Chapter 194 Old Feng, be careful!

Pang Mu's move was too stupid. Xu Xia's move was obviously intended to make Feng Shi'ao out of the way, but after Pang Mu jumped out, Feng Shi'ao had no choice but to join in the bet with just one sentence. .

For young people like Xu Xia, even if they really give up practicing medicine as a last resort, they still have many options to choose from.

But Feng Shi'ao was different. He had devoted most of his life to Chinese medicine. Once he really lost, it would be equivalent to depriving him of everything.

Everyone looked at Feng Shi'ao, waiting for Feng Shi'ao's reply.

Pang Mu was secretly proud that he had finally managed to win the game!
No matter whether Feng Shi'ao agreed or not, they all won!
"Feng Shi'ao, give me an answer! Don't say you don't dare!"

Zhao Luosong's heart was dark, Pang Mu's brain is flexible, let's see what he does!
Xu Xia frowned, but she underestimated Pang Mu, and went so far as to magnify his tricks, and came up with a trick.

However, so what!
Since he dared to say that he could be cured within a week, it meant that he could certainly do it.

Of course, whether Comrade Feng Shiao should come down or not, he can't make the decision. After all, he has confidence, which doesn't mean that Feng Shi'ao also has confidence.

"What, doctor, can you see me first?"

The patient lying on the hospital bed has the urge to cry, what are you talking about? I am here for a consultation, okay? At first, I looked a little bit, but the style of painting became more and more wrong, and now it is almost completely drying him out. on the side.

Feng Shi'ao laughed, walked to the patient's side, and said with a smile:

"Don't worry, since my disciple just said that you will be cured within a week, then it will definitely be possible!"

After saying this, Feng Shi'ao glanced at the crowd again, and finally set his sights on Zhao Luosong and Pang Mu, and said in a cold voice with a slight expression on his face:

"What dare not agree! I agree! I hope that after the patient has fully recovered, you must eat more excitingly when you live broadcast eating Xiang!"

"Old Feng, did you agree too hastily, why don't you think again?"

"That's right, Old Feng, be careful, be careful!"

"We have spent our entire lives studying medicine on this. If we don't do this, what else can we do in the future!"

"Old Feng..."

The doctors present generally knew each other. Although they really wanted to watch the play, they were all shocked when they heard that Feng Shi'ao had bet his whole life's hard work.

If it were them, they would definitely not have that much courage.

Moreover, they didn't think that Feng Shi'ao and Xu Xia could cure the patient, let alone cured the patient in just one week.

Feng Shi'ao is looking for his own death!

Zhao Luosong laughed heartily and secretly cursed Feng Shi'ao for living such a long life as a dog. In fact, he was already ready to start the mocking mode after Feng Shi'ao refused. He never expected that... Dare to really agree.

This result is better than any ridicule!

"Feng Shi'ao, I admire your courage very much, so I'll just wait and see!"

Zhao Luosong had a bright but sinister smile on his face, as if he had never been so happy in his life.

It has to be said that the happiness of a narrow-minded person is so simple and unpretentious. As long as you see your opponent is about to be unlucky, that is happiness from the bottom of your heart.

As Dr. Pang Mupang, a senior Chinese medicine doctor next year, his gentle face has turned into a smile. The admiring look his mentor Zhao gave him just now made him feel like he was taking off.

"The patient's condition cannot be delayed, boy, let's start your performance! I hope it will be more exciting!"

Zhao Luosong cast his eyes on Xu Xia and said with gloating.

Xu Xia shrugged and said lightly:

"Then open your titanium alloy dog ​​eyes and see clearly!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Luosong was speechless once again, and the smile on his face stopped abruptly. If he was live broadcasting Chi Xiang now, he probably would have the same expression on his face.

The expressions of all the doctors present were very strange, and none of them spoke. The mouth of Lao Feng's disciple is really too weird!Quite invincible.

At this time, Feng Shiao walked out of the diagnosis room again.

Everyone looked at each other, what's going on?
Xu Xia smiled lightly and said:

"Don't be surprised, everyone. Instructor Feng went out to get some silver needles, and he will be back soon. Don't be impatient."

Then Xu Xia said to the patient:
"Please cooperate. Take off all your clothes and just wear a pair of pants. Don't be shy, there are no women here."

The patient didn't know why, but he nodded and took off his clothes completely according to Xu Xia's doctor's order.

A few minutes later, Feng Shiao came back holding a long box and handed it to Xu Xia.

At this time, Feng Shi'ao was actually quite uneasy. When he just said that he agreed to bet with Zhao Luosong, it felt really good.

But after calming down for a while, I felt guilty again. Can this kid Xu Xia really do it?They've only known each other for more than two hours, how could they give up their wealth and life to this kid!
Feng Shiao shook his head secretly, sighing in his heart that if he lost the bet...

The consequence of losing is really not something that Feng Shi'ao can bear. However, things have come to this point, riding a tiger is difficult, so I can only bite the bullet and be tough. I hope Xu Xia can be reliable.

"Old Feng, what's your situation? Are you really not going to do it yourself?"

"It's such a joke when it comes to your career!"

"Lao Feng, I think we should forget it. Lao Zhao, you are also classmates, there is no need to be so cruel."

"That's right, that's right, it's almost enough, it's a bit too big to play, no matter you win or lose, it's too big for you."

Seeing that Feng Shi'ao actually handed over the box with the words "Silver Needle" to Xu Xia, the doctors couldn't help trying to persuade him.

If Feng Shi'ao took action in person, they felt it would be more reliable, but Feng Shi'ao actually handed over such an important matter to a small disciple.

It's not that they look down on young people, but that young people are young people after all. Without time accumulation, how much achievements can they make!

There is no hair on the mouth, and the work is not firm. This saying has a long history!

They never believed in miracles. Even if there were, it was based on solid theoretical knowledge and the number of patients they had seen. It was a miracle, rather than a logical accumulation.

Zhao Luosong had a sneer on his face, Feng Shi'ao had gone back to living more and more, his heart was full of disdain, and he said flatly with his toes high and high:

"Feng Shi'ao, if you admit in front of me now that you are inferior to me and apologize to me, you will have to bow to me when you see me in the future. I can consider letting this bet go."

"I want him to bow to me!"

After seeing this, Pang Mu immediately pointed to Xu Xia and said,

"Also, he must apologize for the offense he just caused to me and Teacher Zhao!"

(End of this chapter)

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