Chapter 27 Strange Maps
"Brother Chen Hao, is the place you mentioned just now the place where the two of us met the soldiers of the blue army? Is it the place where we climbed the tree?"

After seeing He Chenguang's unbelievable look, Chen Hao nodded.

"That's right, this is the location!"

Looking at He Chenguang's surprised expression, several people guessed that there must be an accident, otherwise they would not have this expression.

Sure enough, Chen Hao told what happened to the two of them.

"At the beginning of the exercise, our fourth company was caught off guard by the Blue Army, and you all know this.

After the two of us ran in a hurry, we came to this position.

At that time, the two of us also looked at this map, and I felt something was wrong.

But when he took it, he just focused on running away, and didn't realize what was going on.

But now it seems that the blue army has already ambushed there. "

After Chen Hao said this, Li Cong's face turned even darker.

If Chen Hao said so, wouldn't it mean that their Red Army had already been plotted against?

If this is the case, then they are really completely surrounded by the blue army, and even if they want to go out, it is impossible.

Wang Jie next to him was very anxious after hearing this, he scratched his head and said.

"Then what are you going to do? We have wolves in front and tigers in back, and it is impossible to stay in this position forever.

And we still have to go on a mission, so we can’t stay here forever, right? "

Seeing his anxious look, the few people around him didn't say anything more, the atmosphere was a bit dignified, and everyone's face was not very good-looking.

Seeing their irritated appearance, Chen Hao sighed helplessly, and said again.

"Actually, if we want to break through here, it is still possible. You may not have paid attention when you came here.

This position, where He Chenguang and I were being chased, was actually the weakest guard of the blue army, and it was also the closest to the blue camp. "

He pointed at the map and looked up at the serious faces of several people.

Sure enough, after hearing this, several people looked at the map in surprise.

But just after they saw the content on the map, their faces became ugly for a moment.

Li Cong exclaimed in disbelief.

"Are you kidding me? Don't you see it? There is a cliff on this map.

Not only is there a cliff, but there is also a swamp behind. Do you want us to cross the swamp and climb up the cliff again? ! "

After hearing this, several people were stunned, and then they quickly looked at the map. Sure enough, they saw the swamp Li Cong mentioned.

Chen Hao did not hide anything, nodded and said.

"Yes, that's what I mean, and it's the only way we can.

Don't you forget that the position we are in now is completely surrounded by the Blues.

We are now in the middle, if we go in other directions, then we will definitely not be caught by them, and the same exercise will be over.

Do you know why the guard soldiers over there are the weakest?
Just because there are swamps and cliffs there, that place is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Almost no one would think of using this method to get up.

Similarly, we can only use this loophole to reach the blue camp, otherwise we will never make it through. "

After he finished speaking, the faces of several people were a little serious. They gritted their teeth and wanted to say something, but in the end they couldn't make a decision because of their own concerns.

Several people fell silent for a while, and no one spoke again. After about 5 minutes, Wang Yanbing suddenly spoke.

"I know why you arranged this, but you have to understand one thing now, that is, we are not really at war now.

I believe that if we had a real war now, any of us here would choose the swamp.

Even if we drown directly in it, it is impossible for us to back down half a step.

But the problem is that now we are just an exercise. Although the blue army is our enemy now, in the final analysis, he is still our comrade-in-arms and our Huaguo army.

I believe that if everyone present here encounters a real war, no one will back down, but the question is that we are now losing our lives for an exercise, is it worth it? "

What Wang Yanbing said was straightforward, but it was also very reasonable. Several people around him also agreed, and Wang Jie said it.

"Yes, that's right, what Wang Yanbing said makes sense, and I quite agree with him.

Just like what he said, we are just an exercise now, even if we lose at most, it is just a game, and it is impossible for us to lose a piece of meat, let alone lose our life.

Besides, even if we lose the exercise this time, it is okay for us to take revenge after the next exercise.

But if we really go through the swamp, let alone revenge, we probably will lose our lives in it. "

After the few of them finished speaking, the scene fell into silence again, no one continued to say anything, and it was impossible for Chen Hao to continue to persuade.

This matter is placed on them, and the issues they consider are different, so the choices will certainly not be the same.

Chen Hao has his own ideas, and he knows that although the swamp behind is more dangerous, if they cross together, the danger is still not that great.

After Li Cong heard this, he frowned, gritted his teeth and said.

"Okay, I will fight with you today, isn't it just to lose my life? What's the big deal!
Besides, the day we joined the army, we knew that the exercise was a real war. If the real enemy is right in front of your eyes, wouldn't you be afraid to move on because of a broken swamp? "

After he finished speaking, Chen Hao on the side finally smiled with satisfaction, and He Chenguang on the side also said with a smile.

"Yes, that's right, we are all together, no matter what we do, we must act together.

Besides, as long as the few of us work together in the swamp, I believe we can get through it. I agree to cross the swamp. "

He Chenguang's words caused objections from several people, and Wang Yanbing said impatiently.

"I think you are crazy, you want to win and go crazy!

I have already told you that this time is just a drill, we really don't need to fight with our lives.

I can die in disaster relief, or in missions, but I just can't die in drills, it's not worth it at all! "

After he said this, he strode away from the spot, Li Erniu was also startled, and hurriedly chased him out.

(End of this chapter)

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