Special Forces: Crazy!You call this a cook

Chapter 5 Is this a sharpshooter?

Chapter 5 Is this a sharpshooter?
In fully automatic mode, the rifle runs out of bullets in less than 1 minute.

After the gunshots fell, there was silence on the field.

Not only the soldiers from various units were stunned, but the soldiers who were competing were also stunned, forgetting to even shoot.

The reason why everyone was stunned was the target in front of Chen Hao.

There was only a bullet hole in the bull's-eye at the target, and just now everyone saw that in the fully automatic mode, Chen Hao hit the bull's-eye with his gun.

All bullets are fired from one hole.


After the silence, there was a cry from the cooking class.

Then came the four companies, and the whole Iron Fist group were shouting.

The soldiers of the other regiments all looked bewildered, chanting the three words impossible in their mouths.

In the shooting event, the winner of moving target shooting has appeared, and that is Chen Hao.

Others don't need to continue shooting at all, unless they are confident that they can shoot more accurately than Chen Hao in fully automatic mode.

"Look at what I said, I said Chen Hao can do it!"

Old Cui shouted excitedly.

The other members of the Iron Fist Group were also very excited, and at the same time looked at the members of the Second Group with provocative eyes.

"Impossible, you must be cheating!"

Li Sheng said unconvinced.

"Come on, you've played too much cs? Where did you get stuck in the real world?"

Conley scolded.

This sentence was heard clearly by Chen Hao, he thought to himself that he really cheated in the real world, the system is this super cheat.

"Continue to snipe, there will be a sniper competition next, I don't believe that the cooks of your Tekken regiment can even use sniper rifles!"

Li Sheng said.

Hearing this, the smiles on the faces of Kang Lei and Gong Jian disappeared instantly, and they looked at Lao Cui from the cooking class together.

The smile on Old Cui's face had also disappeared.

"Squad leader, we have never used a sniper rifle on Chen Hao."

"Yeah, where did our cooking class get the sniper rifle, so can this game still go on normally?"


"Ah this..."

Old Cui looked at Chen Hao at the side, and asked, "Xiao Chen, can you do it?"

"It works."

Chen Hao nodded.

There was still a sniper competition left in the shooting event, but it was already noon, and everyone started to eat.

Chen Hao didn't have time to eat, so he asked Lao Cui for a vacation, and hurriedly brought a book to read.

This book is called "Sniper Training Manual", and it is also a book within the army, used to train a sniper.

Fortunately, this book is all dry goods, so there are not many pages, and at Chen Hao's speed, it can be read quickly.

[Name: Chen Hao. 】

[Physical fitness: 20. 】

[Shooting level: 20. 】

[Other skills: none for now. 】

[Skills that have been extracted through reading: physical strengthening, elite shooter. 】

【Extracting skills: sniper skills. 】

Chen Hao quickly flipped through the "Sniper Training Manual" and read it all in about an hour.

It's only an hour, and Chen Hao will definitely not be able to remember the contents, but that doesn't matter, as long as the system can remember it.

[Name: Chen Hao. 】

[Physical fitness: 20. 】

[Shooting level: 30. 】

[Other skills: none for now. 】

[Skills that have been extracted through reading: body strengthening, elite shooter, sniper skills. 】

[Skill description: The host can master the use of all sniper rifles proficiently, and the accuracy is greatly improved. There is no need for observers to measure the distance and check the wind direction for the host. The host can complete the sniper operation by himself. 】

"very good."

Chen Hao closed the book, closed his eyes and thought about it for a while, and there was already a lot of knowledge about sniping in his mind.

Not only did he know how to use the [-]-style sniper rifle used for the competition, but he could also use it very well.


Lunch break is over.

The sniper competition in the shooting event begins immediately.

Due to Chen Hao's powerful ability displayed in the morning, this time he said he would use a sniper rifle, Gong Jian and Kang Lei let him play without any hesitation.

Regarding this matter, He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing had nothing to say.

The army is a place where strength is valued. As long as you show your strength and prove your ability, no one will be unconvinced.

The target in the sniper competition is 500 meters away.

In front of each shooting position, there is also an observer responsible for assisting sniper shooting.

All participating soldiers took their positions with sniper rifles, lying on the ground, opened the bracket, and adjusted the scope.

Chen Hao did this series of actions very skillfully, and the people watching were amazed.

"Old Cui, there are really enough talents in your cooking class, and there are still people who can use sniper rifles without training."

Gong Jian smiled.

"It doesn't have to be without training. There are also things like sniper rifles in the warehouse. It's not that there is no way for Chen Hao to learn."

Old Cui said.

"See how he does it, and see if he's as accurate as he was with a rifle."

Kang Lei stared at Chen Hao closely, paying close attention to the result of this match.

While everyone was watching, Chen Hao had already completed a series of pre-shooting preparatory tasks such as calibration, and then put his right eye on the scope and placed the crosshair on the target 500 meters away.

The moment Chen Hao's hand touched the gun, Chen Hao already knew the wind direction, target distance, and other shooting conditions.

At the same time, he also made adjustments.

All this does not require a side observer to do it.


The referee raised the starting pistol.


After giving an order, the observer next to the shooting position immediately began to check the current wind direction information.

This match is not only about marksmanship, but also the ability to cooperate between the two members of the sniper team.

If the observer and the sniper cannot cooperate, then no matter how strong the sniper is, it will be useless.

But for Chen Hao, it has nothing to do with observing his hands.

A shot went off.

"Chen Hao shot before the observer finished his work!"

He Chenguang exclaimed.

"This kid is so big."

Kang Lei frowned, very dissatisfied.

From everyone's point of view, Chen Hao was overconfident in his marksmanship because he won the first place in the moving target shooting competition before, so that he shot ahead of time without the help of observers.

However, it is not.

Chen Hao didn't ask for help, he just really didn't need the help of observers.

After the gunshot, the bullet flew for about seven seconds, and the straight trajectory from the beginning gradually became curved.

But in the end it hit a target 500 meters away.

At the red bull's-eye of the target, a spark shot out by the bullet is clearly visible!
"Surprisingly... unexpectedly hit?"

Kang Lei's expression changed from dissatisfaction to shock.

Others have the same expression.

Without the help of observers, the fire was fired ahead of time, and it hit a target 500 meters away. This is no longer a good word to describe.

It should be said...God!

(End of this chapter)

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