Live broadcast: My leisurely life in the mountain village

Chapter 384 Discovering the Blood Spirit Grass

Chapter 384 Discovering the Blood Spirit Grass

Xu Xia gasped for air, bowed slightly, put one hand on her knees, panting heavily.

But his eyes have been kept extremely vigilant, staring at the crazily twisting snake body of the giant python, once there is a sign of rushing towards him, Xu Xia will strike again without hesitation.


The giant python frantically shook its head and twitched its whole body. The snake tail that was still intact twitched on the wall continuously, flicking its tail towards Xu Xia.

The tail of the snake fell from the sky and hit the ground, making a violent noise.

And Xu Xia once again avoided the sweep of the snake's tail in the nick of time, jumped up as light as a swallow again, and went straight to the snake's body of the giant python.

Xu Xia's idea is very simple, since one knife and seven inches can't kill the giant python, then two knife!

If two knives are not enough, then three knives!

Until the python can no longer stand up!
If it were an ordinary boa constrictor, Xu Xia's hatchet would not cut it in two, but it would definitely make it incapacitated.

However, the body of this giant python is too huge, so many times before the hatchet had penetrated into the snake's body of the giant python, but none of them could penetrate it with a single knife, which shows how huge it is.

"Go to hell! Go to die! Go to die!"

Xu Xia gritted his teeth and roared, stabbing into the python's seven-inch position again, but he did not move away because of this, but the other hand suddenly grabbed the flesh and blood of the snake's body, and the hand holding the knife hilt , stabbing back and forth frantically, one knife after another.

Xu Xia didn't know how many times he had been stabbed, until all the strength in his body was gone and the hatchet fell from his hand weakly, then he stopped what he was doing.

At this time, the entire cave was filled with the blood of the giant python.

Xu Xia was lying on the damp ground. His breath was filled with the smell of blood. He could no longer tell whether it was the smell of blood from the previously killed bat or the blood of the giant python. His chest was rising and falling violently, he was panting, and he was extremely exhausted.

This state lasted for five or six minutes. Xu Xia took out the water bottle from his waist, gulped it down a few mouthfuls, and then ate a piece of compressed biscuit. It took almost half an hour before he regained some of his strength.

Xu Xia sat up slowly from the ground, then picked up the phone, with a tired but happy face and said:
"I didn't die! I won! Hahaha..."

Xu Xia laughed out loud, and his voice echoed throughout the cave.

For Xu Xia, this battle was really close to death, and there was a lot of luck in surviving.

Fortunately, survived!
Xu Xia stood up from the ground, put the phone aside, did not interact with fans for the time being, and was not in the same mood for the rest of his life after the catastrophe.

Moreover, there is another very important thing that Xu Xia needs to do.

The task released by "Little Manor" is the "Blood Spirit Grass" worth "[-] million popularity points"!Gotta find it out!

The interior of the cave ahead was not small at all, and the light from the flashlight turned out to be a huge pitch-black space, and there was not a single bat on the top of the cave.

It can be seen how high the status of this giant python is in this cave.

This just happened to save Xu Xia's mind.

Xu Xia thought for a while, and returned to the place just now, and picked up the phone again. It's a pity not to show the picture here to the fans.

Although time flies and hundreds of years have passed, some clues left behind by human activities can already be seen in it.

Stone tables, stone benches, pottery pots, pottery bowls, and some decayed and carbonized wood, as well as some rusty metal hand knives that are almost shattered at the touch of a touch.

Xu Xia even found something that looked like a gun, of course, only the outline remained.

However, Xu Xia's attention was not on these things at all, his eyes searched back and forth, looking for traces of "Blood Spirit Grass".

Since the task bar of "Little Leisurely Manor" has clearly stated that the "Blood Spirit Grass" is in this cave, then there must be nothing wrong!
"This cave is too big. It's no problem to put a hundred or two hundred good people in it! It seems that the bandits in Scarlet Village at that time should be pretty tough."

"I'm touched, I'm so touched. Brother Xia is like this, but he still doesn't forget to live broadcast with us and share the results of the expedition with us. He is definitely a conscientious anchor in the industry!"

"Brother Xia deserves to be so popular. I dare say that if we look at the entire network, there is no anchor as responsible as Brother Xia.

I don't know how many times stronger than those artists who say that they are singing with their lives. "

"That's right, labor and capital don't believe those who are singing with their lives. If they don't sing, they will really die.

However, if Brother Xia didn't fight for his life just now, he would really die! "

"Hey, hey, I said the old iron upstairs, you compare those garbage with Brother Xia, aren't you insulting Brother Xia? They are not at the same level at all!"

"That's right, I made a slip of the tongue, I made a slip of the tongue, anyway, no matter what happens in the future, I will be Brother Xia's fan! Unconditional fan!"

"By the way, Xia Ge'er also participated in the 'I'm a Big Star' talent show, let's support it together!"

"That's a must! Damn! Look, what's there, that little grass looks so strange, and the leaves all over it are blood red."

"I took a look, it seems to be oh, it's not right, there is no light in this cave all year round, and there is no condition for photosynthesis at all. It is normal for the leaves to turn white. What kind of grass is it?"


The fans found a strange grass, and Xu Xia also found it at this time. His eyes lit up, but he didn't rush to pick it off. Instead, he turned the camera slightly and turned to another direction .

"There is no road ahead, it seems that our expedition to Scar Mountain has come to an end successfully.

By the way, I read the private message just now, a fan wants to buy the body of the big python, this is naturally no problem, but everyone has seen it, such a big python, with my own strength, I definitely can't Move out of the woods.

Therefore, if you want the snake meat and snake skin of this giant python, you'd better hurry up. Although the cave is very humid, I can't guarantee whether the bats outside will come in and eat the snake meat.

As for the snake gall, I plan to put it away myself and not sell it. "

Xu Xia had a look of exhaustion on his face, but also a look of joy at the same time. The fan who sent the private message had roughly set a price, and the bid was 1000 million.

But Xu Xia was taken aback, but thinking about it, it seems that the price is not too expensive. This giant python may be unique in the world. From this point, its value can be seen!
(End of this chapter)

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