Chapter 27 "Wizard" One

Xu Xia chose the mobile phone based on the idea that cost-effectiveness is king. First, the battery is durable, and second, it can meet the needs of live broadcasting. These are almost two points.

Not long after, I picked out a suitable mobile phone and spent 690. By the way, I also applied for a mobile phone card with unlimited data, and I was very satisfied.

As soon as Xu Xia walked out of the door, he saw a police car parked not far away with its lights flashing. There was also a young man beside the policeman, who swept around with treacherous eyebrows. When he saw Xu Xia, his face showed surprise. He shouted at the top of his voice:

"Uncle policeman, he is the one who cheated me of my mobile phone with 200 yuan!"

Xu Xia was very familiar with this voice, and then was shocked, let me go, isn't this the crook in the cap who sold him a fruit phone for 200 yuan?

Call the police? !
Xu Xia was a little confused, obviously he was the liar, okay?

Naturally, Xu Xia would not hide, let alone run, but looked at the crook in the peaked cap with pity in his eyes. This guy's brain was probably caught by the door, otherwise he would never have made such a coquettish one-handed operation.

The policeman walked over quickly, showed his ID, looked at Xu Xia, and said seriously:
"Take out your ID card."

Xu Xia was very cooperative and handed over her ID card to the police.

"He said you lied to his cell phone, is there such a thing?"


Xu Xia shook her head, there is a chicken feather, he paid the money with one hand and delivered the goods with one hand, okay?

Without waiting for the police to continue questioning, the peaked cap liar said immediately:

"You are talking nonsense, Uncle Policeman, if you search him, my fruit phone must be on him!"

Xu Xia glanced at the man in the cap like an idiot, then took out the phone, shook it,
"You mean this?"

"Hmph, didn't you say you didn't lie to my phone? Then what did you take out?!"

The man in the peaked cap continued to snort coldly, as if Xu Xia could get his phone back from the moment he took it out, and Xu Xia would be arrested by the police, which made him feel good.

"What else do you have to say?"

When the police saw the stolen goods, their tone became a bit colder. Recently, more than a dozen cases of being cheated out of money to buy model phones suddenly appeared in the mobile phone street in Hongcheng County, but no one was caught, which gave them a headache. big.

And this sunny and handsome young boy in front of him is very likely to be the instigator of this case.

"Officer, I took out my mobile phone, but it doesn't mean that this mobile phone is his, I want to say that this mobile phone is my own, and I bought it back with real money.

I can't just listen to his empty teeth and think I'm a liar. "

What Xu Xia said was neither humble nor overbearing, and was methodical.

After hearing this, the police also felt that this was the reason, and immediately asked:
"This gentleman said you bought this mobile phone from him? Is that the case?"

Xu Xia nodded.

Hearing this, the crook in the peaked cap became anxious immediately, and said quickly:
"Hey, it's really gold and silver. I'll offer 200 yuan of real gold and silver. You can try selling it to me? How much do you have, how much do I want!

Uncle policeman, you must be the master for me. I bought this mobile phone after saving three months' wages. I usually use it carefully for fear of breaking it.

Unexpectedly, I was accidentally deceived by this kid. The place where he was deceived has not been monitored. Uncle policeman, he is a veteran at first glance, so don't let him go. "

"How do you explain that?"

The policeman's face was gloomy, and the peaked cap liar acted too vividly. People's empathy is often biased towards the weak.

Xu Xia was laughed out of anger, and then took out his "spare phone" from his pocket without haste, and said with a smile:

"Okay, you are not saying that there is no surveillance. Everyone is waiting for the truth. It just so happened that I recorded the transaction process of buying and selling mobile phones with this Mr. Peaked Hat, and I will show it to you.

I want everyone to see if I lied to him. Speaking of which, I am the victim of forced buying and selling. "

Hearing this, the crook in the peaked cap felt his heart skip a beat. He couldn't be so unlucky, he was even videotaped!This grandson is too shady!It even recorded!
Click on the video.

"Three thousand, two thousand, one thousand, five hundred, three hundred, two hundred..."

In the video, the crook in the peaked cap is pressing hard and forcing Xu Xia to buy it, and Xu Xia is quite embarrassed and spends 200 yuan to buy the phone.

As for the last step of changing the civet cat for the prince, it is not within the scope of the video.

When the video finished playing bit by bit, the man in the peaked cap felt cold.

"Comrade police, can I be cleared of suspicion now?"

Xu Xia said with a smile.

Before the policeman nodded and said yes, at this moment, a loud shout came from the crowd on the side of the road,
"Fuck, this is the model machine that this grandson sold me! He lied to me 700 yuan! Comrade policeman, don't let him get away!"

The peaked cap liar looked at the other party, his heart sank again, and he thought to himself that this person still remembers what happened yesterday.

"What's your situation?"

The police had already noticed that something was wrong, and while speaking, they locked their eyes firmly on the crook in the peaked cap. As long as he dared to make any escape movements, he would be subdued immediately.

"Comrade policeman, that's him. I was planning to buy a new mobile phone yesterday, but he pulled me and said that he would give me his mobile phone at a low price..."

The process was the same as what Xu Xia experienced. It was still the fruit phone, the difference was that one cost seven hundred and the other two hundred.One is a plastic model machine, and the other is a genuine "conscience" second-hand mobile phone.

It is completely clear what happened, probably when he lied to Xu Xia, he forgot to replace the real phone with a model one. The policeman thought, and at the same time took out the handcuffs and handcuffed them to the wrist of the liar in the peaked cap.

The cap liar knows he's cool when he feels a chill on his wrist.

Xu Xia said with a smile:

"It's only because of your IQ that you still come out as a liar, Comrade Police, if I have nothing to do with you, can you go?"

The policeman nodded, and let out a bad breath. Even they didn't expect that the serial fraud case on the mobile phone street would be solved in this way. I have to say that Xu Xia's words are very reasonable, and this IQ is still worth it. A liar is also a "genius". Of course, the police welcome all kinds of "geniuses" to throw themselves into the trap.

"Well, you can pass the video evidence to me just now, and then you can leave. Usually, the phone calls are normal. Maybe you need to come to the police station for assistance."

"No problem, it is the duty of every citizen to assist the police in handling cases."

Xu Xia's attitude was very correct, with a smile on his face, he added the police comrade's WeChat and sent the video.

After finishing these things, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening, and the country bus had already closed at this point, so I had to take a taxi home.

However, the taxis in Hongcheng County are a little different from those in big cities. The county seat is so big that a trip around the county seat can’t exceed the basic cost of a meter, so the meter on the taxi is just a decoration, and it’s all about money. , and still carpooling.

After Xu Xia got into the car, besides the driver, there were already three people in the car, one for the co-pilot and two for the back row. They were still wearing their arms, their hair was dyed in various colors, and they didn't look like any good birds.

(End of this chapter)

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