Live broadcast: My leisurely life in the mountain village

Chapter 184 Origin of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Chapter 184 Origin of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Hearing Xu Xia's consolation, Liu Tao couldn't help but feel the corners of his eyes twitch again. Brother Xia went to find his "auntie" and even came to comfort him. Just like when he was a child, he let him do everything, helped him, and was closer than his elder brother.

A big man, unable to control his emotions any longer, burst into tears.

Apart from his parents, Xu Xia is the only one who treats him the best in this world. The brotherhood has not changed since he was a child. With such a brother, Liu Tao feels that this life is worthwhile.

"Brother Xia, you are so kind to me."

Liu Tao cried and embraced Xu Xia.

Suddenly, Xu Xia's eyes were rounded, and he felt an irreversible chill all over his body. He jumped away quickly with his agility. Although the two brothers are good brothers, they are still brothers, and there is still a gap between brothers and friends.

Could it be that this guy was stimulated and caused problems with his sexual orientation?

Xu Xia quickly stopped and said:
"Stop! Talk about something!"

"Brother Xia, thank you."

Liu Tao paused, expressing his gratitude with a hug ceremony had no chance, and immediately bowed deeply to Xu Xia.

This scene made Xu Xia look confused, what is going to happen?

"Taozi, are you okay, how about I take you to the hospital?"

Xu Xia asked warily.

Liu Tao shook his head. Even though his eyes were still red, a smile appeared on his face again and he said solemnly:

"I'm fine, Brother Xia, believe me, we two brothers will surely live an enviable and happy life in the future."

Xu Xia felt a chill again, the happy life of the two brothers, the amount of information is a bit too much!

It seems that Liu Tao can't be allowed to live in the house anymore, he has to find a way to send him back. It would be too scary if he touched his bed in the middle of the night.

"Ahem, Taozi, you've been staying at my house for a few days, so it's not a big deal for you and Uncle Liu and Aunt Liu to be so sulky.

Moreover, I think, as children, we should take the initiative. Later, you can go buy some stewed vegetables, and make a pot of wine to drink with Uncle Liu.

What, think more when you talk, don't say anything, if you make the old man angry, don't blame me for not taking you in, you know? "

Xu Xia immediately changed the subject, determined not to continue on Liu Tao's topic of a happy life.

Otherwise, he was a little worried that he would not be able to resist kicking this thing out, it was too disgusting.

Liu Tao instinctively resisted going back and admitting his mistakes, but when he thought about how much Xu Xia had already done for his brother, it seemed that he was not understood by his family, and Xu Xia's contribution was nothing at all.

Liu Tao nodded firmly and said:

"Brother Xia, I know what to do. I'm going to buy braised vegetables."

Xu Xia secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and conveniently threw the car keys of the little prince Ao Tuo to Liu Tao.

"Usually, you can use this car for transportation. The Zhao Yazi in the city tastes good and the price is quite affordable."

"Brother Xia, I..."

Liu Tao was moved again, Brother Xia was too thoughtful and considerate.

Moreover, Xu Xia asked him to buy Zhao Yazi, "Duck", is Brother Xia laughing at himself?Sure enough, Brother Xia is not willing to go to the rich woman, hey!
"Okay, I still have something to do, so I won't talk nonsense with you."

After Xu Xia finished speaking, he turned around and walked out the door, roaring out in his GTR.

Liu Tao silently watched the supercar go away, then raised his head to look at the bright sun hanging in the sky. His hands clenched tightly into fists. Brother Xia went out again in broad daylight. As expected, he was probably going to accompany the rich woman.

It is said that women in their 50s and [-]s are like wolves and tigers. I don't know if Xia Ge's body can bear it.

Liu Tao's heart was indescribably sour.

Xu Xia drove the car at high speed on the road into the city. Naturally, she could not think of the mess in Liu Tao's heart, otherwise she would not rule out the possibility of vomiting blood due to anger.

Even if she is next to a rich woman, she is still a young lady with fair skin and fair appearance. Liu Tao underestimated his strength too much.

This person is limited by his own appearance.

The car parked in the parking lot of Hongcheng Hotel, and then went to Li Mingxiang's office. Comrade Li had been waiting for a long time.

Besides, there was another person in the office who looked about the same age as Lao Li.

"Xiao Xu is here, come, sit down."

Seeing Xu Xia coming, Li Mingxiang immediately got up and asked him to sit down, and then introduced:
"Old Feng, this is Xu Xia, he was the one who prescribed the last prescription.

How about it?Is it a talent?

Xiao Xu, this is the classmate I told you about, currently serving as the chief doctor of our county hospital of traditional Chinese medicine, Feng Shi'ao, Lao Feng, you can call him Uncle Feng. "

"Hello, Uncle Feng."

Xu Xia greeted politely.

Feng Shi'ao looked at Xu Xia carefully, he was a spirited guy, and he looked very handsome, but, as an old doctor of Chinese medicine for more than 20 years, looking at Xu Xia didn't feel a bit like his colleagues.

The profession of Chinese medicine is regarded as the quintessence of China. Its philosophy pursues a moderate attitude, but Xu Xia exudes a kind of vigor all over his body.

Of course, it doesn't mean that young people have bad vigor, but that they feel a little bad for the profession of Chinese medicine.

"Xiao Xu, I want to ask, are you a graduate of a Chinese medicine college, or do you have Chinese medicine knowledge taught by an expert at home, or do you have both?"

After Feng Shi'ao was silent for a while, he asked.

Xu Xia shook her head and said honestly:
"Uncle Feng, not at all. I majored in civil engineering in college, moving bricks."

"Old Feng, I told you everything, if you don't believe me, how about it, I didn't lie to you."

Li Mingxiang answered with a smile. Feng Shi'ao had asked him this question several times.

Feng Shi'ao nodded, and then asked again:
"The prescription you prescribed for Xiaoling last time, can you tell me how you prescribed it?

Don't get me wrong, I'm just curious, because the proportion of herbs in that prescription is very precise, even better than the one I prescribed myself.

Therefore, I am very puzzled, since you are not an academic Chinese medicine doctor, nor is it a family traditional Chinese medicine doctor..."

Feng Shiao didn't finish what he said, but Xu Xia understood the implication. This was indeed a problem. If he, the client, was not allowed to explain it in person, Feng Shiao would probably continue to be confused.

The mover moved out such a top-notch prescription, what is this!

Xu Xia has a big head. As an honest person, he naturally understands the truth of being honest, and has always taken honesty and trustworthiness as practical actions.

Hey, the credit for "Little Leisurely Manor" cannot be said.

Xu Xia looked at Feng Shi'ao sincerely, and said nonsense sincerely:
"I just bought a few books on Chinese medicine, such as Compendium of Materia Medica, Huangdi Neijing, Zhongzangjing, Qianjin Fang, etc. Sometimes I just read and play as a little book when I am idle.

As for how to treat dysmenorrhea in girls, it is also written above, it is very simple. "

(End of this chapter)

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