Live broadcast: My leisurely life in the mountain village

Chapter 191 "Surgical" Methods of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Chapter 191 "Surgical" Methods of Traditional Chinese Medicine

At this time, Feng Shi'ao had already started to check the patient's condition, and Xu Xia stood quietly and listened.

A while later, Feng Shi'ao wanted the patient's diagnosis report and the previous medication situation.

"Doctor, can my disease be cured? I have been taking traditional Chinese medicine for three months, and now I feel like vomiting when I smell the traditional Chinese medicine. Hey, what kind of sin do you think I have done? Why did I get this disease? Such a disease!"

The patient sighed,

"Because of this disease, my life savings have been spent. If this continues, even if the disease is cured, how will I live in the future."

"Feng Shi'ao, how are you, have you understood the patient's condition?

If you don't understand, don't speak wild words! "

Zhao Luosong looked at Feng Shi'ao's contemplative expression, and couldn't help but sneered, obviously gloating.

If there is such a good treatment, there is no need to give him such a headache.

Feng Shi'ao is a relatively pure doctor. If he is sure, he is sure. If he is not sure, he will never say that he can do it just because of face.

According to the diagnosis report, Zhao Luosong has used almost all the methods, but they still have no effect. Although he thinks that his ability is better than Zhao Luosong, but his strength is limited. If he is allowed to treat patients, it will generally be like this Similar means, the difference in treatment effect will not be too big.

For patients, once the optimal treatment time is delayed, it may cost the patient's life.

Feng Shi'ao was about to shake his head to let the rest of the doctors come to see the patient's condition, but any doctor who can participate in today's Chinese medicine doctor exchange meeting must be led by a chief Chinese doctor at least to brainstorm and find the best treatment This is the greatest help to patients.

Just when Feng Shi'ao was about to speak, he thought that Xu Xia hadn't expressed his opinion yet. Maybe Xu Xia, who was born in Yeluzi, could have a different opinion. The advantage of the academic school is that it has a solid foundation, but there are also shortcomings Obviously, thinking is easy to be limited, and it is difficult to jump out of those rules.

Feng Shi'ao immediately looked at Xu Xia, handed out the diagnosis report in hand, and said with a smile:

"Xiao Xu, come and take a look."

Xu Xia nodded and took it, quickly scanned the contents of the diagnosis report, combined with Feng Shiao's previous inquiries about the patient, the dazzling array of traditional Chinese medicine knowledge in his mind quickly emerged in his mind, and was combined into one in a very short period of time. Set of prescriptions.

The most critical point in seeing a doctor and treating a person is to find out the cause and then prescribe the right medicine!Finally, the result of medicine to cure the disease is achieved!

A thick stack of diagnostic reports is enough to have a detailed understanding of the patient's physical condition.

Cause!Xu Xia found it!

solution!Xu Xia has it!
"Teacher Feng, please take a step to speak."

Xu Xia said to Feng Shi'ao with a smile.

Feng Shi'ao nodded. Although he didn't know why, he followed Xu Xia out of the diagnosis room.

Zhao Luosong watched the two go out, couldn't help but sneered and said:
"Hmph! I still don't believe it, what can I discuss if I go out for a trip! Pretending to be!"

"Mr. Zhao, they obviously didn't see anything. After all, we have used all the available treatments. Maybe we took this opportunity to run away now."

Pang Mu looked disdainful, and his heart was extremely upset with Xu Xia, saying that he was a hooligan one after another, and who was the hooligan?Are you blind?
Of course, Pang Mu dared not speak out these slanderous words, otherwise he would really be beaten.

"Run? Haha, if a monk can run, he can't run away from the temple. If he still wants to develop in the field of Chinese medicine, he has to come back and say he can't!"

Zhao Luosong sneered again and again, then looked at the rest who stood aside and said nothing, and continued:
"Dear colleagues, it's fine that Feng Shi'ao's master and apprentice are incapable, but we can't just sit and watch patients suffer from serious illnesses. On behalf of Rongdu Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, I would like to ask everyone to help us to have a consultation."

"Director Zhao, no problem, it should be, the main purpose of the TCM doctor exchange meeting is to help more patients get rid of the torment of the disease."

"How about we take a look together?"

"But the diagnosis report was taken away by Lao Feng and the others?"

The other doctors immediately spoke. In fact, they were itchy when they saw Feng Shi'ao helpless, but the patient was brought by Zhao Luosong, and since he didn't speak, they couldn't take the initiative to ask.

Moreover, difficult diseases are an irresistible challenge for them. Once they overcome the difficulties and make the patients recover, their reputation and status will be improved accordingly.


"Xiao Xu, you asked me to come out, but have you found a way to treat the sick?"

Feng Shiao felt that Xu Xia had called him out specifically for a reason, at least not to let him run away to escape.

Even if Xu Xia really said that, he would not run away. Doctors are not gods, so there is no way that any disease can be cured. If it can't be cured, it can only be said that the medical skills are insufficient, but it is not a shameful thing.

Xu Xia smiled lightly and said:

“If you just follow the conventional oral treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, the condition can be temporarily controlled at most, but once you stop taking the medicine, the condition will continue to worsen.

However, even primary school students know the truth that medicine is three-point poisonous. Not only that, but as patients continue to take medicine, corresponding drug resistance will develop in the patient's body.

If there is no accident, the patient's body already has drug resistance. If the drug is to continue to control the disease, the only way to increase the dosage of the drug is to increase the dose, otherwise there is no way to control it.

But this is not a long-term solution, we must find another way. "

Feng Shiao nodded,
"That's right, that's why I didn't make a new diagnosis. Although the current treatment plan used by Zhao Luosong is very conservative, it is also a safe method.

Xiao Xu, what do you mean by finding something strange? "

Xu Xia smiled again, and immediately continued:

"Since we are looking for something new, it is natural to break the existing conservative treatment plan."

Before Xu Xia could finish speaking, Feng Shiao shook his head and interrupted:
"Xiao Xu, it's not that I don't support you in doing this, but you must not take risks without being sure. This involves a person's life and is not a child's play."

Xu Xia knew that Feng Shiao would say this. This is also the biggest common fault of academic doctors. Of course, it does not mean that this is wrong. Life should always be put first. There is nothing wrong with this.

However, he was absolutely sure of Xu Xia's treatment plan, and said with a smile:

"Traditional Chinese medicine is mainly internal, but there are also surgical methods."

Feng Shi'ao rolled his eyes, and suddenly his eyes lit up. Chinese medicine can be called "surgical" methods as well.
"You mean to use silver needles?"

However, after Feng Shiao said this, he shook his head involuntarily. It was too difficult and might not be effective.

(End of this chapter)

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