Chapter 95 The Hunt Begins

Fan Tianlei and the others found out about Li Erniu's falling asleep, but they laughed out loud, thinking that this kid had a rough heart.

Seeing how confident they were, Fan Tianlei made a decision, and gave orders without hesitation.

After figuring this matter out, Chen Hao decided to take the initiative and take them back to their lair.

And if those people go on like this, it will definitely not work, so he must find a way to get them together before proceeding with this matter.

After thinking it through, Chen Hao went to a driver after getting out of the car, but the driver gave him a box directly after seeing Chen Hao.

"This is your thing, take your thing, get out of here."

Chen Hao raised his eyebrows, he sat on the back seat and watched, and he snorted coldly after the arrogant look of the man in front of him.

But what the person in front didn't expect was that Chen Hao didn't leave, but sat in the car so arrogantly.

"What's the matter with you kid? Didn't you understand me when I asked you to leave?"

"Monitor, when you speak, it would be better to collect your breath.

Otherwise, it will attract the attention of others, and I will definitely leave, but not now. "

After Chen Hao said this, the man was taken aback for a moment, but before he could react, he felt a pain in his neck and passed out directly.

Chen Hao saw that the other person had passed out, he came to the driving seat without hesitation, drove the car and took the person in front of him to leave.

The situation on Chen Hao's side was not discovered by others, and they were watching other team members at this moment.

At this time, He Chenguang was eating skewers, and while eating, he was thinking about how to do this task, but when he was paying the money, he suddenly found that he had no money.

He felt bad, thinking that this time he was in a big trap.

After seeing He Chenguang's expression, the aunt who made the skewers spoke anxiously.

"Boy, please pay the money quickly. You don't want to eat the Overlord meal, do you?"

After hearing this, He Chenguang was even more nervous, he swallowed and said.

"Um...ah...Auntie, I didn't bring any money when I came out today, you..."

As he spoke, he glanced nervously at He Chenguang, thinking that he would solve the problem after he spoke well and pleaded, but what he didn't expect was that the other party's eyes widened immediately after hearing this.

"Why do you dare to come to eat without money? Is there a security guard, security guard, where is the security guard? This person eats the overlord's meal."

Without waiting for He Chenguang to react, the woman yelled. After the security guards patrolling not far away heard the scream, they rushed over.

He Chenguang was in a bad mood, thinking that this time it was a big game, he didn't expect to attract other people's attention.

Thinking of this, he started running without hesitation.

On the other side, after Wang Yanbing got out of the car, a man in black came up to him and motioned him to get in the car directly.

Wang Yanbing didn't refuse, and got into a taxi with the suitcase, but what he didn't know was that this taxi was also arranged by someone else, so after getting into the car, Wang Yanbing gave an address at will.

"Young man, are you a foreigner?"

After hearing this, Wang Yanbing was stunned. He did not deny it, nodded and did not continue to answer.

But what he didn't expect was that the man talked to himself for a long time, but finally said something.

"You are not from our city. You may not know it. When you come to other places, you must be on guard against the city people."

"What do you mean?"

Wang Yanbing looked nervously at the driver in front of him, and the driver stepped on the brakes half way through, and stopped on the spot.

And under Wang Yanbing's serious gaze, he actually took out a tomato-colored plasma and slapped it directly on his brain.

But that wasn't enough, he actually jumped out of the car, covering his head, and kept yelling about robbery.

"My brain!"

Wang Yanbing recited a sentence, he pulled the box and ran out without hesitation, but after running out.

But suddenly found that there were a lot of people chasing Wang Yanbing behind him, and he gritted his teeth angrily, thinking that if this goes on like this, he might be played to death.

On the other side, Li Erniu had no idea what was going on with them. After he woke up, he suddenly found that he had arrived at his destination.

He didn't forget the purpose of coming this time, so he kept looking at the people around him after he walked out of the station, but he couldn't find the person the chief said after searching for a long time.

Just when he was wondering, a man walked up to him with a password box, probably to attract his attention, and coughed.

Li Erniu didn't realize what happened at all, and smiled kindly after looking at the other party.

The soldier rolled his eyes speechlessly and thought, what kind of situation could make this guy come in and be selected together.

No matter what the man did, Li Erniu just ignored him. In desperation, he could only put the box directly at Li Erniu's feet and leave.

After seeing the man drop his box, Li Erniu hurriedly shouted.

"Brother, your box dropped, your box!"

It's okay if you don't shout, but if you shout, the person will run faster, and finally get into a car and disappear.

Li Erniu was confused when he saw the man running away, and thought to himself, why did the man run away?I just wanted to give him his box, so why did I run away?

His shouting attracted the attention of the patrolling people around, and the patrolling people asked after seeing Li Erniu's anxious expression.

"Is there anything I can help with?"

"Oh, it's like this, you guys came just in time, I met a man here just now, this man put down the box and left.

No matter how much I yelled at him just now, he didn't stop. If this person lost something, he would be in a hurry.

Quickly ask to see if any passengers have lost their things, and if you find that person, quickly give the box to them. "

After hearing Li Erniu's words, the people around him also understood what was going on, so the man said with a smile.

"Okay, but don't worry, just leave this matter to us.

But now we have to make a record with us, otherwise the owner will come over later, and it will be difficult for us to deal with it. "

Li Erniu didn't think much about it, thinking that such things were normal, so he came to the office with a few people without hesitation.

Those security guards didn't think much after seeing Li Erniu following in, thinking that he was just an ordinary passenger, and when they were chatting with you, they suddenly realized that something was wrong.

One of the security guards gave the other a look for them to open the box.

(End of this chapter)

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