Chapter 332 Monster Beast Gerbil
Seeing that Ye Tian was a little moved, Chen Hua thought about it, and then persuaded him.

From the moment he lost to Ye Tian, ​​he regarded Ye Tian as a respectable opponent, and also felt that he could be a friend.

"Try it, anyway, I have nothing to lose, at most I will be snatched away by others."

The plan in Ye Tian's heart is just an idea, whether it can be realized or not depends on the specific situation.

"I advise you not to try this way. If you really get it, hand it over to the higher-ups, and they will give you some compensation."

Chen Hua opened his mouth and said, he himself is like this, the superiors gave him a good compensation, it was a weapon, a weapon he had never shown to anyone.

"Let's talk later."

Regarding Ye Tian's thoughts, the others feel a little ignorant, but they are also very envious. They don't even have the courage. After all, if they are snatched away, they will have nothing, and they might as well hand it over to the superiors to get compensation.

"Okay, it's almost time to start. Once you step out of here, no one will protect you anymore. Everything depends on yourself. Since we are a team, I hope you can help other teammates when you can."

Zhang Yaonian explained briefly, and then walked out of the tent.

Everyone's expressions were heavy, it was different from entering the Gate of Heaven, this time they were going to the task gathering place, after that it was really time to see the truth.

When Zhang Yaonian came out with his people, many people from the camp followed. The people here are considered old people. Every time people come here, they have seen this kind of scene, and it is not uncommon.

But every time, they would appear without saying anything, more like a farewell.

Because once many people step out, they will basically never come back alive. Occasionally, if they are lucky, they will not come back completely alive, or in other words, even if they come back alive, they will not be complete.

They have seen this kind of thing too many times.

"Remember, once you step out of here, you need to bear all the dangers yourself. I will not take action unless it is absolutely necessary. I will not accompany you when the mission is assembled. At that time, you will be I'll die, and I can't help you."

Zhang Yaonian's voice was full of grief and indignation.

This emotion also infects everyone behind him.

For the captain, it was very sad to see a team member die without being able to lend a helping hand.

But there is no way, if it is an ordinary development task, the stronger the staffing, the better, but this time it is a competition between several forces, if the town word army sends a captain, then other forces will definitely be accompanied by experts.

At that time, this competition will only become a fight between the strong, losing the meaning of training, and the personnel of both sides will suffer heavy losses.

This is not what they want to see.

This is also the case, so there is this model.

Zhang Yaonian led the six people to the edge of the camp.

At this time, a low roar like a roar of bells and giants came from the four corners of the camp, and amidst the surge of true energy, a white barrier appeared in front of everyone's eyes, and it was this barrier that protected the surroundings of the camp.

As the voice fell, a small opening appeared in the barrier, just enough to allow one person to go out, and everyone had to line up to go out one by one, Zhang Yaonian was in front, followed by Ye Tian.

After Zhang Yaonian went out, Ye Tian looked at the exit, and a gust of hurricane hit his face, which made his face hurt. Fortunately, his body is not weak, and he needs to use his true energy.

But this also shocked Ye Tian. Just a gust of wind outside is enough to make many warriors at the peak of Ming Jin unable to resist. It is conceivable how terrifying the real danger will be.

Ye Tian stepped out, followed by Chen Hua, Qian Sen, Zhao Jun, Zhang Tong, and a man named Sun Qiang.

Zhao Jun, Zhang Tong and Sun Qiang have the best relationship. To be precise, the relationship between the three began when they joined the Zhenzi Army together. Zhao Jun is their senior brother.

Feeling the hurricane outside, several people were very surprised. After all, anyone who has never been here would find such a reality unacceptable.

It's just a gust of wind!

"Let's go, you should feel the danger in this by now."

Zhang Yaonian didn't say too much. He didn't say these things from the very beginning when he was told to enter the Gate of Heaven and Earth. The reason is that there are some things that you may not believe if you tell them. You have to see them with your own eyes.

If it was before, he told a few people that the hurricane at the Gate of Outer Sky could have killed half of your lives if you were not careful. Even Ye Tian would think it was an exaggeration.

Sensing the real danger and Zhang Yaonian's words, everyone calmed down and their vigilance increased a lot. They looked around one after another, even if

The other party didn't say anything, but they also felt that it was not easy around here.

With a dangerous hurricane, are there no other dangers?
Chen Hua and Qian Sen, in particular, were almost in high spirits. The two of them had entered before, so they knew very well that the danger of the Gate of Outer Heaven could come at any time, and there was no chance for anyone to prepare for it.

They didn't even say much, and they didn't remind other people. From their point of view, this time has come. If other people haven't realized at all, they can only say that they deserve to die.

Otherwise, living is also a drag.

This is what Chen Hua thinks in his heart, he can not take the initiative to cause trouble for these people, but if these people are not up to date, then he can't blame him.

He died before the mission started, so it doesn't matter if he doesn't participate in the mission.

Zhang Yaonian walked in front. I don't know if it was the other party's imposing manner or what happened. In short, they walked more than half of the way to the mission assembly point. The whole journey was safe and free of danger. Except for the crazy and violent wind, there was nothing abnormal.

Everyone felt a little relieved when they saw this, even Chen Hua and Qian Sen felt relieved, they knew how difficult those troubles were, and although they didn't know why they didn't appear, they didn't have to worry anymore Yes, it's a good thing for them.

(End of this chapter)

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