Live broadcast: My leisurely life in the mountain village

Chapter 290 Brother Xia Really Has Vision

Chapter 290 Brother Xia Really Has Vision
“This one, this one, and that one, those two pairs of pants there look good too.

Hey, the trendy brand also has Rimba trousers, Brother Xia must be very sexy wearing it, let's pack ten pairs of large sizes..."

Feng Xiaomo scolded Fang Qiu in the trendy men's clothing store, and didn't give Xu Xia a chance to speak at all, but within a few minutes, he had already selected seven or eight sets of clothes.

The consumption level in the county is not high, and this trendy brand store is not a big brand, but the clothes here are not cheap, and these things are estimated to cost several thousand.

Xu Xia is a bit speechless. Although he is not short of money now, but because his thinking has not changed to some extent, he still thinks that clothes and other things can be worn. For his appearance, even if he wears street clothes, in fact, to him, it is no different from wearing any brand-name clothes, and he doesn't care about it.

"Enough, enough, Xiao Mo, it's too much."

Seeing that Feng Xiaomo was still sweeping wildly, Xu Xia hurriedly stopped him.

Feng Xiaomo smiled sweetly and said:
"Brother Xia, I have money, don't worry."

Xu Xiahan, he is not worried about money, but really inappropriate.

However, Xu Xia's resistance had no effect. In the end, a total of thirteen sets were selected, a total of thirteen sets!
Moreover, Xu Xia rushed to give the money, but Feng Xiaomo solemnly refused:
"Brother Xia, let's talk about it first, I invite you, don't be polite to me, I have this little money!"

While talking, Feng Xiaomo took out a bank card and lavishly swiped the card to pay.

Even the young lady at the cashier was stunned, her eyes glanced back and forth at Xu Xia and Feng Xiaomo, she was very curious, and at the same time she looked down on Xu Xia, a big man actually used the little girl's money, and the little girl didn't pay for it. He's just a middle school student, so fortunately he has a pretty face.

Apart from sighing secretly, Xu Xia had no choice but to hang these large and small bags of clothes on her body.

I've heard that when I accompany girls to buy clothes, boys usually become walking human-shaped clothes hangers, with all kinds of pockets hanging all over their bodies, but those clothes are for girls. Like Xu Xia, they are all hung with His own clothes are probably rare.

Feng Xiaomo looked at his masterpiece, nodded very satisfied, and felt a sense of accomplishment, but he couldn't go shopping with Xu Xia's arm anymore.

However, Xu Xia also put on brand new clothes with a sound, and her handsomeness improved a bit again, Feng Xiaomo went straight into a nympho.

Just now when Xu Xia was changing clothes in the fitting room, she even took a peek. It wasn't a six-pack abs, but an eight-pack!It's eight yuan!If it weren't for this being a public place, she would have cried out excitedly.

The body of my dreams!

She pondered for a while, then rolled her eyes and said:

"Brother Xia, let's find a place to put these clothes down, otherwise it will be too inconvenient.

How about we go home first, and you don't leave tonight, just stay at my house? "

Xu Xia took a deep breath, and made up her mind that she could no longer be so passive, otherwise she would be confused if Feng Xiaomo sold her out.

He quickly shook his head and said:

"No, it's quite close to the county hospital of traditional Chinese medicine. I park my car there, just put it in the car."

As for going to Feng Xiaomo's house again, Xu Xia didn't have the courage, let alone live in her house.

With Feng Xiaomo's current behavior, he has no doubt that Feng Xiaomo will secretly open his door with a key in the middle of the night, and then sneak into his bed.

The blessing of Qi people is a good thing, but Xu Xia can't enjoy it.

"Oh, that's fine, then let's put these things down first, and then continue shopping."

Feng Xiaomo nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, but he didn't expect Xu Xia to drive any good cars, so he didn't ask this question.

The two walked on the street, Xu Xia didn't take the initiative to talk, and Feng Xiaomo was also quiet for a while. Under the blowing night wind, Feng Xiaomo's excitement gradually subsided a lot, recalling what he did just now Things, are you being too proactive?
But, she really saw Xu Xia right.

And Xu Xia's attitude towards her was lukewarm, probably because of her Sadako makeup before.

upset!I'm so annoyed, I regret it.

Not long after, the two walked to the parking lot of the County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

At some point, a broken van parked next to Xu Xia's God of War GTR, even the iron sheet on the outside was rusted and rotten.

Feng Xiaomo instinctively thought that the broken van was Xu Xia's car, but she didn't feel disgusted at all. She had heard about Xu Xia's situation from Li Xiuru, but it didn't matter, Xu Xia didn't have one, she Home has it!

"Brother Xia, this car looks pretty good, I haven't been in this kind of car before, and the space looks so big, even if I buy three or five more clothes, I can still fit it.

Why don't you take me for a ride later.

Although the car my dad drives looks okay, it's not practical at all, and it can't be loaded at all. It's better to use a van. Brother Xia is really discerning. "

Feng Xiaomo looked away from the broken van, and looked at Xu Xia with a sweet smile.

Xu Xia stared at Feng Xiaomo strangely, what's the matter?
When did my car become a piece of broken bread?

This is a misunderstanding of Feng Xiaomo, but what Feng Xiaomo said was quite acceptable to him, even a little unexpected.

Compared with those two idiots He Lu and Gong Hao, it's obvious.

Just one question, does he look like a poor guy?It hurts a bit.

"Xiao Mo, this car is not mine."

Xu Xia can't really open the door of Broken Bread's car, he doesn't have a car key either.

"Ah! It's not yours, so where is your car?"

Feng Xiaomo looked around. Although the super expensive God of War GTR was in front of her eyes, her eyes just passed by without stopping at all. She didn't think about unrealistic things.

Even, Feng Xiaomo's eyes were still searching for the shadow of the battery car.

"Which car is it?"

Feng Xiaomo searched around, but couldn't find a car that matched the possibility in his mind, so he had to ask.

Xu Xia took out the car keys and pressed the unlock button. The lights of the God of War GTR flashed twice and made a "jiji" sound.

Feng Xiaomo suddenly covered his mouth and exclaimed in amazement:
"This car is yours?!"

Xu Xia nodded,

While speaking, he skillfully opened the rear door and put all the big and small bags he was carrying inside.

"Is it really your car?"

Feng Xiaomo still finds it unbelievable, because this is completely different from what she knows about Xu Xia, it doesn't mean anything else, she continued weakly:

(End of this chapter)

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