't be able to bear it.

"Hahaha, boy, I have spent quite a while in the rivers and lakes of Hongcheng County, you are the most arrogant person I have ever seen, okay, very good.

Boy, do you know what happened to the last person who dared to speak to me like this? ! "

The green-haired brother Hua stared at the back of Xu Xia's head furiously, smashed the cigarette at the corner of his mouth on the ground, stomped it out, and then spread his hands, a yellow-haired boy behind him took a heavy steel pipe Handed it to his hand, weighed it in his hand, gritted his teeth, and threw it towards Xu Xia.

"Brother Xu Xia, be careful!"

Qu Teng's pupils shrank suddenly, and he was about to stand up and push Xu Xia away.

"Get down!"

Zheng He shouted repeatedly.

However, their movements were still too slow. They were sitting at a certain distance opposite Xu Xia, and there was no time at all.

Seeing that the steel pipe swung by the green-haired Hua brother was about to hit the back of Xu Xia's head, Xu Xia's head tilted slightly, and he easily dodged it. The steel pipe that came down was grasped in his hand.

"Three seconds have come, the opportunity was given to you, but you didn't grasp it, I can only say it's a pity."

Xu Xia looked indifferent, at this time he was still continuing to skewer, and he put the bunch of leek bamboo sticks he was playing with on the dining table in a leisurely manner, stood up, and looked at the green-haired brother Hua with sharp eyes .

Xu Xia sized up the young man named Brother Hua in front of him, nodded and said:

"Not bad, not bad, if you want to live a good life, you must always have a little green on your head.

How much do you want to be green, or are you hopelessly green? "

Speaking of this, Xu Xia frowned again, because he accidentally glanced at the anchor Nier from the corner of his eyes, shook his head, and said:
"If that so-called anchor of Nier is your female ticket, I can only say that as long as there are no blind men, you should have no chance of being cheated in this life.

Forget it, let's not talk about this, since you are here to make trouble and hit me with a steel pipe, this matter must not be left alone. "

"Now stand at attention immediately, and you all stand in a row for me! Sing Conquest, and I am satisfied with the singing, and you can get out!"

Xu Xia pointed to the group of boys holding steel pipes behind the green-haired brother Hua, and finally said to the anchor Nier:

"You sing the beginning, pay attention to the rhythm, I'm still live, let's start!"

After Xu Xia finished speaking, the scene became quiet again.

The eyeballs of Qu Teng and Zheng Hetong almost fell to the ground. Even if they were Xu Xia's friends, they felt that Xu Xia was really arrogant and had no boundaries.

A bunch of question marks popped up in the green-haired brother Hua's mind?what's the situation?Why does the kid in front of him have such an expression of being convinced of him?

He looked back specifically at the brothers behind him, everyone was fine, and there were no "enemy troops" around, and there were still only three people on Xu Xia's side.

There are only three people, do you want to fight them?What an international joke!
"You're fucking playing with me!"

The green-haired brother Hua yelled angrily, and wanted to twitch the steel pipe again to throw it at Xu Xia, but he couldn't move it. When he looked down, he saw the other end of the steel pipe, which was firmly held by Xu Xia in his hand. .

Xu Xia suddenly let go of his hand, and the green-haired Hua brother who was still trying to pull back the steel pipe almost fell backwards.

"You're right. I'm just playing with you. I'm a very fair person, and I prefer to be reasonable. It just seems that the reasoning doesn't make sense, so I can only really regret it."

Before the words were finished, Xu Xia's figure suddenly moved, like a cheetah pouncing on its food, and kicked the green-haired Hua brother brazenly on the lower abdomen.

The green-haired Hua brother was like a cannonball fired, hitting the younger brother behind him with a huge force, like a bowling ball, and immediately fell to the ground.

"Fuck! So fierce!"

Qu Teng's jaw almost fell to the ground.

Zheng Hetong wiped the cold sweat off his forehead. He felt that Xu Xia must be finished today. Even if he and Qu Teng would probably be beaten up, he never expected that Xu Xia not only did not give in, but also took the initiative to attack. So fierce!
"Did I draft it! How dare you kick me, brothers, fuck him!"

The green-haired Hua brother roared hysterically.

The anchor Nier screamed again and again, yelling:

"Come on, get him! Brother Hua is injured! Why are you still standing there!"

At this time Xu Xia was smiling, still so indifferent, hooked his hands at many young people with colorful hairstyles in the rivers and lakes, and said lightly:

"Come on, your boss has given orders, I will stand here and not move, as long as you have the ability to hit me."

The young men with colorful hairstyles looked at each other, seemingly wanting to rush forward to overthrow Xu Xia, but none of them dared to take the lead, and instead took two steps back unknowingly, feeling guilty.

Just now Xu Xia's kick was too impactful, and he didn't want to be the next one to be kicked, it hurt even looking at it.

Xu Xia sneered. This result was completely within his expectations. Among these colorful little kids, except for the green-haired brother Hua who is a little older, the rest of them are probably just graduated from high school, and maybe they are still in school. High school, almost sixteen or seventeen years old.

When a kid of this age is out of his mind, he pushes fiercely, completely reckless of the consequences.

But when they get up, they will be coaxed every minute, as long as they are intimidated, they will never dare to act rashly.


Xu Xia sneered and said lightly:

"Green hair, you bring such garbage to trouble me?

Hurry up, stand at attention and sing Conquer!

If you are disobedient, it will not be as simple as it is now! "

The green-haired Hua brother gritted his teeth, and glared angrily at those little bastards who called him brother and brother all day long. At critical moments, they were all trash.

Standing at attention and lining up in a row to sing Conquer, this is rumored to be completely irrelevant, he straightened his neck and said:
"I brought a bunch of trash today, if I can't beat you, I admit it!

But boy, do you know who I’m hanging out with!

Have you ever heard of Hong Cheng Jin's name? If you slap me in the face, it's like slapping Brother Jin in the face!

Brother Jin will never let you go! "

(End of this chapter)

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