Chapter 35 Mr. Qin Refused 1
Qin Hongzhuang's internal illness, even if the secrecy work is done well, it is impossible that no news can be spread. At least in Jiangcheng, there are still a few families who can do this.

So, Mr. Qin doesn't believe that Ye Tianzhen can cure his granddaughter's illness, but wants to get closer.

Qin Hongzhuang fell silent when she heard what Grandpa said. Maybe she had thought about this too.

No one who grew up in a wealthy family is really a pure-minded person. Even though Qin Hongzhuang was well protected by her grandfather, her mind was still more mature than that of ordinary people, and not as innocent as she seemed on the surface.

But even after thinking about it, Qin Hongzhuang still wanted to give it a try. Even if Ye Tianzhen had other purposes, but this was related to her own life, how could Qin Hongzhuang not care?
That's why she came to find Grandpa and told the truth about it.

Even if Qin Hongzhuang didn't say anything, the other party would still know about it after a while.

Besides, if you really want to seek Ye Tian for medical treatment, among other things, you will need a lot of money, as Ye Tian said before.

It was exactly like this, Qin Hongzhuang felt that even if Ye Tian had other motives, maybe he just wanted money.If he can really cure his illness, the Qin family can still afford this amount of money.

"Grandpa, I've thought about this matter. What Ye Tian wants is probably money. I think I can try it." Qin Hongzhuang still said it.

Mr. Qin shook his head and said, "No, it's still hard to tell the other party's purpose clearly. This matter can't be rushed, let's look at it later."

As grandpa's favorite granddaughter, Qin Hongzhuang seldom asked for it, because even if she didn't say anything, grandpa had already prepared for many things, so Qin Hongzhuang had lived happily for so many years.

It can even be said that it is the same as the princess, if the stars in the sky can't be picked off, if I want it, grandpa will definitely find a way.

But at this moment, Grandpa refused.

This surprised Qin Hongzhuang, or rather surprised.

After all, this matter is not too much, just taking money for medical treatment, which can even be said to be a matter of course.

Even if you don't find Ye Tian, ​​it will cost you money if you find someone else.

Since Ye Tian has a way, if he just wants money, Qin Hongzhuang thinks there is nothing wrong with it.But now grandpa refuses.

"Grandpa, why, don't you want me to get better?"

Qin Hongzhuang looked at her grandfather, and only after she finished speaking did she feel that her words were a bit too much. Grandpa loves her so much, how could she not want her illness to recover?
"Grandpa, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that to you."

Mr. Qin waved his hand, he was not angry, and said with some emotion in his tone: "It's not Grandpa who stopped you from seeing a doctor.

, but the complexity in your body must be handled carefully, otherwise, I am afraid there will be trouble. "

"So, grandpa, you know that the poison in my body is Nanyang poison, not an illness?" Qin Hongzhuang asked quickly.

If this is the case, then Ye Tian is indeed very powerful, and he is right.

Mr. Qin shook his head and said, "No, I don't know either, I just feel that your illness is very strange, and I haven't thought about it yet.
It was because of poisoning. "

It was also like this that Old Master Qin didn't agree hastily. If he also knew that Qin Hongzhuang had been poisoned by Nanyang Gu, it meant that Ye Tian did have some skills, or that the people behind him had some skills.

After all, it is hard for Mr. Qin to trust such a young student in his ability.

Unless there are other people behind the other party.

That's why Mr. Qin didn't dare to agree easily, because he was worried that his granddaughter would be in danger.

When Qin Hongzhuang heard her grandfather's words, she felt a sense of loss in her heart.

"So even grandpa doesn't know how I got poisoned?"

If what Ye Tian said is true, then how did he get poisoned three years ago, wouldn't anyone know?
If even Grandpa didn't know, Qin Hongzhuang really didn't know what to do. Originally, she wanted to ask and tell Ye Tian about it when she really had no choice.

The other party might be able to detoxify himself.

But before that, Qin Hongzhuang planned to observe and observe first. After all, what grandpa said was right, and she didn't know Ye Tian well. What if the other party had other plans besides money?
Healing a disease is life-saving, but if Ye Tian has other plans, his own life may also be in danger.

Qin Hongzhuang thought very clearly.

The only thing I didn't expect was that even grandpa didn't know that he was poisoned.

Then it is even more impossible to know when you were poisoned.

In this way, even if Ye Tian was not a bad person, she really wanted to help her heal, but she couldn't help it.

Thinking of this, Qin Hongzhuang felt unspeakably uncomfortable.

And some more. Panic.

"That incident three years ago'..." Mr. Qin paused, and finally shook his head, "That incident involved too much, it's not for you and me to know."

Mr. Qin looked like he couldn't say anything.

Could it be that grandpa knew what happened three years ago, but he just didn't know how I got poisoned?
Then why didn't he tell me?Or are there other dangers.

Qin Hongzhuang really wanted to ask, but Grandpa didn't seem to have any plans to ask.

Qin Hongzhuang had no choice but to give up, but she was still a little worried about her poison.

According to Ye Tian, ​​he might not live long.

But Qin Hongzhuang felt curious, even though the Nanyang Gu poison was powerful, after so many years, the elimination of vitality in her body was a very slow process.

According to this situation, at least there is still a long time.

Why did Ye Tian say that he didn't live long to scare himself?
Qin Hongzhuang frowned.

She felt like she couldn't understand many things.

In the final analysis, it was because of distrust towards Ye Tian, ​​and because of distrust, Qin Hongzhuang couldn't believe what the other party said, at least he couldn't believe everything.

"Now I can only follow Ye Tian's prescription and take a medicinal bath in private to see if it will get better." Qin Hongzhuang told grandpa about it, and the other party didn't refuse any more, but said that the doctor would let the doctor Let's see if there is any harm in combining those medicines.

If not, Qin Hongzhuang will do it at will.

In fact, in the past, Old Master Qin would have said that if there were no disadvantages, there would be no need for Qin Hongzhuang to waste time, but he also understands that his granddaughter is not doing well because of internal diseases.

As long as there is no harm, even if it is a psychological comfort, I will not refuse it, so let me give my granddaughter some hope!

If he doesn't even give hope to his granddaughter, he is really worried that something will happen.

After all, for those who are sick, hope is precious to them.

Qin Hongzhuang was very happy when she heard this, and immediately went back to her room to call Jiang Churan.

The two of them felt that, to be on the safe side, it was better to go to Ye Tian again, soak in the medicine bath again, and then bring back the medicine dregs, so as not to make a mistake.

(End of this chapter)

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