Chapter 146 The Heart of Love
Feng Shi'ao looked at Li Mingxiang for a while, then said with a faint smile:

"You old boy is here to make trouble today, okay, just to open your eyes, you think my chief physician license fell from the sky."

"Old Feng, I don't need to talk about the relationship between you and me. Anyway, I didn't mean that. I just wanted to see how capable the kid who prescribed the medicine for my niece is. Don't think about it."

Li Mingxiang quickly explained that although he knew Feng Shiao wouldn't take it to heart, he still wanted to speak beautifully.

Feng Shi'ao took Shen Wanling's pulse, asked about her daily routine, diet, etc., and gave a diagnosis.

"They're all minor problems, so don't worry too much about them. Almost all young girls these days have these problems, and they can recover after a good recuperation."

While speaking, Feng Shi'ao quickly wrote out a prescription on the prescription list,

"According to this prescription, take two sets of medicine, take one set of medicine for three days, and there will be no problem after a week.

But in the future, we still have to pay attention to the combination of work and rest. "

"Oh, thank you Uncle Feng."

Shen Wanting thanked her.

"Old Li, I have already prescribed the prescription here, shouldn't you also show me the prescription you mentioned?"

Feng Shiao said with a smile.

Before Li Mingxiang could speak, Shen Wanling had already taken out the prescription prescribed by Xu Xia from her bag. After comparing the two prescriptions, she found that many of the traditional Chinese medicines on them had the same name, and even the weight and grams were different. Not much.

However, there were still several Chinese medicines with different names, Shen Wanling couldn't understand, so she handed Xu Xia's prescription to Feng Shi'ao,

"Uncle Feng, this is it."

Feng Shi'ao, an absolute professional, held it in his hand and glanced at it for a while, and then he saw the difference. His face condensed slightly, and then showed surprise!

Then Feng Shiao showed a pensive look again, and muttered to himself some words that Li Mingxiang and Shen Wanling couldn't understand, they were some names of traditional Chinese medicines, and the medicinal effects of herbs.

"Old Feng, what's the situation, are you okay?"

Li Mingxiang looked anxious.

Shen Wanling also looked at it eagerly, but nothing, Feng Shi'ao didn't explain, she couldn't understand at all.

A few minutes later, Feng Shi'ao took a deep breath, and there seemed to be a different look in his eyes. He looked up at Li Mingxiang, and asked solemnly:

"Lao Li, are you sure this prescription was just prescribed by a 21-year-old young man?"

Li Mingxiang didn't know why, so he nodded and replied:
"Yeah, what, is there something wrong with this prescription? Was it prescribed randomly?"

It's not that Li Mingxiang doesn't want to believe Xu Xia, but that Xu Xia is really too young and versatile enough. After all, human energy is limited, so how can she still make any achievements in the complicated and complicated traditional Chinese medicine.

In contrast, in his heart, his old classmate is the authority.

Feng Shiao shook his head and said with emotion:
"It's not easy, the person who prescribed this prescription is not easy."

"Wait, old Feng, what do you mean by that?"

Li Mingxiang didn't understand.

"At a young age, his attainments in Chinese medicine are no worse than mine, or surpass me to a certain extent, at least from the perspective of this prescription.

When you are free, please help me make an appointment with this young man, I really want to meet him. "

Feng Shiao continued.

Li Mingxiang was stunned for a moment, Feng Shi'ao's words were completely beyond his expectations, he had thought that Xu Xia's prescription might be fine, but it definitely had nothing to do with proficiency, but Feng Shi'ao's evaluation was a bit too high!

"Old Feng, are you sure you didn't read the joke?"

"Do I look like I'm joking? If there is no accident, the other party is either a genius in a famous Chinese medicine school, or an ancient Chinese medicine family with inheritance. Otherwise, at the age of 21, it is impossible to do it right. The pharmacology of herbs is understood to such a high level.

You see, the two prescriptions both contain motherwort, but the dosage is different. Don't underestimate this difference, but after combining with other herbs, the medicinal effect of the boiled liquid will appear. Big difference...”

Feng Shi'ao talked for a while, looking at Li Mingxiang's bewildered expression, forget it, let's not talk, play the piano to Niu,
"In short, you just need to know that the person who prescribed this prescription is very powerful."


The appearance of Xu Xia appeared in Li Mingxiang's mind. This kid is quite powerful, but his power doesn't seem to have anything to do with traditional Chinese medicine.

And Feng Shi'ao's appearance didn't seem like he was joking, he was very serious and solemn.


Li Mingxiang confirmed again.

Feng Shiao shrugged and replied:
"I've been an old classmate for so many years, don't you know what kind of person I am? Why are you lying to me?!"

Then, Feng Shi'ao turned to Shen Wanling, pointed to the prescription prescribed by Xu Xia and said:

"Just take the medicine according to this prescription, and it will only have a better effect on your health than the prescription I prescribed."

"Uncle Feng, is this prescription really powerful?"

Shen Wanling asked.

Feng Shiao nodded and said:
"Very difficult.

Old Li, that's the deal, you help me make an appointment with the other party, it would be a pity not to meet such a young hero. "

Li Mingxiang was a little dazed. He was just trying to see what happened to the prescription Xu Xia prescribed, whether it was prescribed randomly. After all, this thing is to be eaten in the stomach, so you can't do it carelessly.

But the result was completely beyond his expectation. Even Feng Shi'ao, who has a chief physician's license, not only approved it very much, but even said that Xu Xia's prescription was better.

This brat Xu Xia can't hide anything, how many skills does he have that he hasn't seen?
"Appointment, okay, I've fixed the time, and I'll let you know."

Li Mingxiang replied mechanically.

"Old Li, you must take this matter to heart. This year, our Hongcheng County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine won the qualification to host the provincial Chinese Medicine Physician Exchange Conference. I will also apply for him a place to participate in the conference."

Feng Shi'ao became interested in talents and did not forget to add one sentence.

"I am very familiar with the young man who prescribed the prescription, so if I tell him, there should be no problem.

Old Feng, there's nothing else to do, so I won't delay you, let's go first. "

Li Mingxiang bid farewell, and left the County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine with Shen Wanling.

In the car, Shen Wanling was stunned. She still hasn't recovered from it. After all, it's too incredible.

"Xiaoling, you and Xu Xia are colleagues, right? Do you know what he majored in when he was in college? Did he major in Chinese medicine?"

Li Mingxiang asked.

Shen Wanling thought for a while and shook her head. She still remembered that in the resume that Xu Xia filled out at that time, in the column of university major, she studied civil engineering, and her first job was to move bricks on the construction site, and she also studied medicine. It has absolutely nothing to do with it.

(End of this chapter)

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