Chapter 391 How to spend the money?
Xu Xia took Gu Xuan to the pile of bones, and there were traces of his feet messing them up earlier, pointing to the ground and said:

"Well, here it is."

Gu Xuan looked towards the direction Xu Xia was pointing at, there were bones all over the place, there were all kinds of bones, especially a few human heads, which made him tremble with fright.

Living in a peaceful society, a scene like the one in front of me, at most, has been seen in film and television works, and few people can see it with their own eyes in real life. It is reasonable to be shocked.

After all, Gu Xuan is also a person who has seen the world, and quickly calmed down, he hesitated and asked:

"Xia Geer, do these animal and human skulls belong to the bandits from the Scar Mountain in the legend a hundred years ago, or are they the ones who were killed by that giant python later?"

Xu Xia shrugged, picked up the wooden stick on the ground, and poked it towards the bone. He could immediately see signs of damage on the bone, and then said:

"It's all decayed. It must have been a long time ago. It should be the gang of bandits a hundred years ago."

Hearing this, Gu Xuan breathed a sigh of relief. He spent [-] million to buy the body of the giant python, but if the giant python had eaten a human, he would be a little bit upset.

Especially once it gets out, the value of his giant python will probably be greatly reduced.

Although, in fact, the medicinal effect of this giant python will not increase or decrease, but it always sounds tedious.

"That's fine, that's fine."

Gu Xuan said repeatedly.

Xu Xia smiled lightly, and immediately understood the reason for the other party's worry. In fact, Gu Xuan really thought too much. Even if there was such a situation, with the "Blood Spirit Grass", most of the heads were probably absorbed by the Blood Spirit Grass.

Of course, it's best not to have that kind of thing.

"Xia Geer, what are these powders on the ground?"

Gu Xuan saw what was happening on the ground. The ash-like thing poking at it made him very confused. Although the cave inside was not as moist as the cave passage outside, it was definitely not made of such dry powder.

And what Gu Xuan was asking about was the powder that shattered and rotted when the rhizomes of the Blood Spirit Grass dried up.

For this point, Xu Xia had long thought about it, and he had already thought of the reason, and his reason was very simple, shrugging and saying:
"I don't know, it will be there when I come."

Since there is no way to tell why, it is better not to say anything.

After all, if you talk more, there are loopholes, if you talk less, or even don’t talk, at least there are no loopholes, even if Gu Xuan finds something is wrong, then he should investigate it himself.

Not surprisingly, Gu Xuan will definitely not be able to find out why.

Gu Xuan didn't think much, looked away again, and then asked curiously:

"Brother Xia, in fact, this place is not far from Haitang Village. Haven't any nearby villagers come here?"

Gu Xuan has actually been thinking about this question for a long time. It would be fine to say that such a big python grows in those primitive jungles, but it is only a few hours' walk away from the nearest populated place. .

Not only has no one discovered the giant python in the cave, but the giant python has never left the cave to hurt people in populated areas, which is really weird.

Xu Xia shrugged again, and said again:
"I don't know the specifics, but I have heard several rumors about Scar Mountain since I was a child in Haitang Village. Within about a kilometer, and further into the depths, almost no one dares to wander around.

This cave, even myself, is the first time this time. "

"oh, I see."

Gu Xuan nodded, and then said:

"Xia Geer, if you go further into the mountain, is it possible that there might be similar giant pythons or other giant creatures?"

Xu Xia thought for a while, shook her head and said:
"I don't know about this, but I still want to go inside. I don't recommend it. The forest inside has not been developed. Compared with the distance to Scar Mountain, it will only be more dangerous.

Boss Gu, curiosity can kill cats, but it can also kill people. Don't act recklessly. When the time comes, you will lose your life, and it will be too late to regret it. "

"Ahem, I'm just asking, taking risks is not suitable for me, I still prefer to buy directly, and just be a middleman to earn a little difference.

Brother Xia, if there is still this kind of business in the future, don't forget to call me, my bid is guaranteed to be strong. "

Gu Xuan laughed.

Xu Xia rolled her eyes and said that what happened this time was all by chance. How could there be so many giant pythons? It was all luck.

Moreover, Xu Xia didn't want to encounter such a dangerous thing again, it was really too dangerous, even he almost died.

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, two hours were over.

The huge plastic sheet on the ground was already filled with sections of white snake meat, the black snake gall, and the folded very high snake skin.

"Boss Gu, it's already been cut. After roughly weighing it, it weighs nearly ten tons. The entire snake skin is 20 meters long, the widest part is 130 meters, and the snake gall weighs [-] seven kilograms."

Li Dong walked up to Gu Xuan and reported the rough data.

Gu Xuan nodded, feeling secretly happy, as much as he expected,

"Well, you've worked hard, pack everything, especially the snake gall, be careful, don't break it."

After a while, dozens of people left Scar Mountain, carrying heavy baggage on their backs.

There was almost no weight on the mountain when they entered the mountain. The group walked for more than four hours. Now they are walking with weight, and the speed will only be slower.

When I walked out of the forest, it was already the sunset in the afternoon, and the sky reflected a yellow halo, which was very beautiful.

"Brother Xia, I still have to bring these goods back to Yangcheng, so I won't keep any more today, next time I come to Hongcheng County, I will definitely have a drink with you.

Of course, when Brother Xia comes to Yangcheng, he must inform me and let me fulfill my duty as a landlord. "

Gu Xuan shook hands with Xu Xia. Although there was a tired look on his face, it was full of spring breeze and his spirit was very high.

Xu Xia nodded and smiled:

"Then it's settled."

Watching the convoy go away, Xu Xia also returned to her home.

Looking at the extra 1 million yuan text message on the phone, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but draw a curve, happy, really happy.

Even if you can’t use it all, it’s comfortable to keep it in your bank account.

With this money, the planting scale of new vegetables can be expanded many times again.

I have a rough plan in mind, but I have to wait for Xu Jin to come back from his business trip, and then discuss it with him to see how to arrange it and spend the money.

After all, the actual operator is Xu Jin.

(End of this chapter)

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