Live broadcast: My leisurely life in the mountain village

Chapter 377 Remaining life after catastrophe

Chapter 377 Remaining life after catastrophe
Except for the light from the flashlight in Xu Xia's hand that illuminated a section of the road ahead, the surrounding roads were pitch black, and one or two wild beast calls could be heard from time to time in the forest, which looked very scary.

This time Xu Xia was alone, unlike the last time, with Liu Tao beside him, the live broadcast was much more eerie.

In particular, Xu Xia told fans in the live broadcast room in advance that the place he was going to this time was a cottage where there were likely to be unclean things, and there were many shocking and weird stories circulating in the local area.

Some fans went to the Internet to search for information, but unexpectedly they were found.

"Damn it, Brother Xia is not bragging. I just found that place on the Internet. The mountain is called Scar Mountain. The real name of the former bandit leader cannot be verified. The nickname is named after the mountain. It's Brother Scar.

There are a total of 108 heroes in the entire Dao Scar cottage. It is said that the soldiers are strong and the horses are strong. In order to encircle and suppress this bandit, the local troops also died many people. "

"It's true, 108 heroes, why didn't you say it was Shuibo Liangshan? It happened to be 36 Tiangang and 72 Disha. It's not that mysterious."

"It's true. He's so awesome, and he's been wiped out."

"Uh, boss, I'm just talking about the information I found on the Internet. If you don't believe me, you can check it yourself. Really, I'm speechless."

"Hey, anyway, brother Xia should be more careful, anyway, I always feel a little panicked in my heart."

"Brother Xia, why don't you go and call your Taozi brother? If something happens, there will be more than one person to take care of."

"A dog has only one life, Brother Xia, don't waste it, hold on!"


Xu Xia glanced at the live broadcast room after a while while he was on his way. Everyone was very concerned about his safety.

Xu Xia smiled and said:

"It's okay. Don't worry, everyone. Although I haven't been to Scar Mountain yet, I'm still familiar with this forest, so there's no problem."

After walking like this for more than two hours, Xu Xia changed the batteries of two flashlights halfway, and finally arrived at the location of Scar Mountain.

Originally, Xu Xia was most worried about the sudden loss of signal on the mobile phone, but he was too worried. The network signal of the mobile phone was still full and there was no delay at all, which made him a little surprised.

Raise the flashlight and shine it on the surrounding dark hills. There is no network base station as imagined. This is the weirdest place.

In front of him was a mountain that looked the largest around, with a long scratch in the middle, the stones were exposed, and there was no vegetation.

Just like the name of Scar Mountain, when viewed from a distance, it really looks like a huge scar.

huh huh huh...

Suddenly, there were bursts of strange sounds in Xu Xia's ears, like the sound of wind caused by the flapping wings of some kind of animal.

Also, there are quite a few.

Xu Xia immediately shone the flashlight over, cursing inwardly, what the hell, bat!A huge swarm of bats!

Xu Xia's mind suddenly changed, and she immediately thought of something. Since it was a village, it was normal to have caves in addition to the village.

There were people living in caves a hundred years ago, and these bats would definitely not dare to go there, but hundreds of years have passed, and this place may have become a paradise for bats.

"Damn it! There are so many bats! I have goosebumps all over my body, Brother Xia, run, if it's a vampire bat, if you get bitten, you're done!"

"Oh my god, what the hell did Geer Xia go? It's too scary, let alone at night, even during the day, I dare not go there."

"I have a bad premonition, do you think Brother Xia will be so cold?"

"Hurry up and go back home! You've been raped, Brother Xia, we won't be watching the mass grave exploration, you must be safe!"

"It's over, it's really over. There are so many bats. By the way, Brother Xia, use a torch. Use the torch quickly. Bats are afraid of fire, and the light of the flashlight is useless."


Even though the fans in the live broadcast room were separated from the screen of their mobile phones, they were still terrified. Without exception, everyone's hearts were suspended, worrying about Xu Xia.

At this time, Xu Xia's heart was also tense. He was very good at fighting and had the blessing of "leisurely small manor", but it was the first time he encountered such a group of bats in front of him.

I have seen scenes of bats attacking people in tomb robbing and adventure movies before, but experiencing it personally is completely different from watching movies and TV shows.

He also wanted to use a torch, but there was simply no time.

Except for a hatchet, Xu Xia has nothing else in his hand.

Hoo hoo!Hula!Hula!

At the critical moment, Xu Xia swung the hatchet suddenly, and the ordinary hatchet suddenly became shining in his hands.

Xu Xia's eyes were like lightning, and he waved them crazily. He regarded the bat hovering above his head as a dish to be processed. As long as he got close to him, there was no doubt that he would be broken into pieces by the sharp blade of the hatchet immediately!
Above his head, a rain of blood fell. Xu Xia stood motionless, just standing there. He was like a tireless machine, cutting crazily, and bats fell from the air one after another.

I don't know if those bats were attracted by the smell of blood, instead of retreating, they rushed towards Xu Xia even more crazily.

Gradually, Xu Xia also became a little tired. Swinging the knife like this consumes his physical energy very quickly.

But he had to grit his teeth and persevere, otherwise, once he was approached by countless bats, the consequences would be serious, and he might lose his life here.

The scene was quite quiet, except for the sound of swinging the knife, the sound of the knife cutting, and the unique "sizzling" sound made by the bat, it was a strange silence.

Even Xu Xia didn't know how long it took, just when he was about to be exhausted, the black shadow covering the bright moon in the sky finally disappeared.

Xu Xia took a heavy breath, sat down on the ground, and breathed in the air full of blood, and his clothes were already soaked in the blood and sweat of bats.

After resting for a while, Xu Xia pushed away the bat corpse on the ground with her feet, walked to a relatively clean place, sat down again, and continued to rest for a while. She really had no strength left.

There was a faint smile on Xu Xia's face, and this feeling of surviving after a catastrophe made him laugh out loud,
"Brothers, hahaha... I'm fine, nothing at all, wait for me to rest for a while, let's continue!"

(End of this chapter)

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