Chapter 338 Convinced!


Following the order of the fitness coach, the No. 20 people all rushed towards Xu Xia with an astonishing momentum.

If it were someone else standing in the middle, they would have been intimidated by this momentum.

But Xu Xia's expression was indifferent, standing with his legs casually, with one arm behind his back. He said that one hand must be only one hand!

Although there are many people on the fitness coach side, they are a small team formed temporarily after all. Don't expect any cooperation. It is already very good to be able to move forward and backward at the same time.

"Eat my punch!"

A man who was over 1.8 meters tall and full of fat yelled loudly, and suddenly raised his fist and threw it at Xu Xia's face.

Among other things, with his weight of more than two hundred catties, the fist he throws, once hit, there will be no good fruit!
However, the powerful and heavy punch was not enough in Xu Xia's eyes!
Soft and light, as if you haven't eaten.

This time, Xu Xia didn't retreat, but faced the opponent's fist, head-to-head!
Of course, Xu Xia was not going to use all his strength. It was just a "friendly" discussion. It would not be appropriate to beat someone too seriously.

All his actions today are for one purpose, to prove the name of traditional martial arts, to expose those charlatans who use the guise of traditional martial arts, and to distance themselves from them, not to hurt people.

Even so, the tall and strong fat man's arm was still numb from the shock of Xu Xia's fist. After the fist peak touched the fist peak, he suddenly retracted his arm, holding the fist in his other hand and screaming in pain.

And Xu Xia was just like a normal person, it seemed that what he hammered was the sea surface, and what the opponent hammered was iron.

The rest of the people were slightly shocked when they saw this. However, there was no chance for them to think at this time. The arrow was on the string and they had to shoot!
Behind Xu Xia, someone punched again.

Xu Xia seemed to have a pair of eyes behind her back, seeing every move of the sneak attacker from behind, she tilted her head slightly, avoiding it perfectly.

Then, I saw Xu Xia's figure squatting again and squeezing together!

The man who sneaked over suddenly received a shoulder impact on his lower abdomen.

The whole person was directly pushed out by Xu Xia's strength.

The fitness coach's fist finally arrived, and he gritted his teeth fiercely. At this moment, he had already seen something unusual.

Those two strokes just now were definitely not capable of acting. It was tested, this Xu Xia has two brushes!

However, he didn't have the slightest timidity, he had to go!


The bulging muscles on the fitness trainer's arms bulged high, and he burst into a loud cry.

Xu Xia turned sideways, stretched out a finger, and aimed at the numbness of the opponent's wrist with great precision, that is, the position of the elbow.

For a moment, the fitness instructor felt a sharp numbness in his wrist, and his whole body felt bad. The arm he was punching in suddenly lost strength, as if it was not his own arm.

Xu Xia slammed his shoulder at the fitness coach again, hitting his chest covered with muscle bumps.

I saw the fitness instructor flying backwards with a short string kite.

This state lasted for about 2 minutes. There were twelve or three people lying down on the ground, all of them lost their combat effectiveness and could no longer stand up.

Those "volunteers" who were okay for the time being kept a distance of two or three meters from Xu Xia, looking tentative, with incredible shock in their eyes, but no one dared to take a step forward.

Xu Xia still stood at the original place without moving his footsteps. He looked at the crowd and said with a smile:

"Don't be afraid. Don't worry. I'm careful with my actions. I'll only injure your soft tissue at most. You can recover by applying some safflower oil in a few days."

Those people looked at each other nervously, still no one dared to step forward easily, what a joke, they would be beaten if they stepped forward, they are not even amateur players, how could they go all out with Xu Xia without being afraid of getting hurt? Hit.

Finally, someone said:

"I won't play anymore, I won't play anymore. If I can't beat you, I'll give up!"

The first person to speak immediately has a following.

"I also admit defeat, I can't beat you."

"I admit defeat, you are too fierce, there are so many of us, it is not enough for you to fight."

"I'm completely convinced. I took back my contempt for you before. It's because I'm blind. You are a master, a real master, different from those charlatans like Master Ma."

"I also apologize to you, we misunderstood you!"

"Xu Xia, you are amazing! You won!"


Anyway, there is no shame in admitting defeat, there is nothing to hide, and the few people are aboveboard.

Seeing that they all said that, Xu Xia was naturally happy to see the result, saving a little trouble, and the most important thing is, now no one will say that he is acting.

There are so many wounded lying on the ground, they are all witnesses!

Of course, there must be people who are blind, but Xu Xia won't care. To put it bluntly, not everyone will like it even if it is a soft coin. After all, some people think that the ink on foreign banknotes is more fragrant.

It's enough to make most people think that's the case.

"Uncle Feng, please arrange for a few more ambulances to come over and send them all to the county doctor for examination. I took the initiative to control the strength, but just in case, don't leave them with any problems.

By the way, the medical expenses are on my head, and I will settle them when the time comes. "

Xu Xia turned to look at Feng Shi'ao. Today, this classmate Feng who wanted to be his father-in-law was not absent.

Before and after, Feng Shi'ao's heart was always hanging, Xu Xia was his future good son-in-law, but seeing that Li Mingxiang's niece Shen Wanling was also here, he didn't show too much concern for Xu Xia.

After all, his daughter, Feng Xiaomo, is outstanding. After all, she is still in school and has not taken the lead, so she has to be more stable.

"Don't worry, I've called in advance to make arrangements, and I should wait a few minutes before the ambulance will arrive."

Xu Xia nodded, walked up to the fitness coach, and asked with a smile:

"I wonder if you still think I'm acting?"

The fitness trainer was in pain all over and shook his head. Although his face was ugly, it was also a convincing expression. He said very depressed:
"Convinced, are you still human? Even if Mr. Chen Zhen is reborn, he is not as powerful as you!
In addition, you are a real martial arts master, not the same as Master Ma's stuff! "

Xu Xia patted his shoulder for fear, and said with a faint smile:

"Actually, I'm very happy that you can stand up, it's hard work!"

At this moment, the fitness coach just felt ashamed, stepped on the horse, found faults and made mistakes, was beaten up, and said that he had worked hard and covered his face.

(End of this chapter)

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