Chapter 509 Entry is forbidden!

The aroma of the roasted rabbit meat is getting stronger and stronger, and the oil is bubbling on the slightly burnt skin. It is only a visual impact, and it is definitely more fragrant than the beggar chicken that Hong Qigong eats in Tianlongbabu.

Coupled with the overflowing fragrance in the air, it makes the mouth water.

Mmm, almost baked.

Xu Xia threw on the last layer of cumin, and then took the roasted rabbit off the campfire stand with satisfaction.

Then, he walked into the cabin on his own.

As for the coveted little sweet girl next to her, Xu Xia ignored her.

Isn’t the self-heating rice delicious? Why are you thinking about his meat? If everyone is like Xiaotian and he shares it every time, what else will he eat?

It is estimated that there are not enough bones left.

Of course, there are exceptions, such as Li Xinyan, Ning Xin, Liu Ran, Da Tuantuan, Shen Wanling, and the most important wife Jing Wen. If these people are around, Xu Xia will take the initiative to invite them to eat. After all, they are all her own. .


Wait, I have to add one more, Feng Xiaomo!
Thinking of Feng Xiaomo and Xu Xia's headache again, recently Feng Xiaomo kept sending him messages, but he didn't reply a single one, mainly because he was afraid of too much trouble.

Forget it, don't think about those messy things.

It's a problem that I don't even have a woman, but I have a sense of déjà vu as a stud.

"Brother Xia, wait for me!"

Xiao Tian quickly sat up from the folding stool, and then quickly followed.

Her pretty face was slightly red, and the moment Xu Xia walked towards the cabin, she seemed to understand something.

Brother Xia wanted her to eat roasted rabbits in the wooden house, so he justly refused when he was outside. After eating roasted rabbits, he should want to do something else with her.

Brother Xia is really a particular person, no wonder he wanted to build a log cabin, and yes, the sound insulation effect of the tent is indeed not very good.

"Stop! What are you doing here?"

Xu Xia was about to close the small wooden door. It's better not to be seen by others for eating alone. After all, he is a quality person.

Unexpectedly, Xiaotian was right behind him. If it wasn't for his quick response, Xiaotian would have almost broken into the cabin.

Xiaotian glanced at the cabin from the corner of her eye, and she was surprised. She thought that the cabin built by Xu Xia was just an empty shelf, but she didn't expect there to be a wooden bed, a wooden table, a wooden chair.

And on that wooden table, there was a wooden plate and a pair of chopsticks!
God, there are even tableware, it's incredible.

If Xiaotian was surprised that Xu Xia built the cabin in such a short period of time, the scene in front of her shocked her.

In her heart, these things are simply impossible tasks. It is hard to imagine how it is done.

Xu Xia's various abilities quickly floated in his mind, superb cooking skills, superb fighting power against five bears, ability to calm down wolves, crush wild boars, and not get lost in the mountains and forests. Log cabin carpentry, hare catching, hare grilling...

God, how can you be so omnipotent!

Xiao Tian was drunk in her heart, this is the man she wants, the man she wants to pursue.

It's not Xiaoliu's kind. Apart from being able to play a little bit, it seems to have no special features.

No, compared to Xu Xia, Xiao Liu is a scumbag.

With comparison, there will be harm. Xiaotian suddenly felt that letting Xiao Liu be his spare tire seemed to be a little too worthy of him.

If you want to find a man like Xu Xia, it's perfect!

"Brother Xia, it's cold outside and there are a lot of mosquitoes, just let me in, I won't eat your meat, I'll watch you eat it, okay?"

Xiaotian was so cute and pitiful, she retreated to advance, and went into the room first.

I don't believe it anymore, as soon as the door is closed, with her charm, as long as Xu Xia is not that, I don't believe that he can carry it!
The corner of Xu Xia's mouth twitched, hehe, who are you fooling, just watching him eat, thinking he is stupid!Believe me!

With a straight face, Xu Xia decisively pushed Xiaotian back, and closed the door with a snap.

Then I sat on the wooden chair, ate the roasted rabbit meat happily, and tore off a rabbit leg. It was not so fat, and the feeling it brought to the taste buds after the entrance was simply not too refreshing.

Boa constrictor meat is a good thing, and it's delicious, but he can't bear to eat it every day. He's getting tired of eating it. Changing the taste from time to time is the way of life.

Xiao Tian stomped her feet fiercely at the door of the wooden house, it was so annoying!
Incomprehensible bastard!
She posted it upside down like this, and even turned her away!
Too much!Too much!Too much!
Xiaotian was still reminiscing the aroma of roasted rabbit meat in her breath, rubbed her stomach, and rebelled.

After waiting for so long, just to eat some roasted rabbit meat, but there was nothing, so I had to go back to my tent, take out the self-heating rice and eat it.

The self-heating rice they bought is a relatively high-end and expensive kind, and the taste is still very good, but compared with Xu Xia's roasted rabbit meat, when you eat it, it suddenly becomes dull.

It was the same as when I was still in Haitang Village at noon yesterday.

Time passed quickly, and it was two o'clock in the afternoon.

Mo Xin and his team all had a good rest, had lunch, and were ready to start work.

Two times before and after, they mistakenly thought that there was a supernatural event, but in fact there was no such thing at all, but everyone always felt out of their minds and felt that something was going to happen.

"If the calculation is correct, the location of the tomb should be located under this piece of land. Everyone, work hard and start digging!"

At a distance of more than 300 meters from the cabin, the dense forest can almost completely block the view. This is the excavation point for the entrance of the tomb found by Mo Xin and others.


"Well, sure, there should be nothing wrong."

"Brother Xin, I have an idea."

"An idea, what an idea, let's hear it."

"I don't know if you have a feeling of being out of your mind? Anyway, as soon as I got here, my right eyelid suddenly started to twitch."

"Left for wealth, right for disaster..."

"Don't think about it, it's all over here, don't you want to just retreat like this?"

"Hurry up and start working."

Everyone stopped talking and started digging.

In the small wooden house, Xu Xia was full and had nothing to do with him, so he simply lay on the wooden bed to rest. This kind of days without live broadcast or even answering the phone is quite rare for him , have to cherish.

Otherwise, when tomorrow is over and I return to Haitang Village, I guess I will have to get busy again.

There was a sneer on the corner of his mouth, grave robber, hehe, are graves so easy to rob?
Throughout the ages, many people have made a fortune by robbing tombs, but have you never thought about how many people died here?

After doing things with God and harmony, you will not be afraid of having a baby without an ass hole.

(End of this chapter)

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