Chapter 336 The Intention of the Mission

Chen Hua expressed his stance, and Qian Sen was dumbfounded.

What's happening here?
Obviously, Qian Sen knew Chen Hua very well. Since the other party said so, he would definitely do it!

For some people, integrity and commitment are more important than life and even dignity, and it just so happens that Chen Hua is such a person!
Since the other party said that he would obey Ye Tian's arrangements, he would definitely do so for this mission without any regrets.

"Qian Sen, what about you?"

Chen Hua asked directly.

In Chen Hua's view, Qian Sen was from the Jiangzhou Zhenzi Army and was brought here by himself. He had already expressed his stance, so Qian Sen, as his subordinate, naturally had to express his stance as well.

"I put the ugly words up front, you can disagree, but you have to think about the consequences, if this is the case, you will not be worthy of my all-out shot."

Chen Hua's words were a bit euphemistic, but Qian Sen was not a fool.

If he didn't agree, there would be danger, and Chen Hua wouldn't risk his life to save him.

Hearing this, Qian Sen's expression was extremely bitter. He was following Chen Hua. What the other party said made him feel a little chilled, but thinking of Ye Tian's unpredictable methods, he also understood Chen Hua's behavior.

If it were me, I'm afraid I would do the same.

The danger of the Gate of Outer Heaven is too unpredictable. With such a strong man, there is at least a little more hope of survival.

"I have no choice but to follow you." Qian Sen said slowly.

Chen Hua nodded, then looked at Ye Tiandao: "Ye Fenglin, there is no problem on my side, as for your side, how to deal with it is up to you!"

When Chen Hua said this, he wished that the three of Zhao Jun could refute. In this way, the six people would become two teams, and Ye Tian was still with them. Ye Tian got it to Jiangzhou Town Zijun.

With such a strong person around, Chen Hua didn't mind being inferior to him.

The strong are the cornerstone of everything.

Zhao Jun, Zhang Tong and Sun Qiang were unable to react. Why did things suddenly get out of control?
Especially Zhao Jun, it was a little difficult to accept.

Before entering the Gate of Heaven and Beyond this time, Zhang Yaonian made it clear that the command is his own!
In other words, he should be in command of the team this time, but now it is Ye Tian.

What made Zhao Jun feel ironic the most was that both he and Ye Tian belonged to the Zijun in Jiangcheng Town. Didn't he consider himself when the other party did this?
Zhao Jun looked at Ye Tian, ​​trying to see something in his eyes. Unfortunately, Ye Tian's eyes were as calm as water.

As if to get his command.

Suddenly, Zhao Jun's unconvinced heart became more and more obvious.

"Senior Brother Zhao, the person in charge this time is clearly you!" Zhang Tong said.

Sun Qiang nodded, and said in support: "Brother Zhao, why do you want you to hand over the command this time?"

Although Zhao Jun was angry in his heart, he didn't speak, but turned to look at Zhang Yaonian.

Zhang Yaonian shook his head and said, "I don't care about this matter, it's up to you how to make the decision, just rely on your heart."

Originally, Zhang Yaonian wanted to remind Zhao Jun that since it is a team, it is natural to make trade-offs. The so-called command power is only to enable the team to better complete the task.

Or let team members survive better.

But in the end, Zhang Yaonian still didn't say it out loud. The mission this time was to let Zhao Jun experience it. The other party's character was not ready. If he said so, it would lose the meaning of experience.

Instead of forcing Zhao Jun by himself, it is better to let the other party do what he wants to do with his own heart. Regardless of success or failure, if he does not die, then this time can be regarded as a growth.

If he died... Zhang Yaonian shook his head.

Who can guarantee that he will survive after entering this gate beyond the sky?

"Okay, then let's form a team of three, how about going together for now?"

After Zhao Jun finished speaking, both Zhang Tong and Sun Qiang were very excited and excited. After all, in their view, Zhao Jun was the future captain of the Jiangcheng Zijun, and they naturally wanted to support it.

As for Ye Tian?They are clearly newcomers who have just joined in. Even though they have good strength, they are very upset about being so strong against their own people.

Zhao Jun looked at Ye Tian. From the moment he met him, he felt that Ye Tian was extremely powerful, and he was destined to follow behind him. Even at the moment not long ago, he also thought that it might be good to give Ye Tian the command. .

But just now, when Chen Hua said such words, Zhao Jun felt unconvinced, even if he did not hesitate to turn the team into two small teams.

"Okay, I don't care, then as you wish, we will walk together for the time being until fate and opportunity appear. Also, when danger occurs, if there is trouble, I will not meddle in others' affairs."

Ye Tian's tone at this moment was extremely indifferent.

When Zhao Jun heard this, he suddenly felt a little regretful, but the words had already been spoken.

How can you go back on your word now?
"Okay!" Zhao Jun gritted his teeth.

Zhang Tong and Sun Qiang glanced at each other, their expressions were also not very good, but they didn't say anything, the matter has come to this point, there is no room for backing down!

When Chen Hua saw this scene, a disdainful smile appeared on his face.

"You are really three idiots. For the sake of the so-called command power, you gave up such a thigh as Ye Fenglin. Even if there are many good fortune and opportunities here, are you qualified to take it? You are really overwhelmed!"

But Qian Sen felt a little belated, and when he heard Ye Tian's words, a burst of cold sweat broke out unconsciously on his back. Thinking of it, if he hadn't listened to Chen Hua before, then... the consequences would be the same!

Thinking of this, Qian Sen felt a little more grateful.

"Okay, this is the task assembly point, you guys wait here, other people will come to gather in a while."

Zhang Yaonian left after speaking.

To be honest, Zhang Yaonian felt relieved and helpless about Zhao Jun's answer.

The good news is that for a genius like Ye Tian, ​​Zhao Jun finally dared to reject him head-on, but unfortunately, Zhao Jun had too little to think about. Rejecting Ye Tian head-on at a time like this is no different from courting death.

Don't say anything else, let's talk about the danger of the Gate of Outer Heaven, how long can the three of Zhao Jun live?
Everything can only depend on their good fortune and Ye Tian.

If Ye Tian is willing to help, then these three people may still be able to get out alive, otherwise, they will surely die!

"Ye Fenglin, it's your first time here, so I'm afraid it's not very clear. At this meeting point, we have to wait for other people to show up together, and then we will each receive our own tasks. At first, our respective tasks will not have any impact, but wait Later on, things will get complicated."

Chen Hua took the initiative to tell the situation in order to show his favor and express his position. He was not worried that Zhao Jun and the others would listen to it. Here, you can play tricks, but in the end it depends on your strength. In the face of strength, nothing is fart.

"According to what you mean, I seem to have thought that the early stage of this mission seems to allow each team to run in and accumulate strength. At the end, they will fight in their best or most fierce state to determine the winner of this mission. ,is that so?"

Chen Hua was instantly dumbfounded by Ye Tian's words.

"Ye Fenglin, have you ever entered the Gate of Outer Heaven before? Otherwise, how could you have guessed it all at once!"

Chen Hua looked at Ye Tian, ​​as if he had seen a ghost, how could there be such a person, who could guess the real intention just after listening to his simple introduction.

This thought made Chen Hua feel lucky again, he chose to stand by Ye Tian's side!

Otherwise, if you become an enemy, you really don’t even know how you will die. This kind of person is too scary.

(End of this chapter)

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