Live broadcast: My leisurely life in the mountain village

Chapter 277 The patient had an accident!

Chapter 277 The patient had an accident!

The reason why Xu Xia did this, and offered Xu Jin such a generous offer that he couldn't refuse, was also due to her own considerations.

For him, growing and selling vegetables, it is impossible for him to put too much thought on it all the time. He still has more things to do.

After Xu Jin gets familiar with things here, he will be able to be a hands-off shopkeeper.

And Xu Jin's shareholding in it can also make him do things for him eagerly.

Although the old saying goes, friends belong to friends, and interests belong to interests, but if the two can be combined, it will undoubtedly be a good thing for Xu Xia, or Xu Jin.

Of course, this has to be done on a premise. Lao Xu has extremely ulterior motives, so he can't even look down upon such a good treatment.

Xu Jin is a smart person. At first he rushed to Xu Xia's place to work and work. He didn't expect Xu Xia to say these words, which made him feel extremely unreal.

Xu Xia's light and light tone, and the original capital that he said casually, was 400 million. I couldn't imagine it. All the classmates thought Xu Xia was poor, but he was so rich, with a car of 200 million and a deposit of 400 million.

With this kind of net worth, in a small place like Hongcheng County, he can definitely be considered a small tycoon!

What's more, Xu Xia actually gave him so many shares and entrusted him to take care of all the work. The funds can be used at will. What a great trust this is.

At this time, Xu Jin was even more excited than when he got into his favorite Ares GTR car just now. His face was red, his heart was beating wildly, and there was nothing wrong with his hands.

Xu Xia looked at Xu Jin's appearance and smiled lightly. Even if Xu Jin hadn't given an answer, he already knew the result. Of course, Xu Jin had to say this kind of thing himself, otherwise the sense of ritual would be lost. , always feel almost something.

"Xu Xia, President Xu, Boss Xu, you, are you sure you're not joking, are you telling the truth?"

Xu Jin's eyes were red, and he confirmed it.

Xu Xia nodded lightly and said:
"Of course it is true, Lao Xu, I trust you, I hope you will not disappoint my trust in you, can you do it?"

Xu Jin nodded fiercely, like a chicken pecking at rice. To him, this was like a pie in the sky. If this level of trust failed Xu Xia, would he still be human!

Xu Jin gradually calmed down, and suddenly felt a heavy feeling on his shoulders. He didn't respond directly, but said hesitantly:

"Xu Xia, I... I don't even know what to say. I know exactly how capable I am, and I'm afraid that I will be sorry for your trust."

Xu Xia laughed, patted Xu Jin on the shoulder, then waved and said:
"Old Xu, I'm really afraid that you will agree to it outright. I'm glad you can say that, at least you are a responsible person.

Ability is not something everyone is born with. There is no so-called true genius in this world. Behind the glamorous surfaces we see, it is impossible to tell how much effort people have put in secretly.

Old Xu, how will you know if you don’t try? Do you think this is the reason?

Since I dare to entrust this matter to you, then you can definitely do it!Don't be afraid to make a mistake, just let go and do it!I'll back you up from behind. "

Hearing these words, Xu Jin was moved to tears. It's not that he has never been trusted by others, but that such a great trust is unprecedented. This kind of feeling is absolutely incomprehensible to outsiders. Only Xu Jin who is in the game Only when you enter, can you have the most real feeling.

Xu Jin nodded again and again, moved and firmly said:
"Xu Xia, thank you, thank you very much, I will regard it as my career, my life's career to do this well!"

"Success! With your words, I am relieved. In this way, you take some time to make a feasible plan, such as the price of the leased land, the area where the land is located, and subsequent recruitment and staffing, etc. .

Later, I will first transfer 100 million start-up capital to you. If there is not enough follow-up, I will add it to you.

By the way, the action must be quicker. The initial cost issue does not need to be controlled too low. Pull up the plate first. "

"I know what to do."


The two discussed for a while, and Xu Jin left Xu Xia's house in a hurry.

Xu Jin drove the old Accord and galloped on the country road back to the county, and his excited spirit gradually calmed down a lot. Thinking of the extra 100 million cash in his bank account, it was like a dream.


Three days later, that is Tuesday.

Xu Xia received a call from Feng Shi'ao from the County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

"Uncle Feng, what's the matter?"

Xu Xia didn't understand for a moment what Comrade Lao Feng wanted to do with him.

"Xu boy, you come to the county hospital of traditional Chinese medicine, it is very urgent."

Feng Shi'ao's tone was slightly dignified.

Xu Xia wondered:
"Oh, I'll start right away, and I'll be there in about half an hour.

Uncle Feng, please give me a rough idea of ​​what's going on. "

"Do you still remember the patient at the TCM doctor exchange meeting last time?"

"Remember, today seems to be Tuesday, and tomorrow will be Wednesday. He should have almost recovered. Why, what's wrong?"

Xu Xia asked.

The other end of the phone was silent for a while, and then Feng Shi'ao's gnashing voice came,
"I really didn't expect that bastard Zhao Luosong, who has no medical ethics at all, to actually attack a patient!"

"What? Shot, how did they make a shot? Didn't the person arrange to live in a hotel?"

“They were admitted to a hotel, but I don’t know where they learned the patient’s whereabouts.

Just this morning, the patient said that someone from our county hospital of traditional Chinese medicine gave him a pill, saying it was for the final physical recuperation.

The patient didn't think too much, and ate it directly. Unexpectedly, not long after eating, the patient's body relapsed.

Now the person has been sent back to the county hospital of traditional Chinese medicine. Fortunately, there is no danger of life, but it is impossible to recover tomorrow. "


"Uncle Feng, don't worry, I'll be there soon."

Xu Xia hung up the phone, the car lit up and sped out.

Not long after, Xu Xia arrived at the patient's bed and took the patient's pulse. As Feng Shi'ao said, the condition did relapse.

"Xiao Xu, how are you doing?"

Feng Shi'ao didn't have any airs, and asked eagerly.

Anyway, he will have nothing to do for a while, Xu Xia is the only one he can count on. He has bet his whole career in medicine, and it is false not to be in a hurry.

There was no seriousness on Xu Xia's face, and he let out a sigh of relief, and said with a smile:

"Uncle Feng, don't panic. This Zhao Luosong is quite conscientious. The amount of medicine he prescribes is not very large. We still have room for maneuver."

Feng Shi'ao was surprised,

Xu Xia nodded,
"It just takes a lot of work, Uncle Feng, it's the same as last time, help me prepare a set of silver needles, I will use the method of silver needles to clean up the toxins in the patient's body, and have a good rest tonight , and it will be back to normal tomorrow.”

(End of this chapter)

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