Chapter 75
After speaking, he walked into the office, accompanied by Liu Xiaoshan and Deng Jiuguang of course.

Then, Shen Ge laughed after seeing this scene.

She didn't enter the office, but looked at the people beside her.

Especially after seeing Chen Hao, he was a little surprised. After looking at Chen Hao, he knew Chen Hao's identity.

"I order you, you go and find the military flag immediately, and it must be hung on the flagpole before tomorrow morning.

I won't leave today, I won't leave until you complete this task. "


Shen Ge's military rank is still higher than theirs, so after he issued the order, the few of them did not dare to be careless.

Although Shen Ge's personality is more playful, but sometimes he is very serious.

After seeing the importance of this matter, they did not hesitate to prepare a boat and wanted to go to sea to salvage it.

"I said, is your ship really good? Don't let it go bad for too long, and you won't be able to come back on the sea."

After hearing this, several of them were a little surprised, but Chen Hao was reminded after hearing this.

"You wait first."

After saying this, I saw that Chen Hao went out directly, and came to his dormitory, took a few sabers and boarded the boat again.

Seeing that Chen Hao was actually holding a saber, they were a little surprised.

He wondered what was going on, but Chen Hao didn't explain, but took Jiang Xiaoyu and Shen Ge onto the boat.

"Master, what are you doing? Why don't you let me go up and look for the military flag? Can't I also look for it?"

Seeing that Chen Hao didn't take him with him, Zhang Chong became anxious.

What surprised him was that after hearing this, Chen Hao spoke to him seriously.

"You look for it on the shore, and if we don't find it, then you keep looking on the shore until you find it.

And you remember, if something happens, you must notify the two masters as soon as possible, and let them be extremely careful. "

After hearing this, Zhang Chong was a little confused and didn't know what Chen Hao meant.

And he didn't explain much, because he still doesn't know what's going on, and if he said too much, he would definitely.

It attracted the attention of several of them, so Chen Hao took a few daggers and went directly to the sea just in case.

After the three of them boarded the boat and went to sea, Shen Ge next to him said doubtfully.

"Why are you holding a dagger? Aren't we just looking for the military flag? There is no danger, what are you doing with a dagger?"

After hearing this, Jiang Xiaoyu next to him also nodded, and he said in doubt.

"Yes, yes, monitor, why are you carrying a dagger? There is no danger for us to go to sea, so what are you doing with a dagger?
And we will go back in a while, and we don't have to spend the night outside, or what, why do we need to bring a dagger? "

Seeing the puzzled looks of the two, Chen Hao smiled and said after thinking about it.

"You two don't understand now, but we are now on the sea, and anything can happen, and have you forgotten?

There are sea snakes in this sea. If we accidentally touch a sea snake, we will be caught in a pot, so holding a dagger can still protect us.

Besides, if we encounter a hidden reef, or encounter aquatic plants and the like, they can also help us out of trouble, just in case. "

After learning of Chen Hao's explanation, the two of them suddenly realized, and they also admired Chen Hao in their hearts.

After they searched around the sea, they did not find Yingzi with the military flag, so Chen Hao said directly at this time.

"Okay, since we haven't found it, let's go back quickly.

Now there is a distance from the sea training ground. If I dare not go back, the yacht may run out of fuel. "

The two agreed, but when Jiang Xiaoyu was lighting up the yacht, it was really out of gas!
"No way, are we so handsome? Why are we so unlucky that we really have no oil?

And is your mouth open?

How did you say it was so unlucky, but it actually came true? "

Unbelievably, he got to the ignition position, but he didn't light the ignition for a long time, and finally he sat weakly on the boat.

Jiang Xiaoyu next to him was also a little embarrassed. He didn't expect Chen Hao to be right when he said this.

But at this time, the bad feeling in Chen Hao's heart became stronger and stronger, and he frowned and said directly.

"Old Yu, the two of us went into the water to push the boat. We must return to the island before dark, otherwise we may be in danger."

Although Jiang Xiaoyu didn't know what happened, but since Chen Hao said so, there must be something wrong, so he dived into the water without hesitation.

The two walked forward while pushing the boat, but after pushing for a few minutes, they suddenly found that they didn't need any strength in the water, and they didn't go far at all.

After seeing this scene, the pure and kind Shen Ge was a little anxious, so he said hastily.

"You two, don't push anymore. What to do when you run out of strength, and any danger may happen on the sea, you two, save your strength."

After hearing this, Chen Hao and Jiang Xiaoyu looked at each other, nodded, and agreed, so the two of them boarded the boat directly.

After the three of them floated on the boat for a while, they became more and more speechless.

Because they suddenly found that with the movement of the waves, they were getting farther and farther away from the island.

"I'm really speechless."



After Shen Ge finished speaking, they were all speechless.

Although she didn't say the following words, they understood what she meant.

To put it bluntly, she just didn't expect that she would be so unlucky to die today.

Originally, he wanted to play tricks on the two of them, but in the end he even got involved with himself.

"Okay, let's just stay here.

Although I am a little cold and tired, at least I am safe now.

I believe Master and the others will definitely come out to look for us after learning that the three of us have not gone back.

I guess it won't be long before we can go back. "

After Chen Haoyi said this, they nodded their heads, indeed they did agree with this meaning.

And if they couldn't go back at night, they would definitely know that something happened to the three of them, and they would definitely guess that they would come out to rescue them if they didn't swim back.

During this period, Shen Ge took out the phone number dialed by her mobile phone, only to find that there was no signal at their current location. After seeing this situation, she was even more speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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