Chapter 18

"Miraculous doctor Xiaoye, help me quickly. My child has been suffering from a cold, and taking medicine is useless. Is he bewitched?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? I think I just have a bad stomach. Doctor Xiaoye should help me take a look first!"

"No, I came first, show me!"

Since Ye Tian's medical skills spread, many people are waiting to see him. The price is not expensive, and he doesn't put on airs like big hospitals.

It's just that Ye Tian has a rule of only seeing + one patient a day, and he never sees anyone on weekdays, but today he finally saw them, and the big guys ran over.

Ye Tian looked at everyone, a little helpless, and pressed his hands.

"Everyone, don't worry, come one by one and line up, but everyone knows my rules, I only watch ten a day."

For Ye Tian, ​​seeing a doctor can only be regarded as a part of cultivating his mind, and it will not take too much time.

When everyone heard Ye Tian's words, they didn't dare to be presumptuous, and quickly lined up obediently. Even if there were already ten people, they still lined up, thinking that in case Ye Tian changed his mind.

The people on this street have average family conditions, and some people are reluctant to go to the hospital when they are sick.

Big hospitals don't talk about spending money, but just registering and so on will delay a lot of time. They all have to live, and time is money.

Especially many doctors in those big hospitals have a bad attitude to prescribe you what medicine is expensive, how can they afford it.

So they all want to see a doctor here at Ye Tian.

Looking at the scene of the medicine shop, Qin Hongzhuang and Jiang Churan were a little stunned.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they might think that Ye Tian was bragging, but it's impossible, these people came before, and they didn't notify each other before they came.

It was too late for Ye Tian to make arrangements.

Therefore, this incident can only prove that Ye Tian's medical skills are indeed good.

Seeing this, Jiang Churan murmured: "Unexpectedly, this guy really has two brushes."

The bodyguard was also dumbfounded, and he choked back what he said. He wanted to sneer, but everything in front of him proved that Ye Tian's medical skills were very good.

Even if others call him a miracle doctor, it is a bit exaggerated.

But at least it shows that Ye Tian's medical skills are indeed good.

"Sister Hongzhuang, shall we go there?" Jiang Churan didn't know what to do.


Qin Hongzhuang took a deep breath, if she didn't want to, she wouldn't have come here.

It's just that before I came, I had some plans to seek medical treatment urgently, but now, I have some expectations and hopes in my heart.

Ask the bodyguards to park the car, and then go there with Qin Hongzhuang and Jiang Churan.

Ye Tian, ​​who was seeing a doctor, saw Qin Hongzhuang coming over. He nodded without saying anything and continued to treat the old man in front of him.

"Old man, there is nothing serious about your body, but it needs to be recuperated. I will give you a prescription, take it on time every day, and see the effect after a month."

Hearing Ye Tian's words, the old man was taken aback for a moment, and then he said in disbelief: "Little genius doctor, really? I thought my health was going to die soon."

Ye Tian smiled and explained: "As you get older, you will have some physical problems, but they are all minor problems, just pay attention to recuperation."

Because he followed the way of Chinese medicine, Ye Tian didn't explain too much. Now that Xia Guo's Chinese medicine is declining, not to mention young people, even the old people in front of them may not understand it.

The old man didn't care too much, as long as his health was fine, and Ye Tian's medical skills were said to be good by those who had seen it before, so they were all at ease.

"Okay, thank you little genius doctor, if I go to the hospital, it must be thousands of dollars, where is the money!" the old man said with a bitter face.

Ye Tian nodded and did not make any further comments.

Everyone has the pressure of survival, no matter who they are, the doctors sitting in the consulting room seem to be relaxed, but in fact they are not much better.

Ye Tian will not judge them.


Ye Tian prescribed the medicine to the old man, collected the money, and continued to read the next one.

Qin Hongzhuang waited aside, but she didn't have any objections, after all, Ye Tian was busy, and she was also a latecomer.

But Jiang Churan was a little unhappy.

"Sister Hongzhuang, I think he did it on purpose!"

Jiang Churan didn't know why, she got angry when she saw Ye Tian, ​​and there was no reason.

Qin Hongzhuang said with a smile: "They are treating people, why is it on purpose? We came from behind, wait a minute."

Jiang Churan wanted to say something, but finally held back. After all, Qin Hongzhuang's illness had to be seen by Ye Tian, ​​but she was thinking that if Ye Tian couldn't see anything later, she would definitely not spare her.

"Miss, Miss Jiang is right. As a member of the Qin family, the other party is so rude. Do you want me to go up and ask those patients to go and let them come back to see you another day? Miss's business is important."

This bodyguard was arranged by the head of the Qin family, Qin Hongzhuang's grandfather.

She is loyal to the Qin family, and has heard about Qin Hongzhuang's illness, but she doesn't know much about it.


Qin Hongzhuang quickly stopped the bodyguard and said: "If you do this, you are really rude. If you offend Ye Tian, ​​we will return today without success."

Hearing this, the bodyguard stopped in his tracks.

I think what Qin Hongzhuang said makes sense, but I still feel very uncomfortable. Even if Ye Tian is treating people, when he sees them coming, he must at least say hello, please go in and have a cup of tea, but the three of them stand by and do nothing. What does wait mean?
But Qin Hongzhuang didn't speak, and he couldn't say anything even as a bodyguard.

While seeing a doctor, Ye Tian also heard the conversations of several people, but he didn't take it seriously.

I am a little Heavenly Venerable, let alone Qin Hongzhuang of the Qin family, it is Qin Hongzhuang's grandfather, so what if the head of the Qin family comes?
More than half an hour later, Ye Tian got up after seeing the last patient.

There was nothing serious about these people's health, he could tell the pulse as soon as he felt it, and then he took the medicine.

So in more than half an hour, ten patients finished watching.

"Everyone, I have seen ten patients today, come back tomorrow for the rest."

Many people in the queue felt very sorry when they heard these words, but they couldn't say anything. Ye Tian was a doctor, and he couldn't force him if he didn't want to see him.

Besides, the rules set by others came first, so it was hard for them to say anything.

"Ten patients have finished reading this?"

Jiang Churan was surprised, although he didn't want to wait, but Ye Tian's speed of seeing a doctor was simply too fast?
On average, it takes several minutes for one patient, including the time for taking medicine.

In such a short period of time, can you really take care of patients?
Especially Chinese medicine, which pays attention to observation, hearing and questioning. In the past few minutes, what can Ye Tian see?
Jiang Churan couldn't help expressing doubts about Ye Tian's medical skills again.

"It should be the disease of these people. It's not called a disease in the first place, so I saw it so quickly." The bodyguard said in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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